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Movie Finder App Hosted on Firebase:


• The Movie Finder App is a simple React application that allows users to search for movies using the Open Movie Database (OMDb) API. Users can enter a movie title in the search bar, click the search icon, and view a list of matching movies. The app displays basic information about each movie, and users can click on individual movie cards for more details.


  1. Search Movies: Users can enter a movie title in the search bar and click the search icon to find matching movies.
  2. Display Movie Results: The app displays a list of movies matching the search query, including basic information about each movie.
  3. Handle No Results: If no movies are found for the given search term, the app displays a message indicating that no such movie exists.
  4. Responsive Design: The app is designed to be responsive, providing a seamless experience on various devices.
  5. Technologies Used
  6. React: The app is built using the React library, allowing for the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
  7. useState and useEffect Hooks: React hooks are used to manage state and side effects, ensuring efficient and reactive updates to the UI.
  8. Fetch API: The fetch function is utilized to make asynchronous requests to the OMDb API and retrieve movie data. Getting Started To run the Movie Finder App locally, follow these steps:

Clone the repository:

  1. bash

  2. Copy code

  3. git clone [repository_url] Install dependencies:

  4. bash

  5. Copy code

  6. cd [project_directory]

  7. npm install

  8. Obtain an API key from the OMDb API and replace the placeholder API key in the API_URL constant within the App.js file.

Start the development server:

  1. bash
  2. Copy code
  3. npm start
  4. The app will be accessible at http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.


  1. Enter a movie title in the search bar.
  2. Click the search icon to initiate the search.
  3. View the list of matching movies.
  4. Click on individual movie cards to see more details. Issues and Limitations
  5. The app relies on the OMDb API, and therefore, it requires an internet connection to fetch movie data.
  6. The current design may not handle edge cases or errors gracefully. Future Improvements
  7. Implement error handling for failed API requests.
  8. Enhance the user interface with additional features and information.
  9. Incorporate user authentication and save favorite movies for each user.


Made on React JS using OMDb API






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