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Dmitry edited this page Jun 5, 2021 · 2 revisions

Encrypt opened file

  1. Press Tools -> Encrypt file as Ansible Vault
  2. Provide encryption password and press OK or Enter

Create new encrypted file

  1. Create file as you regularly do
  2. Press Tools -> Open Ansible Vault Editor
  3. Provide encryption password and press OK or Enter
  4. Type or paste needed text, key or whatever
  5. Press Encrypt and Replace

Modify existing Vault value

  1. Put cursor on vault
  2. Run intention action Modify Vault (Click the bulb icon (or press Alt + Enter) and select an action from the list)
  3. Provide encryption password and press OK or Enter
  4. Modify vault data
  5. Press Encrypt and Replace

Change vault password

  1. Put cursor on vault
  2. Run intention action Change vault password (Click the bulb icon (or press Alt + Enter) and select an action from the list)
  3. Provide old encryption password and new password two times and press OK or Enter

Encrypt YAML property

  1. Put cursor on property value
  2. Run intention action Encrypt as Ansible Vault (Click the bulb icon (or press Alt + Enter) and select an action from the list)
  3. Provide encryption password and press OK or Enter

Modify existing YAML property vault

  1. Put cursor on vault
  2. Run intention action Modify vault value (Click the bulb icon (or press Alt + Enter) and select an action from the list)
  3. Provide encryption password and press OK or Enter
  4. Modify vault property data
  5. Press Encrypt and Replace

Change YAML property vault password

  1. Put cursor on property vault
  2. Run intention action Change vault value password (Click the bulb icon (or press Alt + Enter) and select an action from the list)
  3. Provide old encryption password and new password two times and press OK or Enter