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Microservices in Spring

Project overview

ya-miniproject drawio

Project description

• A company is planning to move its core business system to a microservice architecture and at the same time add new functionality.
• Existing functionality need to be available for current frontend application to work.
• Additional functionality include a foreign currency service that need to be integrated with core API to provide prices in other currencies.
• Additional functionality also include a recommendation service where customers can add their recommendations for products.
• Additional functionality also include a customer support service where customers can manage their support requests.

Project tools

Java 17. Spring Boot 3.0.1 with Maven: Spring Security, OAuth2, Spring Docs & Asciidocs, Spring Cloud (Eureka), Lombok. MySQL. Docker. Frontend: React 18 with React Router v6. Vite. TypeScript. Sass. Axios. React-jwt. Buffer.

Project components


This project is built to run in a docker compose environment. All parts of the program are registered in the /docker-compose.yml file and can be run by docker-compose up.


The MySQL database server containing the databases Northwind, Recommendation and SupportIssues.

spring security

The frontend client and common-api are secured with Oauth2 using JWT tokens. No requests will be allowed without proper authorization. Example login is user/password.


The service registration Netflix Eureka Server where all the parts are registered. Allows the different microservices to communicate with each other by name rather than address. Server details at http://localhost:8761/.


Spring Boot Microservice for adding product recommendations. Recommendations are displayed on the frontend, and there is a form to submit new ones.


Spring Boot Microservice for adding support issues. Support issues are displayed on the frontend, and there is a form to submit new ones.


Spring Boot Microservice for calculating foreign currency exchange. Retrieves current currency exchange rates from European Central Bank via their RESTful API. Use Currency tab on the frontend.


Spring Boot Microservice of the backend API holding it all together. Talks to the database and other microservices. Ships data to the frontend. API documentation for all endpoints available from Spring Docs/Asciidocs.


Frontend client served at http://localhost:81/. Built with Vite, React and TypeScript. Uses the Keycloak server to login and sends auth token for every call to the common-backend API.


Java Spring Boot Microservice project for school






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