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This repository visualizes different Reinforcement Learning algorithms on OpenAi gym

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Reinforcemnt Learning

In this repository you can find different codes visuallizes how different learning algorithms and parameters can change the solution to the RL problem.

We don't want to tell the agent what are the rules, instead we'll let him explore, if he get's to the goal than a reward is given and the agent will want to keep taking good steps to recieve more reward. When at state s it is important to take the right action a in order to get to the goal faster/ achieve more reward.

RL parameters:

Discount factor(gamma) - we will get some rewards only in the future, they don't worth as much as the rewards we get now so how much weight do we want to give them? Learning rate (alpha) - Exploration rate (epsilon) - exploration rate decay Inverse temperature (beta) - inverse temperature increase


In here we considered two algorithms for the Q-table update: Sarsa and Q-Learning.

In Sarsa the agent takes first action, gets reward, pick the next action and then updates the results - meaning that at each state he updates his policy. In Q-Learning the agent takes first state, gets reward and then picks the next action by following what he assumes the optimal policy, then updates.

Actions Choosing:


1 dimensional discrete state space with one dimensional discrete actions space: (F,S,H,G)

the agent start from S and recives reward only when reaching to the goal-G

  • Here you can see how choosing the right action can change the reward dramaticly:
softmax taking action policy random action taking policy

as we expected, at the beggining explore more and towards the end exploit more is giving more reward than just exploring. also notice, this results came from initializing the Q-table to zeros, try to initialize to the mean of Gaussian and see the much worse results..

2 dimensional continous state space: (position, velocity) with one dimensional discrete actions space: (left, neutral, right)

The learning rate will determine how much importance we give to new knowledge, giving it less importance can result in slower convergence, giving it high importance can lead to forgetting more and in case of noisy observation can result in inaccurate prediction

  • Here you can see in Sarsa with Softmax at episode 125 how changing the Learning rate changes the system behaviour:
learning rate - 0.5 learning rate - 0.1

you can see that at episode 64 the car reaches the goal and Q-learn does that in less steps than sarsa.

The number of episodes will determine how much knowledge on the enviornment we recieve. As more exprience we expect better results (that can lead to overfitting)

  • Epsilon-greedy with learning rate - 0.1:
Q-learn episode 8 Q-learn episode 64 Sarsa episode 64

How to run:

Use SARSA/Q-learning algorithm with epsilon-greedy/softmax policy

  • FrozenLake env:,
  • MountainCar env:,

Use Deep SARSA/Q-learning algorithm with epsilon-greedy/softmax policy

  • FrozenLake env:,
  • MountainCar env:,

you can play with the different parameters, as shown in each options file, for help run:

python -h

run with default parameters:


run Algorithm - sarsa, Policy - softmax Learning Rate - 0.2 Number of episodes - 300 :

python -a sarsa -p softmax -lr 0.2 -n 300


This repository visualizes different Reinforcement Learning algorithms on OpenAi gym







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