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Web based application to analyse the live cases of COVID-19 and is impact on economy alt text

The virus that causes COVID-19 is a coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a large, diverse group of viruses, and you need powerful microscopes to be able to see them. Coronavirus means crown. And as you can see on this slide, the virus looks like it has a crown around it. That's how coronaviruses got their name. There are many different types of coronaviruses, and they infect a wide range of mammals and birds. And some even cause mild respiratory disease in people every year, so coronaviruses are not new.

This is the third coronavirus since 2020

🦠Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) 🦠Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS) 🦠SARS-COV-2


👉Fatigue 👉Nausea 👉Loss of taste or smell 👉Muscle ache

Flatening of curve

alt text This graph shows a tall, narrow curve and a short, wide curve. Through the graph is a line that shows how many sick people U.S. hospitals can treat. The tall curve goes above the line. That means too many people are sick at one time: We won't have enough hospital beds for all the people who will need treatment. The flatter curve shows what happens if the spread of the virus slows down. The same number of people may get sick, but the infections happen over a longer span of time, so hospitals can treat everyone.


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