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Laravel OTP


OTP Package for Laravel using class based system. Every Otp is a class that does something. For example, an EmailVerificationOtp which will mark the account as verified.


Install via composer

composer require sadiqsalau/laravel-otp

Publish config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\OtpServiceProvider"


Generate OTP

php artisan make:otp {name}

A new Otp class will be generated into the app/Otp directory. e.g

php artisan make:otp UserRegistrationOtp

Every Otp must implement the process method which will be called after verification. There the Otp can perform the necessary action and return any result.


namespace App\Otp;

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Contracts\OtpInterface as Otp;

use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Registered;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;

use App\Models\User;

class UserRegistrationOtp implements Otp
     * Constructs Otp class
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public string $email,
        public string $password
    ) {

     * Processes the Otp
     * @return User
    public function process()
        /** @var User */
        $user = User::unguarded(function () {
            return User::create([
                'name'                  => $this->name,
                'email'                 => $this->email,
                'password'              => Hash::make($this->password),
                'email_verified_at'     => now(),

        event(new Registered($user));


        return $user;

Sending OTP

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Facades\Otp;

Otp::identifier($identifier)->send($otp, $notifiable);
  • $otp: The otp to send.
  • $notifiable: AnonymousNotifiable or Notifiable instance.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rules;

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Facades\Otp;

use App\Models\User;
use App\Otp\UserRegistrationOtp;

Route::post('/register', function(Request $request){
        'name'          => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
        'email'         => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:' . User::class],
        'password'      => ['required',  Rules\Password::defaults()],

    $otp = Otp::identifier($request->email)->send(
        new UserRegistrationOtp(
            name: $request->name,
            email: $request->email,
            password: $request->password
        Notification::route('mail', $request->email)

    return __($otp['status']);


['status' => Otp::OTP_SENT] // Success: otp.sent

Verify OTP

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Facades\Otp;

  • $code: The otp code to compare against.


['status' => Otp::OTP_EMPTY]        // Error: otp.empty
['status' => Otp::OTP_MISMATCHED]  // Error: otp.mismatched
['status' => Otp::OTP_PROCESSED, 'result'=>[]] // Success: otp.processed

The result key contains the returned value of the process method of the Otp class

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Facades\Otp;

Route::post('/otp/verify', function (Request $request) {

        'email'    => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255'],
        'code'     => ['required', 'string']

    $otp = Otp::identifier($request->email)->attempt($request->code);

    if($otp['status'] != Otp::OTP_PROCESSED)
        abort(403, __($otp['status']));

    return $otp['result'];

Verify OTP without clearing from cache

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Facades\Otp;

  • $code: The otp code to compare against.


['status' => Otp::OTP_EMPTY]        // Error: otp.empty
['status' => Otp::OTP_MISMATCHED]  // Error: otp.mismatched
['status' => Otp::OTP_MATCHED] // Success: otp.matched

Resend OTP

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Facades\Otp;



['status' => Otp::OTP_EMPTY]    // Error: otp.empty
['status' => Otp::OTP_SENT]     // Success: otp.sent
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Facades\Otp;

Route::post('/otp/resend', function (Request $request) {

        'email'    => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255']

    $otp = Otp::identifier($request->email)->update();

    if($otp['status'] != Otp::OTP_SENT)
        abort(403, __($otp['status']));
    return __($otp['status']);

Setting Identifier

Every method of the OTP class requires setting an identifier to uniquely identify the Otp.

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Facades\Otp;

use SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\Facades\Otp;



Config file can be found at config/otp.php after publishing the package

  • format - Format of generated OTP code (numeric | alphanumeric | alpha)
  • length - Length of generated OTP code
  • expires - Number of minutes before OTP expires,
  • notification - Custom notification class to use, default is SadiqSalau\LaravelOtp\OtpNotification


The package doesn't provide translations out of the box, but here is an example. Create a new translation file: lang/en/otp.php


return [

    | OTP Language Lines
    | The following language lines are used by the OTP broker

    'sent'          => 'We have sent your OTP code!',
    'empty'         => 'No OTP!',
    'matched'       => 'OTP code verified!',
    'mismatched'    => 'Mismatched OTP code!',
    'processed'     => 'OTP was successfully processed!'

Then translate the status

return __($otp['status'])


  • Otp::identifier(mixed $identifier) - Set OTP identifier

  • Otp::send(OtpInterface $otp, mixed $notifiable) - Send OTP to a notifiable

  • Otp::attempt(string $code) - Attempt OTP code, returns the result of calling the process method of the OTP

  • Otp::check(string $code) - Compares the code against current OTP, this doesn't process or clear the OTP

  • Otp::update() - Resend and update current OTP

  • Otp::clear() - Remove OTP

  • Otp::useGenerator(callable $callback) - Set custom generator to use, generator will be called with $format and $length

  • Otp::generateOtpCode($format, $length) - Generates the OTP code


Contributions are welcomed.