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Home Assistant Mastertherm Component, to communicate and control heat pumps from Mastertherm


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My friend who helps a lot with debugging and identifying details for this integration broke his system during this process and had to pay a couple of hundred Euros for it to be re-initialised. If you would like to support him to recover some of this please buy him a coffee.

SeBsZ Link: BuyMeCoffee

About the Integration


An integration for homeassistant (via HACS) to connect to Mastertherm Heat Pumps, Air Source/ Ground Source and Water Source. There are two entry points for the Mastertherm Heat Pumps:

  • - This is the server for pre 2022 heat pumps
  • - This is the server for 2022 onward


  • The systems do not like multiple requests at the same time from the same IP and this leads to Server Disconnect messages, so using the App and this integration it could cause intermittent disconnects.
  • The integration restricts requests to one request every 0.2 seconds to avoid intermittent errors, this means if you trigger 10 updates at the same time it will take 2 seconds to complete the updates to the Heat Pump.
  • Mastertherm.Online is sensitive to too many login attempts and requests, to avoid issues the minimum update time is 30 seconds and pump information is updated every 30 minutes. Additionally the integration will only attempt to re-login if the token expires or becomes invalid. It reports on other types of temporary issues but does not try to re-log in until those issues stop e.g. API is unavailable.

Mastertherm only allows a single install, mutliple accounts are not currently supported. Additionally if you have an installation with more than 2 units/ devices keep the refresh rate as at least 2 min or even increase it, the app/ web only connects to a single device/ unit at a time and refreshes every 30 seconds but this integration retrieves all device and unit combinations.

Local connection is not possible at this time, it seems the heat pumps connect to the servers using SSH.


The preferred and easiest way to install this is from the Home Assistant Community Store (HACS). Follow the link in the badge above for details on HACS.

Go to HACS and integraitons, then select to download Mastertherm from HACS.


Go to the Home Assistant UI, go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Mastertherm"

  • Select the correct login version, if not sure try online directly to see which server you use.
  • Once connected you can change the refresh time in the options

Two additonal options are given, as most updates are delta updates sometimes the Web API does not report a change, probably because of timeing issues. These settings are used to avoid that.

  • Minutes between full data refresh - this tells the coordinator to do a full data refresh every x minutes
  • Offset last data update time - this tells a delta update to look back in time from when the Web API reports the last update

Beta Versions

If you want to see Beta versions open the Mastertherm in HACS, after download, and click the three dots on the top right and select re-download. Here you will se an option to see beta versions.


It is possible to show the info and debug logs for the mastertherm integration and mastertherm connect, to do this you need to enable logging in the configuration.yaml, example below:

Logs do not remove sensitive information so careful what you share, you should always remove the module number replace with xxxx.

  default: warning
    # Log for Mastertherm
    custom_components.mastertherm: info
    masterthermconnect: info

Manual Install

To install manually, if you really want to: I won't support this.

  1. Using the tool of choice open the directory (folder) for your HA configuration (where you find configuration.yaml).
  2. If you do not have a custom_components directory (folder) there, you need to create it.
  3. In the custom_components directory (folder) create a new folder called mastertherm.
  4. Download all the files from the custom_components/mastertherm/ directory (folder) in this repository.
  5. Place the files you downloaded in the new directory (folder) you created.
  6. Add the masterthermconnect module: pip install -I masterthermconnect==2.0.0
  7. Restart Home Assistant
  8. In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Mastertherm"

Example HASS View

Example View, I don't have thermostats so they are not shown here:


To set Thermostats such as requested temperature use the Call Service: Climate feature.

For Automation when looking for conditions some of the states are translated so for a condition what is on the screen is not what should be used in the automation:

Translations are as follows, example for hp_operating_mode shows in the UI "Pump Offline" but for automations its "offline"

"select": {
    "hp_function": {
        "state": {
            "auto": "Auto",
            "heating": "Heating",
            "cooling": "Cooling"
    "season_select": {
        "state": {
            "auto": "Auto",
            "winter": "Winter",
            "summer": "Summer"
"sensor": {
    "hp_type": {
        "state": {
            "0": "Air Source",
            "1": "Ground Source",
            "2": "Water Source",
            "3": "DX Ground Source",
            "4": "Air Source R",
            "5": "Ground Source R",
            "6": "Water Source R"
    "hp_season": {
        "state": {
            "winter": "Winter",
            "summer": "Summer",
            "auto-winter": "Winter (Auto)",
            "auto-summer": "Summer (Auto)"
    "hp_operating_mode": {
        "state": {
            "offline": "Pump Offline",
            "heating": "Heating",
            "cooling": "Cooling",
            "cooling_dpc": "Cooling (DPC)",
            "pool": "Pool",
            "dhw": "Hot Water",
            "idle": "Idle",
            "aux_heater": "Aux Heater"

Sensor Details

What is avaialbe in the app should be available here plus some extras. There are controls in place to set the min and max values based on what is configured in your heatpump, in addition some features show or are hidden based on your setup, for example if cooling is not installed or disabled it is not shown in Home Assistant.

⚠️ Heat Pump Configuration Changes: Changing the configuration of the pump should only be done under the advise of your installer, the changes avaialable to home assistant are based only on the APP UI and some additional from the Thermostats if installed.

A lot of the temperature and modifiable settings have limits that come from the Heatpump, if you want to change these you should speak to your installer.

Main Circuit

This section covers entities that are linked tot he Main Heatpump, not all sensors will show up in your configuration depending on your installed configuration.

Entity Type Description
hp_power_state Switch Turn on and off the Heat Pump
hp_function Select The function is heating/ cooling or auto
operating_mode Sensor The current Operating Mode which shows different states:
- Unavailable: The Mastertherm API is uavailable.
- Pump Offline: The HP is offline or unavailable.
- Idle: HP is doing nothing.
- Heating: HP is Heating.
- Cooling: HP is Cooling.
- Cooling (DPC): HP is Cooling with Dew Point Protection.
- Pool: HP is heating the Pool.
- Hot Water: HP is heating domestic hot water.
- Aux Heater: Aux Heater is being used.
cooling_mode Binary Sensor Whether the pump is in cooling mode or not (if not its heating)
compressor_running Binary Sensor Main compressor running
compressor2_running Binary Sensor Compressor 2 if installed
circulation_pump_running Binary Sensor Circulating water to where it is being requested, this is always true if any circuit is requesting heating or cooling
fan_running Binary Sensor Ground Source - This is the Brine Pump
Air Source - This is the Fan
Water Source - This is the Water Pump
defrost_mode Binary Sensor If the heat pump is in defrost mode
aux_heater_1 Binary Sensor If installed indicates if the auxillary heater is on
aux_heater_2 Binary Sensor If installed indicates if the second auxillary heater is on
outside_temp Sensor The outside temperature
requested_temp Sensor This is the temperature that the heat pump is requesting, it is calcuated by an unknown algorithm and can go higher than expected. An example here is when heating is initially requested it goes higher than needed then reduces as room temperature is reached.
actual_temp Sensor The actual temperature that the heat pump is up to.
dewp_control Binary Sensor If Dew Point Control is active
high_tariff_control Binary Sensor If the feature is enabled then this will show enabled if the system recognized high tariff. This feature (called HDO_ON) is actually a remote on/off for features on your heatpump that use high energy such as the compressor/ aux heaters and sanitary hot water feature. It does not disable the DHW function, which also uses the compressor. This feature is really only of use where your have variying high/ low tariff during the day and night or extended periods of low tariff as it disabled heating.

Season Info

Entity Type Description
mode Sensor The Season mode the heatpump is running on, winter/ summer/ auto winter or auto summer.
select Select Ability to select the mode, Auto, Winter or Summer
winter_temp Number The temperature below which is considered winter
summer_temp Number The temperature above which is considered winter

Control Curves Heating/ Cooling

These are the min and max values to control the heating and cooling curves used by the Heatpump to control the warter temperature.

Entity Type Description
setpoint_a_outside Number Outside Temperature for Setpoint A, min/ max values are controlled by pump configuration.
setpoint_a_requested Number Temperature to set for Setpoint A, min/ max values are controlled by pump configuration.
setpoint_b_outside Number Outside Temperature for Setpoint B, min/ max values are controlled by pump configuration.
setpoint_b_requested Number Temperature to set for Setpoint B, min/ max values are controlled by pump configuration.

Domestic Hot Water

Entity Type Description
heating Binary Sensor Whether hot water is requested, also activates if HC1 to 6 is for hot water
enabled Binary Sensor Not sure on mine always shows disabled.
current_temp Sensor The current temperature of the hot water, should be taken from the sensor in the water tank
required_temp Sensor The temperature that was set as required for your hot water, min/ max values are controlled by pump configuration.
control Climate This is a thermostat allowing control of the requested temperature and to turn on/ off DHW.

Run Time Info

Entity Type Description
compressor_run_time Sensor Number of hours the compressor has run for
compressor_start_counter Sensor Probably the number of times the compressor has started
pump_runtime Sensor The number of hours the circulation pump has run
aux1_runtime Sensor The house the auxillary heaters have run
aux2_runtime Sensor The house the auxillary heaters have run

Error Info

Entity Type Description
some_errror BinarySensor If any Alarm is activated.
three_errors BinarySensor If three alarms activate, usually requires a pump reset.
reset_3e BinarySensor Manual Reset required due to three alarms.
safety_tstat BinarySensor Heater Safety Thermostat Alarm

Heating Circuits

The main circuit is HC0, this is linked to the main pump but some details in this circuit are hidden if any of HC1 to HC6 optional circuits are installed.

HC1 to HC6 are used to provide things like heating/ cooling to different room zones or multiple water tanks for hot water.

HC0 to HC6 may have room thermostat's installed, if used for heating/ cooling, in this case there is a pad sub-section that contains ambient temperatures and humidity. If not installed then there is an int (internal) sub-section that has the ambient temperatures.

Entity Type Description
name sensor The name of the circuit, hc0 is usually Home
on Swtich If the circuit is turns on or not
cooling Binary Sensor Circuit is in cooling mode
circulation_valve Binary Sensor If this circuit is requesting then this is open, this also triggers the main circulation pump
water_requested Sensor The requested water temperature based on heating and cooling curves
water_temp Sensor The actual water temperature for the circuit
auto Sensor I believe this controls if the water temperature requested is manually set or automatic based ont he heating/ cooling curves.
ambient_temp Sensor Ambient temperature, either from the room if the pad is installed or internal
ambient_requested Sensor requested temperature, either from the room if the pad is installed or internal
thermostat Climate Allows setting of the room temperature settings.
pad.state Sensor The Room pad state
pad.current_humidity Sensor Room Humidity, if the thermostat is installed
control_curve_heating None Same as the main control curve heating
control_curve_cooling None Same as the main control curve cooling

Pool and Solar

Solar monitors outside temperature and if enabled can be used to turn on and off the hot water on the heat pump. Used if you have solar hot water installed.

Entity Type Description
name Sensor Always Solar
solar_collector Sensor Temperature of the Solar Panels
water_tank1 Sensor Temperature of the water in the Hot Water Tank
water_tank2 Sensor Temperature of the water in Hot Water Tank 2, I believe this can also be Pool temparture.

Pool monitors and sets the pool temperature.

Entity Type Description
name Sensor Always Pool
on Switch If the Pool Controls are on or off
heating BinarySensor True if the pool is heating
temp_actual Sensor Actual Temperature of the Pool
temp_requested Sensor Requested Temperature of the Pool
control Climate Pool Thermostat

Development Envionrment

I have set this up to be able to run development or testing using Visual Studio Code with Docker or Podman in line with the integration blueprint.

To setup just copy the .devcontainer-template.json to .devcontainer.json

  • If using podman uncomment the section runArgs to avoid permission issues.
  • Update BUILD_TYPE to "run" to run an instance of Home Assistant and "dev" to do development with pytest.

Contributions are welcome!

If you want to contribute to this please read the Contribution guidelines

Also to determine mappings use the mastertherm connect module directly from the command line where you can get a list of current registers for your heatpump.

Or just raise a feature request, would be useful to have a use-case, what system you have and what you want to get done.