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2D Shape Editor

Henry de Jongh edited this page Jun 4, 2018 · 34 revisions

The 2D Shape Editor is a versatile tool to create complex 3D brushes out of 2D shapes.

Perhaps you have often wondered how to make a special design, for example, building a curved pipe, an underground channel, a baroque archway etc. There are other ways, but this is the most elegant solution: Use the 2D Shape Editor.

With the help of this tool, you can easily create a design cross-section in a two-dimensional view and then expand it to a 3D brush.

The 2D Shape Editor window

Showreel of brushes created with the 2D Shape Editor

SabreCSG Tutorials

If you wish to contribute a SabreCSG 2D Shape Editor tutorial please do so and open a new issue with a link to the video or website!

John McGarey - SabreCSG - Intro and 2D Shape Editor Feature Set - YouTube - Visit

UnrealEd Tutorials

As this tool was inspired by Unreal Editor any old tutorials you find on the web will likely work for the SabreCSG 2D Shape Editor.

Machismo - 2D Shape Editor Tutorial - Visit
Smeer Kat - Unreal Editor 2 Tutorial - 2D Shape Editor - YouTube - Visit
Smeer Kat - Unreal Editor 2 Tutorial - Advanced Doors - YouTube - Visit
UnrealEd.Info - Der 2D Shape Editor - Visit (German)

Toolbar Icons

Icon Description Keyboard Shortcut
Create a new project. N
Open a project from a file. O
Save the project to a file. S
Rotate a selected shape or the entire project around the pivot point left by 90 degrees. SHIFT + R
Rotate a selected shape or the entire project around the pivot point right by 90 degrees. R
Flip the entire project vertically relative to the pivot point. V
Flip the entire project horizontally relative to the pivot point. H
Zooms in the camera. +
Zooms out the camera. -
Resets the camera position. F
Duplicates the currently selected shape. SHIFT + D
Adds another shape to the project. A
Splits the selected segments. I
Extrudes the selected segments. E
Deletes the selected segments or shapes. DEL
Makes selected segments linear. L
Makes selected segments bezier curves. B
Sets the bezier curve detail for selected segments. D
Create Polygon. 1 or SHIFT + 1
Revolve Shape. 2 or SHIFT + 2
Extrude Shape. 3 or SHIFT + 3
Extrude To Point. 4 or SHIFT + 4
Extrude Bevelled. 5 or SHIFT + 5

Creating Brushes

In order to create a 3D brush out of a 2D shape we have to add a ShapeEditorBrush to the scene. Once a ShapeEditorBrush is selected in the scene it will enable the extrude buttons in the 2D Shape Editor.

Selecting a ShapeEditorBrush enables the extrude buttons

Create Polygon

Creates a flat one sided polygon. As SabreCSG can't add or subtract this shape (it has no mass) NoCSG will be forced on the ShapeEditorBrush. Scale: Allows you to scale the project. Where 0.5 is half the size and 2.0 is double the size.

Revolve Shape

Revolves the shape around the pivot. Used to generate a bent pipe or to produce a curved object. Great for building curved hallways. Per 360: How many steps it takes to build a full 360° curve (detail).
Steps: The amount of steps used. Half the steps of Per 360 yields a 180° curve.
Scale: Allows you to scale the project. Where 0.5 is half the size and 2.0 is double the size.

Extrude Shape

Extrudes the shape into a 3D brush. This is the most commonly used mode. Depth: How far the shape will be extruded.
Scale: Allows you to scale the project. Where 0.5 is half the size and 2.0 is double the size.

Extrude To Point

Extrudes the shape towards the pivot point in the shape of a cone. Depth: How far the shape will be extruded.
Scale: Allows you to scale the project. Where 0.5 is half the size and 2.0 is double the size.

Extrude Bevelled

Extrudes the shape towards the pivot point in the shape of a cone. But it's then clipped at a certain distance causing a trapezoid. Depth: How far the shape will be extruded.
Clip Depth: Distance of the clip.
Scale: Allows you to scale the project. Where 0.5 is half the size and 2.0 is double the size.

Embedded Projects

Did you forget to save your project? Luckily every time you extrude your project a copy of it gets embedded inside of the ShapeEditorBrush. You can select your ShapeEditorBrush and click the Load Project button to restore it anytime.

The ShapeEditorBrush controls.

Arch Example

Let's create a simple arch shape using a background image. First select the image using Tools -> Background -> Load Image. Then you can select a segment by clicking on the small white node and drag it around. You can split the segment by pressing I or clicking the icon. The segment that will be split is highlighted with a bold grey line.

Splitting segments and moving them into the shape of the arch

We can now press the Extrude Shape icon or press 3.

The extrude shape popup window

Once you press extrude the selected ShapeEditorBrush will transform into the shape you just created. You can subtract the ShapeEditorBrush from a cube and get this result:

The extruded arch ShapeEditorBrush subtracted from a cube

Bezier Curves

An easier method to create rounded brushes is by using bezier segments as illustrated in the animation below. You can change the detail level to determine the smoothness of the curve. Please keep in mind that having a lot of polygons may slow down CSG operations significantly.

Creating an arch using a bezier segment

Pipes Example

Using a very simple round shape and the "Extrude Shape" and "Revolve Shape" extrusion modes you can easily create complex pipes! Try replicating the results in the image below and you will see just how easy it is!

Creating pipes using simple revolved shapes