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dgasaway edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 6 revisions

S3QL Wiki

Welcome to the s3ql wiki! There isn't much here yet - feel free to add content!

Related Projects

If S3QL does not suit your needs, you might be interested in one of the following projects. (Note that there are several projects named s3fs.)

  • OpenDedup. An open source de-duplicating file system that also has an S3 backend.
  • LessFS. An open source de-duplicating file system without network storage support.
  • s3fs implements basic filesystem support, including large files.
  • S3FSLite is a fork of the above-mentioned s3fs.
  • s3fs-python Stores data in Amazon S3. Compression support, no data-duplication. No development since 2011.
  • S3backer exposes S3 as a virtual block device. You can use it with any filesystem you want.
  • ObjectiveFS; a commercial AWS S3 file system. It allows file systems to be mounted simultaneously on multiple computers.
  • JungleDisk; the oldest of the s3 file systems. Commercial.
  • With EBS one can access S3 buckets as block-devices on EC2 instances. Since the block device exists "within AWS" on the EC2 instance, this circumvents many principal problems that S3Backer faces. From the EC2 instance, a created filesystem can then be exported using any network filesystem (e.g. sshfs).
  • Quillen is a snapshot-based backup program that stores its data directly in S3.
  • goofys offers better performance but less POSIX support
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