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Tip for Tat

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This app is designed with the intention to encourage diners to tip when at restaurant. The ultimate concept of this application is to incentivize diners by rewarding them for tips.

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Materialize, Express, Node, MySQL, Sequelize, Passport.

Featured Files

 # Front End
    # js
    currentTip.js, members.js, previoustips.js, signup.js
    # stylesheets
    calculator.css, style.css
    # HTML
    currentTip.html, login.html, members.html, previoiustip.html, signup.html

# Back End
    # routes
    api-routes.js, html-routes.js
    # models
    index.js, resturaunt.js, user.js, waiter.js
    schema.sql, seeds.sql
    config.js, config.json, passport.js
        # middleware