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Ansible role to set up LTB Self Service Password application

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Self Service Password

This role installs the LTB Self Service Password web application.


Setting up and configuring a web server with support for PHP is beyond the scope of this role. This needs to be present and be configured to server the ssp_web_root directory.

Furthermore, this role does not handle client certificates. If the LDAP service requires this, a proxy service should be used to locally provide an unencrypted LDAP service.

Depending on the configuration, sending email may be required. In this case, the local sendmail command is used, which needs to be set up properly.

This role requires the community.general Ansible collection.

Role Variables

  • ssp_web_root
    The directory where LTB Self Service Password is installed. Mandatory.
  • ssp_web_server_group
    Group the web server is running as (or is a member of). Since the config file of Self Service Password may contain sensitive information, read access is restricted to this group. Mandatory.
  • ssp_version
    The version of LTB Self Service Password that should be installed. If not set, the latest released version is installed.
  • ssp_ldap_url
    A list of URLs of LDAP servers to work with. Later URLs are only used as a fallback if those listed earlier are down. Defaults to ldap://localhost.
  • ssp_ldap_starttls
    Whether to use STARTTLS when connecting to the LDAP servers. Defaults to true.
  • ssp_ldap_bind_dn
    Connect to the directory as this DN. This is used to retrieve information about user and for password resets. Ensure that the account has the appropriate privileges. If not set, an anonymous bind is attempted.
  • ssp_ldap_bind_password
    The password for ssp_ldap_bind_dn.
  • ssp_ldap_base
    The search base for user account. Optional.
  • ssp_ldap_filter
    A search filter that returns the user's account. The string {login} is replaced by the user's login name. The default is (&(objectClass=account)(uid={login})).
  • ssp_display_name_attribute
    The name of the attribute containing the user's display name. Defaults to cn.
  • ssp_mail_attribute
    The name of the attribute containing the user's email address. Defaults to mail.
  • ssp_mobile_attribute
    The name of the attribute containing the user's mobile phone number. Defaults to mobile.
  • ssp_sshkey_attribute
    The name of the attribute containing the user's public SSH key. Defaults to sshPublicKey.
  • ssp_ad_mode
    Set to true for compatibility with Microsoft Active Directory. Defaults to false.
  • ssp_samba_mode
    Set to true to update the sambaNTpassword and sambaPwdLastSet attributes on password changes. Defaults to false.
  • ssp_change_sshkey
    Enable support for changing SSH keys via Self Service Password. Defaults to false.
  • ssp_use_exop
    Whether to use the LDAP password change extended operation instead of just setting the password attribute. This allows for further password policy checks done by the LDAP server. Defaults to false.
  • ssp_hash_passwords
    Set to true to pass hashed passwords to the LDAP directory. Set to false to pass clear text passwords and let the directory handle hashing. The latter is required for a directory-side password policy to work. Defaults to false. Ignored if ssp_use_exop is true.
  • ssp_password_length
    Password minimal length requirement. Optional.
  • ssp_min_diff
    Minimum number of characters that need to be different from the old passwords. Defaults to 0;
  • ssp_password_complexity
    The number of character classes required for new passwords. Sensible values are 2, 3 or 4. Optional.
  • ssp_forbidden_words
    A list of words that may not be used in passwords. Optional.
  • ssp_forbidden_fields
    A list of LDAP fields on the user entry whose values may not be used in the password of the same user. Optional.
  • ssp_check_pwned
    Check passwords against publicly known password leaks using the API. For comparison, a part of the password's hash is sent to the API. Defaults to true.
  • ssp_notify_user
    If set to true, an email notification is sent to the users when their password or SSH key is changed. Defaults to false.
  • ssp_reset_email
    Whether to enable resetting passwords via email confirmation. Defaults to false.
  • ssp_reset_sms
    Whether to enable resetting passwords via SMS confirmation. Defaults to false.
  • ssp_reset_email_lifetime
    How long a reset link is valid for (in seconds). Defaults to one hour.
  • ssp_email_from
    The sender address for emails. Mandatory if ssp_reset_email or ssp_notify_user is true or if ssp_send_sms_method is mail, ignored otherwise.
  • ssp_email_name
    The sender display name for emails. Optional, Self Service Password's default is used if not set. Only used if ssp_reset_email or ssp_notify_user is true or if ssp_send_sms_method is mail.
  • ssp_send_sms_method
    The method of contacting the SMS sending provider. Either mail or api. Mandatory if ssp_reset_sms is true, ignored otherwise.
  • ssp_sms_mail_provider
    To send out an SMS, send an email to this address. The string {sms_attribute} will be replaced by the mobile number. Mandatory if ssp_send_sms_method is mail, ignored otherwise.
  • ssp_sms_mail_subject
    The subject of the email sent to the SMS provider. Only used if ssp_send_sms_method is mail.
  • ssp_sms_api
    Name of the SMS API provider as used in the file name in lib/sms-api-*.inc.php. Mandatory if ssp_send_sms_method is api, ignored otherwise.
  • ssp_sms_api_config
    A dictionary containing further configuration for the SMS API. Note that string values require additional quotes (for YAML and PHP). Usually mandatory if ssp_send_sms_method is api, ignored otherwise.
  • ssp_smarty_path
    As of version 1.4 LTB Self Service Password depends on Smarty. This role installs Smarty using the distributions package manager or by downloading the latest upstream release. In this case, this variable specifies the installation path for smarty. Defaults to /usr/local/share/php/smarty/. Ignored when installing a version of LTB Self Service Password older than 1.4 or when Smarty is known to be available from the target system's package manager.

Example Playbook

The following is a simple example playbook:

- hosts: servers
    - role: ssp
      become: true
      ssp_web_root: '/var/www'
      ssp_web_server_group: 'www-data'




Ansible role to set up LTB Self Service Password application







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