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Video and Voice Conferencing in Angular

Angular Agora

npm version

Angular library for the Agora Web SDK next-generation client from enabling audio and video real-time communications based on Agora SD-RTN™ and implementing scenarios such as voice-only calls, video call, voice-only interactive broadcast, and video interactive broadcast.


Before using the Library, you need to:

  1. Get a valid Agora account. (Sign up for free.)
  2. Create a project in Agora Console and choose APP ID for authentication.


Run the following command to install the library.

npm i ngx-agora-sdk-ng 


Here is the demo link. In this link you could see the features that are using ngx-agora-sdk-ng library. We are working on it in these days and add amazing features. Acually we want show power of agora in demo project. You can make a project like Google meet.

Import Module

Import NgxAgoraSdkNgModule from ngx-agora-sdk-ng and add the module to the imports array with configuration.

  • Replace your own appId in agora-appId.
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { NgxAgoraSdkNgModule } from 'ngx-agora-sdk-ng';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
      AppID: 'replace-agora-appId',
      Video: { codec: 'h264', mode: 'rtc', role: 'host' }
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Import Service

Import NgxAgoraSdkNgService from ngx-agora-sdk-ng into your component or service to use.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxAgoraSdkNgService } from 'ngx-agora-sdk-ng';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {

  title = 'demo';

  constructor(private agoraService: NgxAgoraSdkNgService) { }

There are useful methods.

By using this method, you will join a channel. So this method enable both video and voice.

join(channelName: string, token: string, uid?: string): IJoinChannel<IMediaTrack>;

By using this method, you will join a video channel.

joinVideo(channelName: string, token: string, uid?: string): IVideoJoinChannel<IVideoTrack>;

By using this method, you will join a voice channel.

joinAudio(channelName: string, token: string, uid?: string): IAudioJoinChannel<IAudioTrack>;

By using this method, you will leave from a channel.

leave(): Promise<any>;

By using this method, you could get all cameras that connected in your device.

getCameras(): Promise<MediaDeviceInfo[]>;

By using this method, you could get all microphones that connected in your device.

getMicrophones(): Promise<MediaDeviceInfo[]>;

By using this method, you could get both microphones and cameras that connected in your device.

getDevices(): Promise<MediaDeviceInfo[]>;

By using this method, you could observe remote user status, for instance if a user leave a chananel or connect it will raise.

onRemoteUsersStatusChange(): Observable<UserState>;

When a remote user join a channel this event will be fired.

onRemoteUserJoined(): Observable<IRemoteUser>;

When a remote user leave a channel this event will be fired.

onRemoteUserLeft(): Observable<{ user: IRemoteUser, reason: string }>;

When a remote user change their volume this event will be fired.

onRemoteVolumeIndicator(): Observable<Array<{ level: number, uid: number | string }>>;

This event will be fired, if local network quality is changed.

onLocalNetworkQualityChange(): Observable<NetworkQuality>;

This event will be fired, if local user join into channel.

onLocalUserJoined(): Observable<{ track: IMediaTrack }>;

This event will be fired, if local user leave a channel.

onLocalUserLeft(): Observable<{ user: IRemoteUser, reason: string }>;
Deployment notes
Due to security limits on HTTP addresses except, the library only supports HTTPS or http://localhost ( If you deploy your project over HTTP, you can only visit your project at http://localhost(

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An angular audio and video real-time communications library for the Agora based on WebRTC.




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