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Adds zipkin tracing instrumentation for Clojure applications


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Zipkin tracing instrumentation for Clojure applications.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

   [org.clojars.aliceliang/clj-zipkin "0.1.4"]

This has been compiled with java 6.


Tracing a code chunk

(:require [clj-zipkin.tracer :as t)

(t/trace {:host "" :span "GET" :scribe {:host "" :port 9410}}

Nested tracing, scribe config can be avoided for inner tracing. This will make inner traces appear in zipkin as childs of the immediate parent trace.

(:require [clj-zipkin.tracer :as t)

(t/trace {:host "" :span "GET" :scribe {:host "" :port 9410}}
         (t/trace {:host "" :span "OTHER"}

Tracing with a specific trace-id, since all related spans in zipkin should share the same trace-id, if your code is executing in different hosts you can tie your traces together specifying the trace-id to use.

(:require [clj-zipkin.tracer :as t)

(t/trace {:host "" :span "GET" :trace-id 12345 :scribe {:host "" :port 9410}}
         (t/trace {:host "" :span "OTHER"}


Tracing parameters

  :host => current host, defaults to InetAddress/getLocalHost if unspecified
  :span => span name
  :trace-id => optional, new one will be created if unspecified
  :span-id => optional, current span-id, useful to append annotations or to keep track of created id
  :parent-span-id => optional, parent span-id, this span will be nested
  :scribe => scribe/zipkin endpoint configuration {:host h :port p}

The host parameter can also be a structured hash-map

   {:host "" :port 3030 :service "Service Name"}

If not specified will default to port 0 and service Unknown Service.


The make-logger function creates a logger object to be reused among different tracing calls.

Use it in order to avoid creation of a new connection for each logged span.

(def conn (t/make-logger {:host "" :port 9410}))

(t/trace {:host "" :span "GET" :scribe conn}

Thread based tracing

In the particular case you can't or really don't want to wrap your code in the trace macro call, there's a set of apis using Thread Local Storage with the start and close span api calls decoupled.

Require the namespace tls, for thread local storage, or thread local spans.

(:require [clj-zipkin.tracer :as t]
          [clj-zipkin.tls :as tls])

Start span

At your logging entry point create the new span, this operation doesn't log a thing to zipkin just yet.

;;this should happen at entry point
(tls/start-span {:operation "GET" 
                 :host "" 
                 :trace-id trace-id
                 :parent-id parent-id})

There's no need to keep track of state or variables since it's stored as thread state.


If somewhere inside your traced code you need to retrieve the current trace or span ids - to propagate to other services for instance -, use the get-span api call.

(:trace-id (tls/get-span))
=> 12345

The variables trace-id and span-id are available for proper trace propagation.


If some information is collected during the operation, it's possible to append annotations to the thread local span using the add-annotation api call. add-annotation receives a map with name/values to annotate.

(tls/add-annotation {:n1 1 :n2 "da"})

Closing span

When span is finished and ready to be logged to zipkin, issue a close-span call passing a logger connection parameter.

(tls/close-span (t/make-logger {:host "localhost" :port 9410}))

Ring Handler

A ring handler is available for automated tracing of incoming requests

   (require '[clj-zipkin.middleware :as m])
   (defroutes routes
     (GET "/" [] "<h1>Hello World</h1>")
     (route/not-found "<h1>Page not found</h1>"))

   (def app
       (-> routes
       (m/request-tracer {:scribe {:host "localhost" :port 9410}
                          :service "WebServer"})))

We also have another middleware that takes advantage of the start/stop span functions. We can also write a wrap-annotations function that will add annotations to the span.

   (require '[clj-zipkin.middleware :as m])
   (defroutes routes
     (GET "/" [] "<h1>Hello World</h1>")
     (route/not-found "<h1>Page not found</h1>"))

   (defn wrap-annotations
     "We add some more annotations here."
     (fn [{:keys [uri query-string] :as request}]
       (tls/add-annotation {:path uri})
       (when query-string (tls/add-annotation {:query query-string)})
       (handler request)))

   (def app
       (-> routes
       (m/wrap-trace (t/make-logger {:host "localhost" :port 9410}))))


Configuration received by the tracer handler is almost the same as the trace function defined above, so it also supports a host parameter.

(m/request-tracer {:scribe {:host "localhost" :port 9410}
                   :host {:port 2020 :service "MyService"}}))

If no ip is specified will default to


There's a small running example here showing how to chain different spans in a web server.

This is how it looks that example in zipkin:

zipkin sample


  • Binary Annotations
  • Dynamic Annotations support in the API
  • Change span annotations default text?


Copyright © 2013 Guillermo Winkler

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Adds zipkin tracing instrumentation for Clojure applications








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