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Throw is a unified conditional validator designed for .NET built-in structures and types. Throw also simplifies multi-level guard conditions such as if-else and switch statements into single-line validator. Internally, Throw extends the behaviors of built-in types when its namespace is referred within current coding context.


Currently, Throw is available for local installation only. Throw requires .NET 5.0 (v5.#.#) or .NET 6.0 (v6.#.#).

Quick Demo

Throw can easily transform this 👇

int? age = 47;

if (age is null)
  throw new Exception();

if (age is 0)
  throw new Exception("Are you kidding?");
if (age < 0)
  throw new Exception("This is unreal!");
if (age >= 13 && age <= 19)
  throw new Exception("Teenagers not allowed!");

into a single minified expression like... 👇

  .WhenZero("Are you kidding?")
  .WhenNegative("This is unreal!")
  .WhenInRange(13, 19, Boundary.Inclusive, "Teenagers not allowed!");


In other words, Throw can translate imperative flow of validations into a declarative statement

Note   There are more validations which can be done by Throw with other types as well...

Throw can easily chain multiple validations into a single in-line statement

Table of Contents

Implementation Overview

Throw provides these additional validatable functions on different types as Extension methods. There are two main constructs within Throw library which extends other types. They are...

  • Thrower
    Thrower construct extends the validatability of .NET built-in types using the extension method named Throw. Literally, Throw is used to throw exceptions on an event of failing any given validation on that type extended by the Thrower. For example,
int? age = 47;
  • Runner
    Runner construct extends the validatability of .NET built-in types using the extension method named Run. This is used to invoke an external function on an event of failing any given validation on that type extended by the Runner. For example,
int? age = 47;

void TerminateRequest() => Console.WriteLine("Bad Request by invalid age!");

Both of these are accessible in any context by the namespace reference of using ThrowValidator.Extensions; at the top-level or in global-usings. These enable the extensions on following constructs.

Supported Constructs

Numeric constructs

  • sbyte, sbyte?
  • byte, byte?
  • short, short?
  • ushort, ushort?
  • int, int?
  • uint, uint?
  • long, long?
  • ulong, ulong?
  • float, float?
  • double, double?
  • decimal, decimal?

Non-Numeric constructs

  • string
  • bool, bool?
  • DateTime, DateTime?
  • Enum
  • Type
  • ICollection<T>
  • T as any generic custom type

Warning The extensions on generic type T is available for any construct where the type is from class.

Thrower Extensions

Thrower provides following three extensions on the above structures.

Extension Description
Throw() Initialize to throw exception based on construct value or its properties
Throw(string) Initialize to throw exception based on construct value or its properties with a custom message
Throw(Exception) Initialize to throw custom exception based on construct value or its properties

For example,

int number = -10;

// Throws default ArgumentException with default message
// "Value cannot be negative."

// Throws default ArgumentException with custom message
// "Invalid value."
number.Throw("Invalid value.").WhenNegative().WhenZero();

// Throws default ArgumentException with custom messages per each validator
// "Value must be positive." when number is less than 0
// "Value cannot be zero." when number is equal to 0
    .WhenNegative("Value must be positive.")
    .WhenZero("Value cannot be zero.");

// Throws custom Exception with custom message for all validators
// "Oh no! Wrong value."
number.Throw(new MyException("Oh no! Wrong value.")).WhenNegative().WhenZero();

Runner Extensions

Runner provides following three extensions on the above structures.

Extension Description
Run(Action) Initialize to invoke the action based on construct value or its properties

For example,

int number = -10;
void TerminateRequest() => Console.WriteLine("Bad Request due to invalid value!");

// Run the parameterless function "TerminateRequest" when any validation is failed

Note   Runner also throws the underlying exception after executing the provided action method.


Throw provides numerous useful validators based on the selected .NET construct type (struct or class). The available Numeric and Non-Numeric constructs are listed above. All of these validators can be accessed by both Thrower and Runner extensions as well.

Validator Enums

Currently, Throw has following enumerations.

Boundary Enum

Boundary enum can be used to validate a given value against a specified range. Commonly, available Range validators take three arguments as left, right values and Boundary enum.

Option Description
Inclusive Include both left and right margins while evaluating the range. left ≤ value ≤ right
Exclusive Exclude both left and right margins while evaluating the range. left < value < right
LeftOnly Include only left but not the right margins while evaluating the range. left ≤ value < right
RightOnly Include only right but not the left margins while evaluating the range. left < value ≤ right

Note   Range validators expects lower value as the left margin and higher value as the right margin.

Warning   Range validators will swap-out the left and right margins as it expects, when the provided left argument is larger than the provided right argument.

Numeric Validators

The following validators are available for all numeric constructs listed in above Implementation Overview section.

number.Throw().When(() => number % 10 == 0, "Number cannot be multiple of 10."); // Triggers when meet the custom condition.
number.Throw().WhenEqualTo(9, "Number cannot be 9."); // Triggers when this construct value is equal to the given value.
number.Throw().WhenGreaterThan(5, "Number cannot be greater than 5."); // Triggers when this construct value is greater than the given value.
number.Throw().WhenGreaterThanOrEqualTo(5, "Number cannot be 5 or greater than 5."); // Triggers when this construct value is greater than or equal to the given value.
number.Throw().WhenInRange(5, 9, Boundary.Exclusive, "Number cannot be in between 5 and 9."); // Triggers when this construct value is within the given range excluding the boundaries.
number.Throw().WhenLessThan(5, "Number cannot be less than 5."); // Triggers when this construct value is less than the given value.
number.Throw().WhenLessThanOrEqualTo(5, "Number cannot be 5 or less than 5."); // Triggers when this construct value is less than or equal to the given value.
number.Throw().WhenNegative("Number cannot be negative."); // Triggers when this construct value is negative. (less than zero)
number.Throw().WhenNotEqualTo(5, "Number must not be 5."); // Triggers when this construct value is not equal to the given value.
number.Throw().WhenNull("Number cannot be null."); // Triggers when this construct value is null.
number.Throw().WhenOutOfRange(5, 9, Boundary.Inclusive, "Number cannot be out of range between 5 and 9."); // Triggers when this construct value is not in the given range including the boundaries.
number.Throw().WhenPositive("Number cannot be positive."); // Triggers when this construct value is positive. (greater than zero)
number.Throw().WhenZero("Number cannot be zero."); // Triggers when this construct value is equal to zero.

Note   WhenNull([string]) validator triggers its validations with nullable types only.

String Validators

name.Throw().When(() => string.Join(" ", namesList).Equals(name)), "This user is not allowed."); // Triggers when meet the custom condition.
name.Throw().WhenContain('S', "Name cannot contain letter S."); // Triggers when this string contain given character. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenContain("Sachi", "Name cannot contain Sachi."); // Triggers when this string contain given string. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenContain('s', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name cannot contain letter S."); // Triggers when this string contain given character.
name.Throw().WhenContain("sachi", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name cannot contain Sachi."); // Triggers when this string contain given string.
name.Throw().WhenEmpty("Name cannot be empty."); // Triggers when this string is empty.
name.Throw().WhenEndWith("Silva", "Name cannot ends with Silva."); // Triggers when this string ends with given string. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenEndWith("silva", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name cannot ends with Silva."); // Triggers when this string ends with given string.
name.Throw().WhenEqualTo("Sachi", "Name cannot be Sachi."); // Triggers when this string is equal to given string. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenEqualTo("sachi", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name cannot be Sachi."); // Triggers when this string is equal to given string.
name.Throw().WhenLengthEqualTo(5, "Name length cannot be 5."); // Triggers when the length of this string is equal to the given limit.
name.Throw().WhenLengthLongerThan(5, "Name length cannot exceed 5."); // Triggers when the length of this string is greater than the given limit.
name.Throw().WhenLengthNotEqualTo(5, "Name length is not 5."); // Triggers when the length of this string is not equal to the given limit.
name.Throw().WhenLengthShorterThan(5, "Name must have at least 5 characters."); // Triggers when the length of this string is less than the given limit.
name.Throw().WhenMatchWith(@"^[0-9]+$", "Name cannot be a number."); // Triggers when this string matches with the given string pattern.
name.Throw().WhenMatchWith(new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$"), "Name cannot be a number."); // Triggers when this string matches with the given regular expression.
name.Throw().WhenMatchWith(@"^[0-9]+$", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant, "Name cannot be a number."); // Triggers when this string matches with the given string pattern using regular expression options.
name.Throw().WhenNotContain('S', "Name does not contain letter S."); // Triggers when this string does not contain given character. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenNotContain("Sachi", "Name does not contain Sachi."); // Triggers when this string does not contain given string. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenNotContain('s', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name does not contain letter S."); // Triggers when this string does not contain given character.
name.Throw().WhenNotContain("sachi", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name does not contain Sachi."); // Triggers when this string does not contain given string.
name.Throw().WhenNotEndWith("Silva", "Name does not end with Silva."); // Triggers when this string does not end with given string. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenNotEndWith("silva", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name does not end with Silva."); // Triggers when this string does not end with given string.
name.Throw().WhenNotEqualTo("Sachi", "Name does not equal to Sachi."); // Triggers when this string is not equal to given string. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenNotEqualTo("sachi", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name does not equal to Sachi."); // Triggers when this string is not equal to given string.
name.Throw().WhenNotMatchWith(@"^[a-z]+$", "Invalid name."); // Triggers when this string does not matche with the given string pattern.
name.Throw().WhenNotMatchWith(new Regex(@"^[a-z]+$"), "Invalid name."); // Triggers when this string does not matche with the given regular expression.
name.Throw().WhenNotMatchWith(@"^[a-z]+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, "Invalid name."); // Triggers when this string does not matche with the given string pattern using regular expression options.
name.Throw().WhenNotStartWith("Sachi", "Name does not start with Sachi."); // Triggers when this string does not start with given string. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenNotStartWith("sachi", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name does not start with Sachi."); // Triggers when this string does not start with given string.
name.Throw().WhenNull("Name cannot be null."); // Triggers when this string is null.
name.Throw().WhenStartWith("Sachi", "Name cannot start with Sachi."); // Triggers when this string starts with given string. (Case sensitive)
name.Throw().WhenStartWith("sachi", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "Name cannot start with Sachi."); // Triggers when this string starts with given string.
name.Throw().WhenWhiteSpaces("Name cannot have only white-spaces."); // Triggers when this string has only white-spaces.

Boolean Validators

isConnected.Throw().When(() => isConnected && !application.IsRunning, "Application is connected but not running."); // Triggers when meet the custom condition.
isConnected.Throw().WhenFalse("Application is not connected."); // Triggers when this boolean value is false.
isConnected.Throw().WhenNull("Connection state cannot be null."); // Triggers when this boolean value is null.
isConnected.Throw().WhenTrue("Application is connected."); // Triggers when this boolean value is true.

DateTime Validators

birthDay.Throw().When(() => age < 18, "Users below 18yrs are not allowed."); // Triggers when meet the custom condition.
birthDay.Throw().WhenEqualTo(DateTime.Now, "New borns not allowed."); // Triggers when this date-time value is equal to the given date-time.
birthDay.Throw().WhenGreaterThan(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), "You are too young."); // Triggers this date-time value is greater than the given date-time.
birthDay.Throw().WhenGreaterThanOrEqualTo(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), "You are too young."); // Triggers this date-time value is greater than or equal the given date-time.
birthDay.Throw().WhenInRange(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1), new DateTime(1980, 12, 31), Boundary.Inclusive, "Birth year between 1970 and 1980 is not allowed"); // Triggers when this date-time value is within given left and right date range including the boundaries.
birthDay.Throw().WhenLessThan(new DateTime(1950, 1, 1), "You are too old."); // Triggers when this date-time value is less than the given date-time.
birthDay.Throw().WhenLessThanOrEqualTo(new DateTime(1950, 1, 1), "You are too old."); // Triggers when this date-time value is greater less or equal the given date-time.
birthDay.Throw().WhenNotEqualTo(DateTime.Now, "New borns are only allowed."); // Triggers when this date-time value is not equal to the given date-time.
birthDay.Throw().WhenNull("Birthday cannot be null."); // Triggers when this date-time value is null.
birthDay.Throw().WhenOutOfRange(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1), new DateTime(1980, 12, 31), Boundary.Exclusive, "Birth year outside of 1970 and 1980 is not allowed"); // Triggers when this date-time value is outside of given left and right date range excluding the boundaries.

Note   WhenNull([string]) validator triggers its validations with nullable types only.

Enum Validators

boundaryEnum.Throw().When(() => boundaryEnum == Boundary.Inclusive, "Invalid enum value."); // Triggers when meet the custom condition.
boundaryEnum.Throw().WhenEqualTo(Boundary.LeftOnly, "Boundary cannot apply LeftOnly."); // Triggers when this enum value is equalts to the given enum value
boundaryEnum.Throw().WhenNull("Boundary value cannot be null."); // Triggers when this enum value is null.
boundaryEnum.Throw().WhenOutOfRange(-5, "-5 index is not defined in Boundary."); // Triggers when the given enum index is not defined in this enum.

Type Validators

myType.Throw().When(() => myType == otherType.GetType(), "Type cannot be another."); // Triggers when meet the custom condition.
myType.Throw().WhenEqualTo(typeof(int), "Type cannot be an integer."); // Triggers when this type is equal to the given type.
myType.Throw().WhenNotEqualTo(typeof(string), "Type is not a string."); // Triggers when this type is not equal to the given type.
myType.Throw().WhenNull("Type cannot be null."); // Triggers when this type is null.

Collection Validators

Collection validators are available for collection types which implements ICollection<T> interface. Check-out the following Person class implementation and how collection validators are applied on a list of Person objects.

public class Person : IEquatable<Person> {
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Address { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public bool IsMarried { get; set; }

    public bool Equals(Person other)
        if (other is null)
          return false;

        return other.Name.Equals(Name) && other.Address.Equals(Address) && 
          other.Age == Age && other.IsMarried == IsMarried;

Consider collection validators on ICollection<Person> peopleGroup list.

peopleGroup.Throw().When(() => myAge > 50, "I should not older than 50 for this group."); // Triggers when meet the custom condition.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenAny(p => p.Age > 50 && !p.IsMarried, "Unmarried people over 50 are not allowed."); // Triggers when this collection has any element which satisfies the given predicate.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenContain(personSachi, "Sachi cannot be in this group."); // Triggers when this collection contains the given element.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenCountEqualTo(10, "Group cannot have 10 members."); // Triggers when this collection has exact number of elements specified.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenCountGreaterThan(10, "Group cannot have more than 10 members."); // Triggers when this collection count is greater than the specified length.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenCountGreaterThanOrEqualTo(10, "Group cannot have 10 or more members."); // Triggers when this collection count is greater or equal to the specified length.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenCountLessThan(10, "Group must have atleast 10 members."); // Triggers when this collection count is less than the specified length.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenCountLessThanOrEqualTo(10, "Group members cannot be 10 or below."); // Triggers when this collection count is less or equal to the specified length.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenCountNotEqualTo(10, "Group does not have 10 members."); // Triggers when this collection has no exact number of elements specified.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenEmpty("Group does not have any members."); // Triggers when this collection has no elements.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenNotContain(personSachi, "Sachi is not in this group."); // Triggers when this collection does not contains the given element.
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenNotEmpty("Group must not have any members."); // Triggers when this collection has at least one element. (not empty)
peopleGroup.Throw().WhenNull("Group cannot be null."); // Triggers when this type is null.

Note   The collection object of type T must implement IEquatable<T> interface in order to allow WhenContain and WhenNotContain validators to perform necessary lookups within the list.

Custom Type Validators

Any construct of type class will have custom generic type validators. Consider the Person class described in Collection Validator section and how generic type validators are applied on Person person object.

person.Throw().When(() => person.Age / 10 > 5, "Age over 5 decades are not allowed."); // Triggers when meet the custom condition.
person.Throw().When(p => !p.IsMarried && p.Age > 35, "Come-on man... you still haven't married."); // Triggers when meet the condition on this type.
person.Throw().WhenNot(p => p.Age > 12 && p.Age < 20, "This is for teenagers only."); // Triggers when does not meet the condition on this type.
person.Throw().WhenNull("Person cannot be null."); // Triggers when this type is null.

Warning   Custom type validators are available for any class type constructs. The other validators implemented in Throw may not be visible on an object if its type is not same as the validator is defined for.


Unified conditional validator designed for .NET built-in structures and types






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