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QKD Server

This package takes care of the s-fifteen QKD-based key generation business logic. It ties together the quantum channel and the classical channel and generates encryption keys ready for consumption.

Note that this library is still in beta: the devices used to communicate with QKD server are currently compatible with S-Fifteen timestamp cards, LCVR polarization controller, and single photon detectors.

Deployment instructions

  1. Prepare X.509 certificates and their corresponding keys for each QKD server deployment. These can be self-signed or issued by CA. Note that both certificates must be deployed on both ends for bidirectional authentication.

  2. Make a copy of the example configuration to S15qkd/configs/qkd_engine_config.local.json, and modify the environment variables as to align with the local deployment.

Key Format Usage
connections IGNORE For dynamic switching in multi-node QKD setups. No need to populate if no switching needed.
remote_connection_id User-defined string, optional Key ledgers in downstream KMLs are uni-directional. The lexical order of the connection IDs is used to coordinate the cycling of ledgers into which keys are populated. If not specified, key direction is not emitted by QKDServer.
local_connection_id User-defined string, optional See above.
target_hostname URI (IP address or URL) Points to the corresponding (remote) QKD server which this server communicates with.
remote_cert Path (absolute, or relative to S15qkd) X.509 certificate used by remote QKD server, for server authentication. Generated during Step 1.
local_cert Path X.509 certificate used by this (local) QKD server, for client authentication. Generated during Step 1.
local_key Path Private key corresponding to local certificate. Generated during Step 1.
identity User-defined string Name for QKD server, used solely for display in GUI.
local_detector_skew_correction Signed integers Timing corrections between detectors (mitigates timing side channel attacks), in units of 1/8 ns. Tied to readevents command line arguments.
do_polarization_compensation Boolean Enables polarization compensation. Polarization LCVR kit should be available. Only up to one side should have true set. Typically on high-count side (e.g. QKD node with source co-located).
LCR_polarization_compensator_path Path Points to polarization compensation driver board, typically /dev/serial/by-id/.... Typically on low-count side (remote QKD node).
  1. Run make generate-config to deploy the corresponding configuration.

  2. Run the server using make qkd.

    • Optionally, remove lines that redeploys local changes within the Docker container, see Makefile and (these are introduced to cut down redeployment time incurred from rebuilding Docker images). Optional.


The general design for QKD server (together with the underlying qcrypto stack) is illustrated below, current as of commit b2443f0: