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s-broda committed Sep 23, 2019
2 parents 173ecde + aa75ba3 commit 98c75a0
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Showing 20 changed files with 3,794 additions and 129 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .gitignore
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ jobs:
Pkg.instantiate();"ARCHModels")' #
- julia --project=docs/ docs/make.jl
- julia --depwarn=no --project=docs/ docs/make.jl
after_success: skip
31 changes: 27 additions & 4 deletions deps/build.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,28 @@
#using Retry
using DelimitedFiles
datadir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "src", "data")
if ~isdir(datadir)
download("", joinpath(datadir, "bollerslev_ghysels.txt"))
isdir(datadir) || mkdir(datadir)
@info "Downloading Bollerslev and Ghysels data..."
isfile(joinpath(datadir, "bollerslev_ghysels.txt")) || download("", joinpath(datadir, "bollerslev_ghysels.txt"))

# @info "Downloading stock data..."
# #"DOW" is excluded because it's listed too late
# tickers = ["AAPL", "IBM", "XOM", "KO", "MSFT", "INTC", "MRK", "PG", "VZ", "WBA", "V", "JNJ", "PFE", "CSCO", "TRV", "WMT", "MMM", "UTX", "UNH", "NKE", "HD", "BA", "AXP", "MCD", "CAT", "GS", "JPM", "CVX", "DIS"]
# alldata = zeros(2786, 29)
# for (j, ticker) in enumerate(tickers)
# @repeat 4 try
# @info "...$ticker"
# filename = joinpath(datadir, "$ticker.csv")
# isfile(joinpath(datadir, "$ticker.csv")) || download("$ticker/historical-prices/download?num_rows=100000000&range_days=100000000&startDate=03/19/2008&endDate=04/11/2019", filename)
# data = parse.(Float64, readdlm(joinpath(datadir, "$ticker.csv"), ',', String, skipstart=1)[:, 5])
# length(data) == 2786 || error("Download failed for $ticker.")
# alldata[:, j] .= data
# rm(filename)
# catch e
# @delay_retry if 1==1 end
# end
# end
# alldata = 100 * diff(log.(alldata), dims=1)
# open(joinpath(datadir, "dow29.csv"), "w") do io
# writedlm(io, alldata, ',')
# end
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/make.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ makedocs(modules=[ARCHModels],
pages = ["Home" => "",
"Univariate ARCH Models" => Any["", ""],
"Multivariate ARCH Models" => Any["", ""],
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -33,12 +33,6 @@ add ARCHModels

in the Pkg REPL mode (which is entered by pressing `]` at the prompt).

## Contents
Pages = ["", "", ""]
Depth = 2

## Acknowledgements

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No. 750559).
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Introduction

ARCH models naturally generalize to the multivariate setting. Consider a time series of daily asset returns $\{r_t\}_{t\in 1, \ldots, T}$, where now $r_t\in\mathbb{R}^d$. Similarly to the univariate case, the general model structure is

r_t=\mu_t+\Sigma_t^{1/2}z_t,\quad \mu_t\equiv\mathbb{E}[r_t\mid\mathcal{F}_{t-1}],\quad \Sigma_t\equiv\mathbb{E}[(r_t-\mu_t)(r_t-\mu_t)^\mathrm{T}]\mid\mathcal{F}_{t-1}].

A multivariate ARCH model specifies the conditional covariance matrix $\Sigma_t$ in terms of past returns, conditional (co)variances, and potentially other variables. The main challenge in multivariate ARCH modelling is the _curse of dimensionality_: allowing each of the $(d)(d+1)/2$ elements of $\Sigma_t$ to depend on the past returns of all $d$ other assets requires $O(d^4)$ parameters without imposing additional structure. Multivariate ARCH models differ in which structure they impose.

The following multivariate ARCH models are currently available in this package:

* The CCC model of [Bollerslev (1990)](
* The DCC model of [Engle (2002)](

These may be combined with different mean specifications as in the univariate case, and (in principle) with different specifications for the joint distribution of the $z_t$, although at present, only the multivariate standard normal is supported. Multivariate ARCH models are represented as instances of [`MultivariateARCHModel`](@ref), which like [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref) subtypes [`ARCHModel`](@ref).

# Type hierarchy
## [Covariance specifications](@id covspec)
Volatility specifications describe the evolution of $\Sigma_t$. They are modelled as subtypes of [`MultivariateVolatilitySpec`](@ref).

### CCC
The CCC (and DCC, see below) models are examples of _conditional correlation_ models. They decompose
$\Sigma_t$ as
\Sigma_t=D_t R_t D_t,
where $R_t$ is the conditional correlation matrix and $D_t$ is a diagonal matrix containing the volatilities of the individual assets, which are modelled as univariate ARCH processes. In the constant conditional correlation (CCC) model, $R_t=R$ is assumed constant. The model is typically, including here, estimated in a two-step procedure: first, univariate ARCH models are fitted to the $d$ asset returns, and then $R$ is estimated as the sample correlation matrix of the standardized residuals.

### DCC
The DCC model extends the CCC model by making the $R_t$ dynamic (hence the name, dynamic conditional correlation model). In particular,

R_{ij, t} = \frac{Q_{ij,t}}{\sqrt{Q_{ii,t}Q_{jj,t}}}, \
\[Q_{t} =(1-\theta _{1}-\theta _{2})\bar{Q}+\theta _{1}\epsilon
_{t-1}\epsilon _{t-1}^{\prime }+\theta _{2}Q_{t-1},
$\epsilon _{t}=D_{t}^{-1}a_{t}$, $Q_{t}=\mathrm{cov}%
(\epsilon _{t}|F_{t-1})$, and $\bar{Q}=\mathrm{cov}(\epsilon _{t})$.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
# Usage
15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions docs/src/ → docs/src/
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Introduction and type hierarchy
# Introduction
Consider a sample of daily asset returns ``\{r_t\}_{t\in\{1,\ldots,T\}}``. All models covered in this package share the same basic structure, in that they decompose the return into a conditional mean and a mean-zero innovation:
r_t=\mu_t+\sigma_tz_t,\quad \mu_t\equiv\mathbb{E}[r_t\mid\mathcal{F}_{t-1}],\quad \sigma_t^2\equiv\mathbb{E}[(r_t-\mu_t)^2\mid\mathcal{F}_{t-1}],
Expand All @@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ where ``z_t`` is identically and independently distributed according to some law

This package represents a univariate (G)ARCH model as an instance of [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref), which implements the interface of `StatisticalModel` from [`StatsBase`]( An instance of this type contains a vector of data (such as equity returns), and encapsulates information about the [volatility specification](@ref volaspec) (e.g., [GARCH](@ref) or [EGARCH](@ref)), the [mean specification](@ref meanspec) (e.g., whether an intercept is included), and the [error distribution](@ref Distributions).

# Type hierarchy
## [Volatility specifications](@id volaspec)
Volatility specifications describe the evolution of ``\sigma_t``. They are modelled as subtypes of [`VolatilitySpec`](@ref). There is one type for each class of (G)ARCH model, parameterized by the number(s) of lags (e.g., ``p``, ``q`` for a GARCH(p, q) model). For each volatility specification, the order of the parameters in the coefficient vector is such that all parameters pertaining to the first type parameter (``p``) appear before those pertaining to the second (``q``).
Volatility specifications describe the evolution of ``\sigma_t``. They are modelled as subtypes of [`UnivariateVolatilitySpec`](@ref). There is one type for each class of (G)ARCH model, parameterized by the number(s) of lags (e.g., ``p``, ``q`` for a GARCH(p, q) model). For each volatility specification, the order of the parameters in the coefficient vector is such that all parameters pertaining to the first type parameter (``p``) appear before those pertaining to the second (``q``).
### ARCH
With ``a_t\equiv r_t-\mu_t``, the ARCH(q) volatility specification, due to [Engle (1982)]( ), is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ julia> const MyStdT = Standardized{TDist};
julia> ARCHModels.startingvals(::Type{<:MyStdT}, data::Vector{T}) where T = T[3.]
## Working with UnivariateARCHModels
The constructor for [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref) takes two mandatory arguments: an instance of a subtype of [`VolatilitySpec`](@ref), and a vector of returns. The mean specification and error distribution can be changed via the keyword arguments `meanspec` and `dist`, which respectively default to `NoIntercept` and `StdNormal`.
The constructor for [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref) takes two mandatory arguments: an instance of a subtype of [`UnivariateVolatilitySpec`](@ref), and a vector of returns. The mean specification and error distribution can be changed via the keyword arguments `meanspec` and `dist`, which respectively default to `NoIntercept` and `StdNormal`.

For example, to construct a GARCH(1, 1) model with an intercept and ``t``-distributed errors, one would do
```jldoctest TYPES
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,3 +233,11 @@ julia> nobs(am)

Other useful methods include [`means`](@ref), [`volatilities`](@ref) and [`residuals`](@ref).

DocTestSetup = quote
using Random
DocTestFilters = r".*[0-9\.]"
15 changes: 4 additions & 11 deletions docs/src/ → docs/src/
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@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
DocTestSetup = quote
using Random
DocTestFilters = r".*[0-9\.]"
# Usage
We will be using the data from [Bollerslev and Ghysels (1986)](, available as the constant [`BG96`](@ref). The data consist of daily German mark/British pound exchange rates (1974 observations) and are often used in evaluating
implementations of (G)ARCH models (see, e.g., [Brooks (2001)]( We begin by convincing ourselves that the data exhibit ARCH effects; a quick and dirty way of doing this is to look at the sample autocorrelation function of the squared returns:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +74,7 @@ This returns an instance of [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref), as described in the s

The [`fit`](@ref) method supports a number of keyword arguments; the full signature is
fit(::Type{<:VolatilitySpec}, data::Vector; dist=StdNormal, meanspec=Intercept, algorithm=BFGS(), autodiff=:forward, kwargs...)
fit(::Type{<:UnivariateVolatilitySpec}, data::Vector; dist=StdNormal, meanspec=Intercept, algorithm=BFGS(), autodiff=:forward, kwargs...)

Their meaning is as follows:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,7 +134,7 @@ Distribution parameters:

An alternative approach to fitting a [`VolatilitySpec`](@ref) to `BG96` is to first construct
An alternative approach to fitting a [`UnivariateVolatilitySpec`](@ref) to `BG96` is to first construct
a [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref) containing the data, and then using [`fit!`](@ref) to modify it in place:

```jldoctest MANUAL
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,7 +224,7 @@ Volatility parameters:
## Model selection
The function [`selectmodel`](@ref) can be used for automatic model selection, based on an information crititerion. Given
a class of model (i.e., a subtype of [`VolatilitySpec`](@ref)), it will return a fitted [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref), with the lag length
a class of model (i.e., a subtype of [`UnivariateVolatilitySpec`](@ref)), it will return a fitted [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref), with the lag length
parameters (i.e., ``p`` and ``q`` in the case of [`GARCH`](@ref)) chosen to minimize the desired criterion. The [BIC]( is used by default.

Eg., the following selects the optimal (minimum AIC) EGARCH(o, p, q) model, where o, p, q < 2, assuming ``t`` distributed errors.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,7 +403,7 @@ Details:
By default, the number of lags is chosen as the maximum order of the volatility specification (e.g., ``\max(p, q)`` for a GARCH(p, q) model). Here, the test does not reject, indicating that a GARCH(1, 1) specification is sufficient for modelling the volatility clustering (a common finding).
## Simulation
To simulate from a [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref), use [`simulate`](@ref). You can either specify the [`VolatilitySpec`](@ref) (and optionally the distribution and mean specification) and desired number of observations, or pass an existing [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref). Use [`simulate!`](@ref) to modify the data in place. Example:
To simulate from a [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref), use [`simulate`](@ref). You can either specify the [`UnivariateVolatilitySpec`](@ref) (and optionally the distribution and mean specification) and desired number of observations, or pass an existing [`UnivariateARCHModel`](@ref). Use [`simulate!`](@ref) to modify the data in place. Example:
```jldoctest MANUAL
julia> am3 = simulate(GARCH{1, 1}([1., .9, .05]), 1000; warmup=500, meanspec=Intercept(5.), dist=StdT(3.))
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18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions src/ARCHModels.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#a simulated AM should probably contain a (zero) intercept, so that fit! is consistent with fit.
#the constructor for UnivariateARCHModel should make a copy of its args
#implement lrtest
#allow uninititalized constructors for VolatilitySpec, MeanSpec and StandardizedDistribution? If so, then be consistent with how they are defined
#allow uninititalized constructors for UnivariateVolatilitySpec, MeanSpec and StandardizedDistribution? If so, then be consistent with how they are defined
# (change for meanspec and dist ), document, and test. Also, NaN is prob. safer than undef.
#logconst needs to return the correct type
Expand All @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ using Roots
using LinearAlgebra
using DataStructures: CircularBuffer
using DelimitedFiles
using Statistics: cov

import Distributions: quantile
import Base: show, showerror, eltype
Expand All @@ -38,10 +39,12 @@ import HypothesisTests: HypothesisTest, testname, population_param_of_interest,
import StatsBase: StatisticalModel, stderror, loglikelihood, nobs, fit, fit!, confint, aic,
bic, aicc, dof, coef, coefnames, coeftable, CoefTable,
informationmatrix, islinear, score, vcov, residuals, predict
export ARCHModel, UnivariateARCHModel, VolatilitySpec, StandardizedDistribution, Standardized, MeanSpec,
export ARCHModel, UnivariateARCHModel, UnivariateVolatilitySpec, StandardizedDistribution, Standardized, MeanSpec,
simulate, simulate!, selectmodel, StdNormal, StdT, StdGED, Intercept, Regression,
NoIntercept, ARMA, AR, MA, BG96, volatilities, mean, quantile, VaRs, pvalue, means,
NoIntercept, ARMA, AR, MA, BG96, volatilities, mean, quantile, VaRs, pvalue, means, VolatilitySpec,
MultivariateVolatilitySpec, MultivariateStandardizedDistribution, MultivariateARCHModel, MultivariateStdNormal,
DOW29, DCC, CCC, covariances, correlations

Expand All @@ -52,14 +55,17 @@ include("univariatestandardizeddistributions.jl")
function __init__()
@require GLM = "38e38edf-8417-5370-95a0-9cbb8c7f171a" begin
using .GLM
import .StatsModels: TableRegressionModel
function fit(vs::Type{VS}, lm::TableRegressionModel{<:LinearModel}; kwargs...) where VS<:VolatilitySpec
function fit(vs::Type{VS}, lm::TableRegressionModel{<:LinearModel}; kwargs...) where VS<:UnivariateVolatilitySpec
fit(vs, response(lm.model); meanspec=Regression(modelmatrix(lm.model); coefnames=coefnames(lm)), kwargs...)
function fit(vs::Type{VS}, lm::LinearModel; kwargs...) where VS<:VolatilitySpec
function fit(vs::Type{VS}, lm::LinearModel; kwargs...) where VS<:UnivariateVolatilitySpec
fit(vs, response(lm); meanspec=Regression(modelmatrix(lm)), kwargs...)
Expand Down

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