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Reproduction bug for storycap

First clone this repo and install dependencies

git clone
cd storycap-test
npm install

Run Tests

In order to run tests, run:

npm run tests:visual

⚠️ Attention: Depending on your local chromium version, tests should pass. If they don't pass due to font rendering or spaces you can update them with:

npm run tests:visual:update

Reproduce the bug

After you see that the tests are passing, go to script and change the --parallel to 1:

- storycap --serverCmd "http-server storybook-static -p 9009" --outDir "integration/__screenshots__" --parallel 4 http://localhost:9009
+ storycap --serverCmd "http-server storybook-static -p 9009" --outDir "integration/__screenshots__" --parallel 1 http://localhost:9009

Now run the tests again

npm run tests:visual

Expected behavior

All tests are passing

Actual behavior

Focus image is changed and failed (the button is no longer focused)


In Button.stories.jsx file, comment out the click parameter for the Click story.

Click.parameters = {
  screenshot: {
    // comment this line to fix the "Focus" story image test when storycap runs with --parallel 1
-   click: "#btn",
+   //click: "#btn",

We should expect to see 2 tests failing now right? Focus (like before) and Click.
Well, no. Now only Click test is failing (as it should) but Focus is back to normal and passes (as it should) 🤷

If you want, you can add a mouse tracker to the page to see where is the mouse position while screenshot is taken.
In ./storybook/preview.js file, add the withMouseTrack decorator:

- export const decorators = [withScreenshot]
+ export const decorators = [withScreenshot, withMouseTrack];

Run the tests again:

npm run tests:visual


Bug reproduction for hover/focus/click






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