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srinisv123 committed Jun 4, 2011
1 parent 194be94 commit d545bd1
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Showing 6 changed files with 152 additions and 139 deletions.
130 changes: 71 additions & 59 deletions bin/pogo-rexec
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ use JSON qw(decode_json);
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64);
use POSIX qw(WEXITSTATUS mkfifo);
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_base64);

#Register all signals if they exist, then clean up the private key file
$SIG{HUP} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{__DIE__} = \&cleanup;
Expand All @@ -45,36 +46,39 @@ my $opts = {
qw(-o RSAAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=error -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ForwardAgent=yes -t)
command_prefix => [],
tempdir => "/tmp", #Giving the directory to install the private keys
tempdir =>
"/tmp", #The default directory where the named pipe will be created for storing private key.

my $remote_env = { PATH => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin', };

my $pkfile = undef;
my $pkfile = undef;
my $ssh_agent_pid = undef;
my $ssh_sock = undef;
my $ssh_sock = undef;

sub cleanup {
sub cleanup
my $msg = shift;
if ( $msg =~ m/^[A-Z]+$/ ) { $msg = 'got SIG' . $msg; }
if ( $pkfile )
if ( $msg =~ m/^[A-Z]+$/ ) { $msg = 'got SIG' . $msg; }
if ($pkfile)
unlink $pkfile;
LOGDIE "ERROR: pogo-rexec died: $msg\n\n";

sub kill_agent{
sub kill_agent
#Kill the ssh-agent if one was created
my $agent_command = ("eval `ssh-agent -k`");
my $agent_command = ("eval `ssh-agent -k`");

#start the agent
my ( $writer, $reader ) = ( IO::Handle->new, IO::Handle->new );
my $pid;
eval { $pid = open3( $writer, $reader, undef, $agent_command); };
eval { $pid = open3( $writer, $reader, undef, $agent_command ); };
if ($@)
LOGDIE "Error: $@";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,21 +111,25 @@ sub execute
# Send timeout
$writer->print( $args->{timeout}, "\n" );

if (!$args->{password}) {
if ( !$args->{password} )
# Send blank password
$writer->printf( "%s",
pack( q{u}, "\n" ) );
} else {
$writer->printf( "%s", pack( q{u}, "\n" ) );
# Send password
$writer->printf( "%s",
pack( q{u}, $opts->{private_key}->decrypt( decode_base64( $args->{password} ) ) ) );

if (!$args->{pvt_key_passphrase}) {
if ( !$args->{pvt_key_passphrase} )
# Send blank passphrase
$writer->printf( "%s",
pack( q{u}, "\n" ) );
} else {
$writer->printf( "%s", pack( q{u}, "\n" ) );
# Send passphrase
$writer->printf( "%s",
pack( q{u}, $opts->{private_key}->decrypt( decode_base64( $args->{pvt_key_passphrase} ) ) ) );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,106 +203,112 @@ sub main

#Check to make sure atleast one form of authentication is provided
if (!$args->{client_private_key} && !$args->{password}) {
if ( !$args->{client_private_key} && !$args->{password} )
LOGDIE "Missing authentication parameters\n";

#If it is using private key authenticaion, set up ssh-agent
if ($args->{client_private_key}) {
if ( $args->{client_private_key} )
#prepare the command to start ssh-agent
my $agent_command = 'eval `ssh-agent` ; echo SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK ; echo SSH_AGENT_PID=$SSH_AGENT_PID ; ';
my $agent_command =
'eval `ssh-agent` ; echo SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK ; echo SSH_AGENT_PID=$SSH_AGENT_PID ; ';

#start the agent
my ( $writer, $reader ) = ( IO::Handle->new, IO::Handle->new );
my $pid;
eval { $pid = open3( $writer, $reader, undef, $agent_command); };
eval { $pid = open3( $writer, $reader, undef, $agent_command ); };
if ($@)
LOGDIE "Error: $@";

#fetch the socket and pid
while (my $line = $reader->getline) {
$ssh_agent_pid=$1 if($line =~ m/SSH_AGENT_PID=(\d+)$/);
$ssh_sock = $1 if($line =~ m/SSH_AUTH_SOCK=(.+)$/);
while ( my $line = $reader->getline )
$ssh_agent_pid = $1 if ( $line =~ m/SSH_AGENT_PID=(\d+)$/ );
$ssh_sock = $1 if ( $line =~ m/SSH_AUTH_SOCK=(.+)$/ );

#set the socket for this program and all its children
$ENV{SSH_AUTH_SOCK} = $ssh_sock;
$ENV{SSH_AGENT_PID} = $ssh_agent_pid;

#add the key to the agent using ssh-add
#decrypt the private key and store in tmp
#decrypt the private key and send it to the named pipe
my $pk_data;
my $n =0;
while (exists ${ $args->{client_private_key} }[$n]){
my $data = ${ $args->{client_private_key} }[$n++];
my $dkdata = $opts->{private_key}->decrypt( decode_base64($data));
for my $data ( @{ $args->{client_private_key} } )
my $dkdata = $opts->{private_key}->decrypt( decode_base64($data) );
$pk_data .= $dkdata;


# create a named pipe and make sure it does not already exists
$pkfile = sprintf "%s/%d-%d-0000", $opts->{tempdir}, $$, time;
while (-p $pkfile )
$pkfile = "$opts->{tempdir}/" . sha1_base64( sprintf "%0.5f-%d-%d", rand(), $$, time );
while ( -p $pkfile )
$pkfile = sprintf "%s/%d-%d-0000", $opts->{tempdir}, $$, time;
$pkfile = "$opts->{tempdir}/" . sha1_base64( printf "%0.5f-%d-%d", rand(), $$, time );

# the named pipe blocks till some one reads and ssh-add also blocks till its completed,
# so both these will deadlock. So we fork the process here, let the pipe run in the child,
# start the ssh-add in the parent and once they are completed, we merge them back
my $pipepid = fork;
if (not defined $pipepid) # not enough resources
if ( not defined $pipepid ) # not enough resources
LOGDIE "Resources not available for forking.\n";
elsif($pipepid ==0) # Child
elsif ( $pipepid == 0 ) # Child
# ssh-add first adds without passphrase and then tries next time with passphrase
# since fifo is read once only, if the given private key does not have a passphrase,
# this writing has to be only once, if it has a correct passphrase, it has to be
# done twice. So based on passphrase, we write it once or twice. If the passphrase is
# incorrect, this process will exit with writing twice and the parent will keep
# this writing has to be only once, if it has a correct passphrase, it has to be
# done twice. So based on passphrase, we write it once or twice. If the passphrase is
# incorrect, this process will exit with writing twice and the parent will keep
# reading multiple times. EVentually the system timeout will take over and exit.

my $write_count = $args->{pvt_key_passphrase} ? 2 :1;
for (my $i=0; $i<$write_count; $i++) {
unless (-p $pkfile)
my $write_count = $args->{pvt_key_passphrase} ? 2 : 1;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $write_count; $i++ )
unless ( -p $pkfile )
mkfifo($pkfile, 0600) or LOGDIE "can't mkfifo $pkfile: $!";
mkfifo( $pkfile, 0600 ) or LOGDIE "can't mkfifo $pkfile: $!";

# next line blocks until there's a reader
open(FIFO, "> $pkfile") or LOGDIE "can't write $pkfile: $!";
open( FIFO, "> $pkfile" ) or LOGDIE "can't write $pkfile: $!";
print FIFO $pk_data;
sleep 1;# to avoid dup signals and let ssh-add catch up
sleep 1; # to avoid dup signals and let ssh-add catch up

else #parent
else #parent
#run ssh-add with the private key
execute ($args, "ssh-add", "$pkfile");
waitpid($pipepid,0); #wait for child
execute( $args, "ssh-add", "$pkfile" );
waitpid( $pipepid, 0 ); #wait for child


#Unlink the pk file
if ( $pkfile ) {
if ($pkfile)
unlink $pkfile;

push @{ $opts->{scp_options} }, ("-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=yes");
push @{ $opts->{ssh_options} }, ("-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=yes");

push @{ $opts->{scp_options} }, ( "-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=yes" );
push @{ $opts->{ssh_options} }, ( "-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=yes" );

} else {
push @{ $opts->{scp_options} }, ("-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=no");
push @{ $opts->{ssh_options} }, ("-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=no");
push @{ $opts->{scp_options} }, ( "-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=no" );
push @{ $opts->{ssh_options} }, ( "-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=no" );
# split if hostname:rootname combination is present
my @target;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,10 +386,8 @@ sub main
"rm -f", $tmpfile


return $exit_status;
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lib/Pogo/Client/
Expand Up @@ -249,9 +249,10 @@ $key, $value

if ( !defined $opts->{'pk-file'} )
my $ssh_home = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.ssh/id_dsa";
LOGDIE "No ssh private key file found"
unless ( -e $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.ssh/id_dsa" );
$opts->{'pk-file'} = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.ssh/id_dsa";
unless ( -e $ssh_home);
$opts->{'pk-file'} = $ssh_home;

open (my $pk_fh, $opts->{'pk-file'}) or LOGDIE "Unable to open file: $!\n";
Expand Down

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