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Tutorial: Add support for python packages

Gaurav Jhaveri edited this page Jan 22, 2018 · 7 revisions

This example will create a FuzzyFilePath trigger to autocomplete Python package imports

Having a folder opened in Sublime, press alt+super+p in an opened python file. At the bottom (status bar) you see the current scope at your cursor. On an empty line it should print something like source.python. In FuzzyFilePath Settings we create a new trigger by adding an object to "scopes" array and tell FuzzyFilePath to use this trigger if the current scope contains .python. Remember to escape regex characters using double backslashes:

"scopes": [
		"scope": "\\.python"

Using the force auto completion command, i.e. ctrl+shift+space, will show all files within the current project that have a valid file extensions. File extensions are searched within all triggers given in the scopes array. To restrict proposed paths to python files, add the attribute extensions in the settings:

		"scope": "\\.python",
		"extensions": ["py"]

To enable auto completion, set attribute auto to true:

		"scope": "\\.python",
		"extensions": ["py"],
		"auto": true

This will always query filepaths while typing, thus we must restrict auto completions to a specific context.

If you are using Sublime build 3073 or later: on a line like from FuzzyFilePath.project.ProjectManager import ProjectManager, place the cursor on the import path and use the command ffp_show_context. To call the command, add { "keys": ["alt+y"], "command": "ffp_show_context" } to your keybindings. This will show the current context and its retrieved variables.

In this case the value prefix is set to from:

		"scope": "\\.python",
		"extensions": ["py"],
		"auto": true,
		"prefix": ["from"]

Now filepaths are only proposed if the string from is before the current edited string. Filepaths are still inserted relative, but we require absolute paths, thus set attribute relative to false:

		"scope": "\\.python",
		"extensions": ["py"],
		"auto": true,
		"prefix": ["from"],
		"relative": false

Inserting a file will print something like from /project/ But our import should look like from project.ProjectManager. Using regex tupels, the path maybe cleaned up after insertion:

		"scope": "\\.python",
		"extensions": ["py"],
		"auto": true,
		"prefix": ["from"],
		"relative": false,
		"replace_on_insert": [
			["^\\/", ""], // remove first slash
			["\\/", "."], // replace slashed by dots
			["\\.py$", ""], // remove file extension

This will insert the above path as from project.ProjectManager. In case of Sublime Text Plugins, packages start with its name, like FuzzyFilePath. Adding this trigger to project settings and adjusting the replacements to:

	"scope": "\\.python",
	"extensions": ["py"],
	"auto": true,
	"prefix": ["from"],
	"relative": false,
	"replace_on_insert": [
		["^\\/", ""], // remove first slash
		["\\/", "."], // replace slashed by dots
		["^(.*)\\.py$", "FuzzyFilePath.\\1"], // add package file

will insert local paths only and prefix them with the project's package name, i.e. from FuzzyFilePath.project.ProjectManager

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