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Go-load is a distributed load testing tool that can create droplets on DigitalOcean in different countries(regions) and create tests, make requests to servers/websites/apis, and measure request times such as first byte time, tls-dns connection time and it can test-compare response times, headers, body.


Go-load only works on macosx or linux computers. In order to use go-load you must install terraform, and create an ssh key (ssh key must be on ~/.ssh/id_rsa) to be able to connect master instance and provide a digitalocean API key.


Go to digitalocean's API section, take an API key

 echo 'do_token = "your api key"' > ./infra/base/terraform.tfvars 
 echo 'do_token = "your api key"' > ./apigateway/infra/terraform.tfvars 


Go to go-load folder on shell and run the following command.

make up 

This command spins up instances(droplets), uploads all codes to the master instance, installs docker, builds images and deploy images on docker swarm. This step will take a few minutes (~30 min), especially in the build images section. When the installing step is finished, you can get the master instance's IP address (however, this is the address of the web interface) with the following command.

make ip

Go to the master instance with the following command.

ssh root@{master instance IP}

Run the following command to see the services' status.

watch docker service ls

Wait until all services replicated except go-load_worker. If go-load_web and go-load_apigateway services are up and healty, you can go to the web interface with http://{master instance IP}, When you go, you will see the sign-in page, you can pass to the sign-up page and create a user with an email and password (You can create only one user)


Create worker instances on the http://{master instance IP}/instances page. Then, go to /tests, create a test group, create a test and save the test group. Click the run button, this action makes requests and store the responses and measurement-comparing results. Go to the http://{master instance IP}/stats page, click the stats button of the test you created, and show the test results by clicking finished test button founds on the Finished Tests side.


Go to the http://{master instance IP}/instances page and click the destroy button to remove all worker instances, and remove the master and data instances with the following command:

make destroy

This command will remove all resources created by go-load.

Note If you did not remove the worker instances on the instances page, you will have to remove all instances on digidalocean one by one.

Tech Stack


Distributed load testing tool.






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