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Ask permissions with ready-use interface. You can check status permission and if it has been requested before. Support SwiftUI.


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Availalbe three ready-use interface - list, dialog & native. Supports iPad, dark mode and has ready localizations. Also you can check state of permissions, available are .authorized, .denied & .notDetermined.

Supported Permissions



Ready to use on iOS 11+. Supports iOS, tvOS, and SwiftUI.

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "7.1.0"))

Next choose the permissions you need. But don't add all of them, because apple will reject app.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'SPPermissions/Notification'

Due to Apple's new policy regarding permission access you need to specifically define what kind of permissions you want to access using subspecs. For example if you want to access Camera, Location & Microphone you define the following:

pod 'SPPermissions/Camera'
pod 'SPPermissions/LocationAlways'
pod 'SPPermissions/Microphone'

pod 'SPPermissions/Camera'
pod 'SPPermissions/Contacts'
pod 'SPPermissions/Calendar'
pod 'SPPermissions/PhotoLibrary'
pod 'SPPermissions/Notification'
pod 'SPPermissions/Microphone'
pod 'SPPermissions/Reminders'
pod 'SPPermissions/SpeechRecognizer'
pod 'SPPermissions/LocationWhenInUse'
pod 'SPPermissions/LocationAlways'
pod 'SPPermissions/Motion'
pod 'SPPermissions/Music'
pod 'SPPermissions/Bluetooth'
pod 'SPPermissions/Tracking'
pod 'SPPermissions/FaceID'
pod 'SPPermissions/Siri'
pod 'SPPermissions/Health'


If you prefer not to use any of dependency managers, you can integrate SPPermissions manually. Copy code and add compile flags from file.


If you install via Swift Package Manager, you shoud import each module:

import SPPermissions
import SPPermissionsCamera
import SPPermissionsPhotoLibrary

It's required because library split to modules. After importing you'll see available permissions by typing for example. If you install via CocoaPods, you only need to import one class:

import SPPermissions

All other installed classes imported automatically.

Quick Start

// MARK: 1. Choose the permissions you need:

let permissions: [SPPermissions.Permission] = [.camera, .notification]

// MARK: 2. Choose present style:

// 2a. List Style
let controller = SPPermissions.list(permissions)
controller.present(on: self)

// 2b. Dialog Style
let controller = SPPermissions.dialog(permissions)
controller.present(on: self)

// 2c. Native Style
let controller = SPPermissions.native(permissions)
controller.present(on: self)

// MARK: 3. Optional: Check permission state (available `authorized`, `denied`, `notDetermined`):

let authorized = SPPermissions.Permission.calendar.authorized

For more details see Request section.


To check the state of any permission, call SPPermissions.Permission:

let authorized = SPPermissions.Permission.calendar.authorized

Also available are status for denied & notDetermined.


For location user can granted precise or not. For get state for it, call this:

if SPPermissions.Permission.locationWhenInUse.isPrecise { ... }

Same for .locationAlways.


SPPermissions has three presentation styles: Dialog, List and Native. Each interface has delegates and a data source. If you want see an example app, open Example Apps/SPPermissions.xcodeproj.


It's native UITableViewController. Use it when you have more than two permissions. An example of how it is used:

let controller = SPPermissions.list([.calendar, .camera, .contacts])

// Ovveride texts in controller
controller.titleText = "Title Text"
controller.headerText = "Header Text"
controller.footerText = "Footer Text"

// Set `DataSource` or `Delegate` if need. 
// By default using project texts and icons.
controller.dataSource = self
controller.delegate = self

// If you want auto dismiss controler,
// when all permissions has any determinated state
// set dismiss mode `allPermissionsDeterminated`.
// By default dismiss controller happen only when all permission allowed.
controller.dismissCondition = .allPermissionsDeterminated

// Always use this method for present
controller.present(on: self)


This is a modal alert. I recommend using this alert style when you have less than three requested permissions. Usage example:

let controller = SPPermissions.dialog([.camera, .photoLibrary])

// Override texts in controller
controller.titleText = "Title Text"
controller.headerText = "Header Text"
controller.footerText = "Footer Text"

// Set `DataSource` or `Delegate` if need. 
// By default using project texts and icons.
controller.dataSource = self
controller.delegate = self

// If you want auto dismiss controler,
// when all permissions has any determinated state
// set dismiss mode `allPermissionsDeterminated`.
// By default dismiss controller happen only when all permission allowed.
controller.dismissCondition = .allPermissionsDeterminated

// Always use this method for present
controller.present(on: self)


Request permissions with native UIAlertController. You can request many permissions at once:

let controller = SPPermissions.native([.calendar, .camera, .contacts])

// Set `Delegate` if need. 
controller.delegate = self

// Always use this method for request. 
controller.present(on: self)


For data source using protocol SPPermissionsDataSource. You can customize the permission cells and provide denied alert texts.

extension Controller: SPPermissionsDataSource {
    func configure(_ cell: SPPermissionsTableViewCell, for permission: SPPermissions.Permission) {
        // Here you can customise cell, like texts or colors.
        cell.permissionTitleLabel.text = "Title"
        cell.permissionDescriptionLabel.text = "Description"
        // If you need change icon, choose one of this:
        cell.permissionIconView.setCustomImage(UIImage.init(named: "custom-name"))

Denied alert

If a permission is denied, you can provide an alert to the user with an option to open settings. An example of how you can customise the alert text:

let texts = SPPermissionsDeniedAlertTexts()
texts.titleText = "Permission denied"
texts.descriptionText = "Please, go to Settings and allow permission."
texts.actionText = "Settings"
texts.cancelText = "Cancel"

Next implement the following method and return:

func deniedAlertTexts(for permission: SPPermissions.Permission) -> SPPermissionsDeniedAlertTexts? {
    // Custom texts:
    return texts
    // or default texts:
    // return .default


To get hidden, allowed or denied events , set the delegate with protocol SPPermissionsDelegate:

extension Controller: SPPermissionsDelegate {
    func didHidePermissions(_ permissions: [SPPermissions.Permission]) {}
    func didAllowPermission(_ permission: SPPermissions.Permission) {}
    func didDeniedPermission(_ permission: SPPermissions.Permission) {}


SPPermissions has ready-to-use localizations for:

  • English en
  • Arabic ar
  • German de
  • Spanish es
  • French fr
  • Polish pl
  • Portuguese pt
  • Ukrainian uk
  • Russian ru
  • Chinese Simplified Han zh_Hans
  • Italian it
  • Chinese Traditional zh_Hant

If you want to add more, please, create folder [language_id].lproj and make a pull request. If you want to use your custom strings, check the DataSource section.

Keys in Info.plist

You need to add some keys to the Info.plist file with descriptions, per Apple's requirement(s). You can get a plist of keys for permissions as follows:

let key = SPPermissions.Permission.bluetooth.usageDescriptionKey

List of keys:

  • NSCameraUsageDescription
  • NSContactsUsageDescription
  • NSCalendarsUsageDescription
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
  • NSAppleMusicUsageDescription
  • NSRemindersUsageDescription
  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
  • NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription
  • NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription
  • NSMotionUsageDescription
  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
  • NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription
  • NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
  • NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription (iOS 12 and earlier)
  • NSUserTrackingUsageDescription
  • NSFaceIDUsageDescription
  • NSSiriUsageDescription
  • NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription
  • NSHealthShareUsageDescription

Do not use the description as the name of the key.

If you use xliff localization export, keys will be create automatically. If you prefer do the localization file manually, you need to create InfoPlist.strings, select languages on the right side menu and add keys as keys in plist-file. See:

"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "Here description of usage camera";

Apple Review

Apple changed its review guidelines in June 2021. When requesting permissions, apps should require users to always request and make a decision whether to allow or decline the permission. For this reason, the close button in SPPermissions is hidden by default. If you want to force show the close button, run the following code:

// Show & hide close button
controller.showCloseButton = true

// Enable or Disable drag intercation
controller.allowSwipeDismiss = true

Also changed title for button. Instead of allow now using continue. The Apple Review Team asked for this. For details, check out this issue.

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Ask permissions with ready-use interface. You can check status permission and if it has been requested before. Support SwiftUI.



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