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Configuration details

Stefan Allius edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 11 revisions

Proxy configuration

TOML config file

TSUN cloud (for GEN3 inverter only)

keyword type mandatory/optional description
tsun.enabled bool mandatory false: no connection to TSUN cloud, no updates
true: normal proxy operation string mandatory The hostname or IP address of the TSUN server
tsun.port int
mandatory The network port of the TSUN servery
default: 5005

Solarman cloud (for GEN3PLUS inverter only)

keyword type mandatory/optional description
solarman.enabled bool mandatory false: no connection to TSUN cloud, no updates
true: normal proxy operation string mandatory The hostname or IP address of the TSUN server
solarman.port int
mandatory The network port of the TSUN servery
default: 10000

MQTT broker account

keyword type mandatory/optional description string mandatory The hostname or IP address of the MQTT broker
default: mqtt
mqtt.port int
mandatory The network port of the remote broker
default 1883
mqtt.user string mandatory The username to authenticate with
default: <empty>
mqtt.passwd string mandatory The password to authenticate with
default: <empty>

Home Assistant

keyword type mandatory/optional description
ha.auto_conf_prefix string mandatory MQTT prefix for subscribing for homeassistant status updates
ha.discovery_prefix string mandatory MQTT prefix for discovery topic
ha.entity_prefix string mandatory MQTT topic prefix for publishing inverter values
ha.proxy_node_id string mandatory MQTT node id, for the proxy_node_id
ha.proxy_unique_id string mandatory MQTT unique id, to identify a proxy instance

AT+ Command Filter (for GEN3PLUS inverter only)

keyword type mandatory/optional description
gen3plus.at_acl.tsun.allow string mandatory List of AT commands, which are allowed
gen3plus.at_acl.tsun.block string optional List of AT commands, which will be blocked
gen3plus.at_acl.mqtt.allow string mandatory List of AT commands, which are allowed
gen3plus.at_acl.mqtt.block string optional List of AT commands, which will be blocked

Docker build arguments

name description
environment dev or production;
for production we remove unused commands from the container to reduce the attack surface
SERVICE_NAME name of the proxy, must not be changed
VERSION version string build from the git tag during container build
LOG_LVL DEBUG, INFO, WARN, set in container build

Docker compose environment variables

name description
UID user id for the proxy
GID group id for the proxy
DNS1 defines which DNS server the proxy use
DNS2 defines a backup DNS server for the proxy
PROJECT_DIR common base path