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Running PMLS Caffe in Docker

Qirong Ho edited this page Jul 7, 2017 · 2 revisions

PMLS-Caffe Docker

If you are a Docker user, we have also built an image for PMLS-Caffe and uploaded it to the Docker hub. Check our PMLS-Caffe image in the Docker hub.

The source code of this docker image could be found here: Docker image source.

Setup the Docker image

Step 1: Check the NVIDIA driver version

First of all, make sure the NVIDIA driver version in the Dockerfile (line 10) matches your local driver version. If yes, you can directly clone the Docker image from the Docker Hub without the need to rebuild the image; Otherwise, please modify the driver version accordingly and rebuild the Docker image following our instructions in Step 2.

Step 2: Build the Docker image

Please make sure you have successfully installed and setup Docker on your machine.

To build the image:

cd docker
docker build -t poseidon .

You will need to wait for 15 - 20 minutes before it finishes.

Step 3: Setup SSH

This is an SSH docker, so you will need to setup the keys. The easiest is to have a key shared by all the instances (if you want to run multiple instances) to enable password-less SSH.

You need a server key as well as a client key. Once you setup all that in a folder, you should have the following files:

  • authorized_keys
  • id_rsa
  • ssh_host_rsa_key

In the authorized_keys file, simply put the content of the and your own key. Now you can mount that folder as /root/.ssh, and you should be set. Make sure the permissions are 700.

Step 4: Start a PMLS-Caffe container from Docker

You can start a container for PMLS-Caffe by the following example command:

docker run -itd -v [/path/to/your/ssh/folder]:/root/.ssh $(for device in $(ls /dev/nvidia*); do echo -n "--device $device "; done) --name [Container Name] [Image Name]
  • /path/to/your/ssh/folder: The path where you place your SSH keys. In Ubuntu, it is usually /home/[username]/.ssh;

  • Container Name: The container name. For example: poseidon0, poseidon1, ...;

  • Image Name: If you directly clone the image from our Docker hub, set the Image Name to zhisbug/poseidon; If you build the Docker image by yourself, set the Image Name to be poseidon;

Host file for multiple containers

Docker allows you to run multiple containers and test PMLS-Caffe in a distributed setting, even if you do not have a cluster at all. If you want to run with more than one docker locally to run some tests, you can start several instances of the docker. If they are named poseidon0, poseidon1, etc, you can use the script provided.


This docker image is adopted from the original version by Valentin Tolmer.