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Safe Wallet v0.0.2

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@ddabek ddabek released this 28 Aug 02:22
· 378 commits to master since this release

In this release we addressed the significant usability issues. The order in which requests are made have been made more logical towards the perspective of a user. From now on the application must connect to the nodes, confirming that, it fetches the most important data first. Then it populates balances and unlocks the ability to make transactions.

There is additional support for indication where a transaction is dispatched and awaiting a reply. If there is some issue there is a notification. Additionally, there is a refresh button. The application will require that the user manually refresh the application to check their wallet. This is to reduce server load, and it is limited to one refresh per three minutes.

Additionally, there is a password change in a settings cog, as well as exporting unencrypted keys, exporting an encrypted safexwallet.dat file, as well as a logout button.

Finally, there is the ability for completely deleting the wallet that is stored at the core. It will allow the user a chance to back up encrypted and unencrypted versions of their wallet before finishing off with deleting the old wallet making room for a new wallet file to be created.

If there is any feedback or support requirements refer to the forum and the support category: