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Gerard Murphy edited this page Aug 14, 2023 · 12 revisions

Strongly typed test supply

The JUnit5 integration discussed before is great if you're used to JUnit5's @ParameterizedTest annotation, but if you've used Scalacheck, you may be a little put off by the stringly typed code that has is forced on us by Java annotations - to wire up the supplier of test cases, we have to specify the name of a field in the test class.

Who knows what actual test cases might be supplied, or even if the field has been renamed in the meantime? Sure, we'll see a runtime error with some diagnostic, but...

Fear not - whether you are writing tests in Java or Scala, it is possible to integrate with JUnit5 with strongly-typed coupling between the test case supply and the actual parameterised test. So the supplier of test cases has to supply test cases whose type and number match the types and number of the arguments to the parameterised test, and this will be checked at compile time.

Yes, I wrote JUnit5 and Scala in the same sentence; it is feasible to use JUnit5 directly with Scala test and system-under-test code using the Scala flavour of the Trials API. You are free to pull in whatever assertion library works with JUnit5 and Scala - I've been experimenting with Expecty, so far it works very nicely as the primary assertion language, using JUnit5's assertThrows to check that an exception is thrown.

What does this look like? Let's cutover the permutations example from before:

// Junit5...
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestFactory
// Integration with JUnit5...
import com.sageserpent.americium.junit5.*
// Expecty assertions...
import com.eed3si9n.expecty.Expecty.assert
class DemonstrateJUnit5Integration {
  def thingsShouldBeInOrder(): DynamicTests = {
    val permutations: Trials[SortedMap[Int, Int]] =
      api.only(15).flatMap { size =>
        val sourceCollection = 0 until size

          .map(indices => {
            val permutation = SortedMap.from(

            assume(permutation.size == size)

            assume(SortedSet.from(permutation.values).toSeq == sourceCollection)


        .dynamicTests { permuted =>
          Trials.whenever(permuted.nonEmpty) {
            assert(permuted.values zip permuted.values.tail forall {
              case (left, right) =>
                left <= right

What's changed? For one thing, we have a test method that is decorated with JUnit5's @TestFactory annotation, this expects the method to yield some kind of Java abstraction of a series of DynamicTest instances. To avoid having to pollute your nice Scala test code with the names of coarse and ill-mannered Java types, there is a Scala type alias DynamicTests (note the plural) that is pulled in from the import com.sageserpent.americium.junit5.* import.

The rest of the code looks much the same - only instead of a call to supplyTo we see a call to dynamicTests, also pulled in via that import. This packages up our parameterised test and supply into something that JUnit5 can use, the rub being that we have used a type-checked call to connect the supplier and the parameterised test.

Those eagle-eyed readers will note the use of an assertion - this is pulled in by import com.eed3si9n.expecty.Expecty.assert, although the standard Predef.assert would also do. Try both out and see the difference!

The method dynamicTests is overloaded so that trials instances can be ganged together to supply multi-argument parameterised tests. This technique also works with trials whose test cases are tuple types too.

Note that the Trials instance in the example is the Scala form, even though we are using JUnit5.

Java folk have not been neglected: there is a module class that provides a similar experience, only this time we do use the Java form of Trials. Here's an example taken from the Javadoc for JUnit5.dynamicTests:

class DemonstrateJUnit5Integration{
     Iterator<DynamicTest> dynamicTestsExample() {
         final TrialsScaffolding.SupplyToSyntax<Integer> supplier =

         return JUnit5.dynamicTests(
                 // The parameterised test: it just prints out the test case...
                 testCase -> {
                     System.out.format("Test case %d\n", testCase);

This time we can't use the Scala type alias so we see Iterator<DynamicTest> in all of its glory, and revel in it because Scala developers are just namby-pamby purists anyway.

Again, there are overloads of JUnit5.dynamicTests, and these work both with ganged trials and trials of tuples.

Next topic: Design and Implementation...

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