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safesparrow committed Oct 22, 2022
1 parent d43e0c3 commit d0f4180
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Showing 4 changed files with 98 additions and 90 deletions.
169 changes: 87 additions & 82 deletions tests/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests2/DepResolving.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -215,92 +215,95 @@ module internal AutomatedDependencyResolving =

let trie = buildTrie nodes

// Find dependencies for all files (can be in parallel)
// Find dependencies for all files
let graph =
|> (fun node ->
match node.ContainsModuleAbbreviations with
| true -> node.Idx, allIndices
| false ->
let trie = cloneTrie trie

// Keep a list of visited nodes (ie. all reachable nodes and all their ancestors)
let visited = emptyList<TrieNode>()

let markVisited (node : TrieNode) =
if not node.Reachable then
node.Reachable <- true

// Keep a list of reachable nodes (ie. ones that can be prefixes for later module/type references)
let reachable = emptyList<TrieNode>()

let markReachable (node : TrieNode) =
if not node.PotentialPrefix then
node.PotentialPrefix <- true
markVisited node

// Mark root (no prefix) as reachable and visited
markReachable trie

let rec extend (id : LongIdent) (node : TrieNode) =
let rec extend (node : TrieNode) (id : LongIdent) =
match id with
// Reached end of the identifier - new reachable node
| [] ->
Some node
// More segments exist
| segment :: rest ->
// Visit (not 'reach') the TrieNode
markVisited node
match node.Children.TryGetValue(segment.idText) with
// A child for the segment exists - continue there
| true, child ->
extend child rest
// A child for the segment doesn't exist - stop, since we don't care about the non-existent part of the Trie
| false, _ ->
extend node id

// Process module refs in order, marking more and more TrieNodes as reachable
let processRef (id : LongIdent) =
let newReachables =
// Start at every reachable node,
// extend a reachable node by 'id', but without creating new nodes, mark all seen nodes as visited and the final one as reachable
|> Seq.choose (extend id)
|> Seq.toArray
|> Array.iter markReachable

// Add top-level module/namespaces as the first reference (possibly not necessary as maybe already in the list)
// TODO When multiple top-level namespaces exist, we should check that it's OK to add all of them at the start (out of order).
// Later on we might want to preserve the order by returning the top-level namespaces during AST visiting
let moduleRefs =
Array.append node.Tops node.ModuleRefs

// Process all refs
|> Array.iter processRef

// Collect files from all visited TrieNodes
let reachableItems =
|> Seq.collect (fun node -> node.GraphNodes)
|> Seq.toArray

// Return the node and its dependencies
let deps =
// Assume that a file with module abbreviations can depend on anything
match node.ContainsModuleAbbreviations with
| true -> allIndices
| false ->
// Clone the original Trie as we're going to mutate the copy
let trie = cloneTrie trie

// Keep a list of reachable nodes (ie. potential prefixes and their ancestors)
let reachable = emptyList<TrieNode>()
let markReachable (node : TrieNode) =
if not node.Reachable then
node.Reachable <- true

// Keep a list of potential prefixes
let potentialPrefixes = emptyList<TrieNode>()
let markPotentialPrefix (node : TrieNode) =
if not node.PotentialPrefix then
node.PotentialPrefix <- true
// Every potential prefix is reachable
markReachable node

// Mark root (empty prefix) as a potential prefix
markPotentialPrefix trie

/// <summary>
/// Walk down from 'node' using 'id' as the path.
/// Mark all visited nodes as reachable, and the final node as a potential prefix.
/// Short-circuit when a leaf is reached.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When the path leads outside the Trie, the Trie is not extended and no node is marked as a potential prefix.
/// This is just a performance optimisation - all the files are linked to already existing nodes, so there is no need to create and visit deeper nodes.
/// </remarks>
let rec walkDownAndMark (id : LongIdent) (node : TrieNode) =
match id with
// Reached end of the identifier - new reachable node
| [] ->
markPotentialPrefix node
// More segments exist
| segment :: rest ->
// Visit (not 'reach') the TrieNode
markReachable node
match node.Children.TryGetValue(segment.idText) with
// A child for the segment exists - continue there
| true, child ->
walkDownAndMark rest child
// A child for the segment doesn't exist - stop, since we don't care about the non-existent part of the Trie
| false, _ ->

let processRef (id : LongIdent) =
// Start at every potential prefix,
List<_>(potentialPrefixes) // Copy the list for iteration as the original is going to be extended.
// Extend potential prefixes with this 'id'
|> Seq.iter (walkDownAndMark id)

// Add top-level module/namespaces as the first reference (possibly not necessary as maybe already in the list)
// TODO When multiple top-level namespaces exist, we should check that it's OK to add all of them at the start (out of order).
// Later on we might want to preserve the order by returning the top-level namespaces interleaved with module refs
let moduleRefs =
Array.append node.Tops node.ModuleRefs

// Process module refs in order, marking more and more TrieNodes as reachable and potential prefixes
|> Array.iter processRef

// Collect files from all reachable TrieNodes
let deps =
|> Seq.collect (fun node -> node.GraphNodes)
|> (fun n -> n.Idx)
// Assume that this file depends on all files that have any module abbreviations
// TODO Handle module abbreviations in a better way
|> Seq.append filesWithModuleAbbreviations
|> Seq.toArray

// We know a file can't depend on a file further down in the project definition (or on itself)
|> Seq.filter (fun n -> n.Idx < node.Idx)
|> (fun n -> n.Idx)
|> Seq.toArray
|> Array.filter (fun depIdx -> depIdx < node.Idx)

let finalDeps = Array.append deps filesWithModuleAbbreviations

node.Idx, finalDeps
// Return the node and its dependencies
node.Idx, deps
|> dict

Expand All @@ -312,6 +315,9 @@ module internal AutomatedDependencyResolving =
log "Done"

/// <summary>
/// Calculate and print some stats about the expected parallelism factor of a dependency graph
/// </summary>
let analyseEfficiency (result : DepsResult) : unit =
let totalFileSize =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,7 +345,6 @@ let analyseEfficiency (result : DepsResult) : unit =
| d -> d |> depthDfs |> Array.max
let depth = int64(file.CodeSize) + deepestChild
depths[idx] <- depth
printfn $"Depth[{idx}, {file.Name}] <- {depth}"
| depth ->
// Already visited
Expand All @@ -351,4 +356,4 @@ let analyseEfficiency (result : DepsResult) : unit =
|> (fun f -> depthDfs f.Idx)
|> Array.max

printfn $"Total file size: {totalFileSize}. Max depth: {maxDepth}. Max Depth/Size = {maxDepth / totalFileSize}"
printfn $"Total file size: {totalFileSize}. Max depth: {maxDepth}. Max Depth/Size = %.2f{double(maxDepth) / double(totalFileSize)}"
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions tests/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests2/RunCompiler.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.RunCompiler

open FSharp.Build
open NUnit.Framework

let runCompiler () =
let args =
System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\projekty\fsharp\heuristic\tests\FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests2\args.txt") |> Array.skip 1
FSharp.Compiler.CommandLineMain.main args
FSharp.Compiler.CommandLineMain.main args |> ignore
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions tests/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests2/TestASTVisit.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,9 +77,8 @@ let x = 3
printfn $"A refs: %+A{visitedA}"

let ``Test big`` () =
let ``Test big.fs`` () =
let code = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Big.fs")
let parsedA = getParseResults code
let visitedA = extractModuleRefs parsedA
Expand Down
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions tests/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests2/TestDepResolving.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ let TestHardcodedFiles() =
printfn "Detected file dependencies:"
|> Seq.iter (fun (KeyValue(idx, deps)) -> printfn $"{graph.Files[idx].Name} -> %+A{deps |> d -> graph.Files[d].Name)}")

analyseEfficiency graph

let private parseProjectAndGetSourceFiles (projectFile : string) =
log "building project"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,9 +129,10 @@ let TestProject (projectFile : string) =
let totalDeps = graph.Graph |> Seq.sumBy (fun (KeyValue(idx, deps)) -> deps.Length)
let maxPossibleDeps = (N * (N-1)) / 2

let graph = graph.Graph |> (fun (KeyValue(idx, deps)) -> graph.Files[idx].Name, deps |> (fun d -> graph.Files[d].Name)) |> dict
let json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(graph, Formatting.Indented)
let graphJson = graph.Graph |> (fun (KeyValue(idx, deps)) -> graph.Files[idx].Name, deps |> (fun d -> graph.Files[d].Name)) |> dict
let json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(graphJson, Formatting.Indented)
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("deps_graph.json", json)

printfn $"Analysed {N} files, detected {totalDeps}/{maxPossibleDeps} file dependencies:"
printfn "Wrote graph as json in deps_graph.json"
printfn $"Analysed {N} files, detected {totalDeps}/{maxPossibleDeps} file dependencies."
printfn "Wrote graph as json in deps_graph.json"
analyseEfficiency graph

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