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WORLDSOILS - Fully Connected Neural Network

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Check the Wiki page for Documentation.

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To download database and Source code/datasets you can use :

git clone

datasets are available in : data folder

To setup environment, first install poetry then using following code in your terminal:

poetry install

To activate your virtual environment use this :

poetry shell

merging two csv files based on their ID

python src/ clhs_lucas15.csv S2a_resampled_lucas15.csv

Modelling LUCAS or BSSL data using FNN

python src/ -i /path/to/input_file -o /path/to/output_folder -l 3 -e 400 -b 20 

-h: help

-l : number of hidden layer ; default = 3

-e : epoch size; default = 400

-b : batch size; default = 20

-d : droup out ; default = 0.2

-r : learning rate ; default = 0.01

-k : kernel initializer ; default = he_normal

Modelling LUCAS or BSSL data using FNN

python src/ -i /path/to/input_file -o /path/to/output_folder

to see other keys use this :

python src/ -h

calculating R-square, RPD, MSE, RMSE

Finding outliers using Mahalanobis distance + Principal Component Analysis

Updated: 26 July 2021.