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A simplfied look at creating service like UNSplash

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MySplash Implementation

This is the implementation for the Designing a system like Unsplash article I published on medium.

Please read the article to understand the design and then try the implmentation.


  • Microservices
  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Kubernetes
  • Maven
  • Azure Cloud

The main goal of the code is to create an understanding of using microservices and utilizing them to create an application. This is in no way a full-fledged production grade application however it mimics the scenarios very well.


  • You need to have Minikube installed
  • You will need to have Maven installed if you intend to build the code
  • You need Java 17


If you intend to deploy this application in your setup then you would need to do the following things:

  • Git clone the repository
  • Create a Azure account
  • In Azure cloud portal create a storage account "mysplashimages"
  • In the storage account create a container named "myimages"
  • Go to access keys and copy the "connectionstring"
  • Go to and paste the copied connectionstring and copy the encoded value keep it a file
  • On the encode the string "mysplashimages" and copy the encoded value to another file
  • In the k8s/bootstrap/secrets.yml file replace the <ENCODED_CONNECTION_STRING> with your value
  • In the k8s/bootstrap/secrets.yml file replace the <ENCODED_CONTAINER_NAME> with your value

Using my docker hub containers

If you do not want to build the code by yourself then it will be lot easier just follow these steps

  • Create a minikube profile

    minikube start --memory=6144 --cpus=2 --kubernetes-version=v1.24.0 --vm-driver=virtualbox

  • You can even directly start minikube profile is not mandatory

  • Enable ingress for minikube

    minikube addons enable ingress

  • Run the following script, ensure you have rights to run the script


  • This should create all resources and deploy them in you minikube cluster in a namespace "mysplash"

  • You can check the status with

    kubectl get pods -n mysplash kubectl get svc -n mysplash

  • Once the Postgres pod is in running state execute the followint command

    kubectl exec -it postgres-0 -n mysplash -- psql -U mysplash

  • You would have entered the postgres microservice. Now you need to create databases. The following commands are also listed in the file mysplash_setup.sql

    \c mysplash; CREATE DATABASE images; CREATE DATABASE users; CREATE DATABASE imgprocess;

  • Sometimes the imageservice,imgprocessor and the users service go in the error state as they do not find the DB required ,if this happens then after creating the DB's you can delete and recreate these three services by running the following script

    ./ <service_name> example ./ imageservice ./ <service_name> Following are service names imageservice, users and imgprocessor

  • Check the minikube IP

    minikube IP

  • Edit your /etc/hosts file and add the following, this way you don't have keep typing the IP address of minikube

Postman API

To test your setup you will need to run API's that I have created in Postman in the following order

  • Create user and note the userid in the response
  • Upload a image for the userid received in the response while creatng a user
  • Check the Azure Storage for image upload
  • Check logs of individual microservices
  • Check the DB

Here is the collection of APIs

Run in Postman


A simplfied look at creating service like UNSplash






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