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969 lines (613 loc) · 32.1 KB

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969 lines (613 loc) · 32.1 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
BulkDeleteNotificationTemplates Post /notification-templates/bulk-delete Bulk Delete Notification Templates
CreateNotificationTemplate Post /notification-templates Create Notification Template
CreateVerifiedFromAddress Post /verified-from-addresses Create Verified From Address
DeleteVerifiedFromAddress Delete /verified-from-addresses/{id} Delete Verified From Address
GetDkimAttributes Get /dkim-attributes/{identities} Get DKIM Attributes
GetNotificationPreference Get /notification-preferences/{key} Get Notification Preferences for tenant.
GetNotificationTemplate Get /notification-templates/{id} Get Notification Template By Id
GetNotificationsTemplateContext Get /notification-template-context Get Notification Template Context
ListFromAddresses Get /verified-from-addresses List From Addresses
ListNotificationTemplateDefaults Get /notification-template-defaults List Notification Template Defaults
ListNotificationTemplates Get /notification-templates List Notification Templates
PutNotificationPreference Put /notification-preferences/{key} Overwrite the preferences for the given notification key.
SendTestNotification Post /send-test-notification Send Test Notification
VerifyDomainDkim Post /verify-domain-dkim Verify domain address via DKIM



Bulk Delete Notification Templates


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    templateBulkDeleteDto := []openapiclient.TemplateBulkDeleteDto{*openapiclient.NewTemplateBulkDeleteDto("cloud_manual_work_item_summary")} // []TemplateBulkDeleteDto | 

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.BulkDeleteNotificationTemplates(context.Background()).TemplateBulkDeleteDto(templateBulkDeleteDto).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.BulkDeleteNotificationTemplates``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiBulkDeleteNotificationTemplatesRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
templateBulkDeleteDto []TemplateBulkDeleteDto

Return type

(empty response body)


oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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TemplateDto CreateNotificationTemplate(ctx).TemplateDto(templateDto).Execute()

Create Notification Template


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    templateDto := *openapiclient.NewTemplateDto("cloud_manual_work_item_summary", "EMAIL", "en") // TemplateDto | 

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.CreateNotificationTemplate(context.Background()).TemplateDto(templateDto).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.CreateNotificationTemplate``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `CreateNotificationTemplate`: TemplateDto
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.CreateNotificationTemplate`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiCreateNotificationTemplateRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
templateDto TemplateDto

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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EmailStatusDto CreateVerifiedFromAddress(ctx).EmailStatusDto(emailStatusDto).Execute()

Create Verified From Address


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    emailStatusDto := *openapiclient.NewEmailStatusDto() // EmailStatusDto | 

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.CreateVerifiedFromAddress(context.Background()).EmailStatusDto(emailStatusDto).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.CreateVerifiedFromAddress``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `CreateVerifiedFromAddress`: EmailStatusDto
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.CreateVerifiedFromAddress`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiCreateVerifiedFromAddressRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
emailStatusDto EmailStatusDto

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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DeleteVerifiedFromAddress(ctx, id).Execute()

Delete Verified From Address


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    id := "id_example" // string | 

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.DeleteVerifiedFromAddress(context.Background(), id).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.DeleteVerifiedFromAddress``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
id string

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiDeleteVerifiedFromAddressRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

Return type

(empty response body)


oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]DkimAttributesDto GetDkimAttributes(ctx).Identities(identities).Execute()

Get DKIM Attributes


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    identities := "," // string | Returns the DKIM attributes for each of the given identities

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.GetDkimAttributes(context.Background()).Identities(identities).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.GetDkimAttributes``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `GetDkimAttributes`: []DkimAttributesDto
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.GetDkimAttributes`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetDkimAttributesRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
identities string Returns the DKIM attributes for each of the given identities

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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PreferencesDto GetNotificationPreference(ctx, key).Execute()

Get Notification Preferences for tenant.


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    key := "key_example" // string | The notification key.

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.GetNotificationPreference(context.Background(), key).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.GetNotificationPreference``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `GetNotificationPreference`: PreferencesDto
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.GetNotificationPreference`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
key string The notification key.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetNotificationPreferenceRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]TemplateDto GetNotificationTemplate(ctx, id).Execute()

Get Notification Template By Id


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    id := "c17bea3a-574d-453c-9e04-4365fbf5af0b" // string | Id of the Notification Template

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.GetNotificationTemplate(context.Background(), id).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.GetNotificationTemplate``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `GetNotificationTemplate`: []TemplateDto
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.GetNotificationTemplate`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
id string Id of the Notification Template

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetNotificationTemplateRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]NotificationTemplateContext GetNotificationsTemplateContext(ctx).Execute()

Get Notification Template Context


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.GetNotificationsTemplateContext(context.Background()).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.GetNotificationsTemplateContext``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `GetNotificationsTemplateContext`: []NotificationTemplateContext
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.GetNotificationsTemplateContext`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetNotificationsTemplateContextRequest struct via the builder pattern

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]EmailStatusDto ListFromAddresses(ctx).Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Count(count).Filters(filters).Sorters(sorters).Execute()

List From Addresses


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    limit := int32(250) // int32 | Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 250)
    offset := int32(0) // int32 | Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 0)
    count := true // bool | If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored.  Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used.  See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to false)
    filters := "filters_example" // string | Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](  Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators:  **email**: *eq* (optional)
    sorters := "sorters_example" // string | Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](  Sorting is supported for the following fields:  **email** (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.ListFromAddresses(context.Background()).Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Count(count).Filters(filters).Sorters(sorters).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.ListFromAddresses``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ListFromAddresses`: []EmailStatusDto
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.ListFromAddresses`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiListFromAddressesRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
limit int32 Max number of results to return. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information. [default to 250]
offset int32 Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with limit to paginate through the results. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information. [default to 0]
count bool If true it will populate the X-Total-Count response header with the number of results that would be returned if limit and offset were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send count=true if that value will not be used. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information. [default to false]
filters string Filter results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection Parameters Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: email: eq
sorters string Sort results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection Parameters Sorting is supported for the following fields: email

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]TemplateDtoDefault ListNotificationTemplateDefaults(ctx).Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Filters(filters).Execute()

List Notification Template Defaults


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    limit := int32(250) // int32 | Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 250)
    offset := int32(0) // int32 | Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 0)
    filters := "filters_example" // string | Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](  Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators:  **key**: *eq, in*  **medium**: *eq*  **locale**: *eq* (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.ListNotificationTemplateDefaults(context.Background()).Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Filters(filters).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.ListNotificationTemplateDefaults``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ListNotificationTemplateDefaults`: []TemplateDtoDefault
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.ListNotificationTemplateDefaults`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiListNotificationTemplateDefaultsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
limit int32 Max number of results to return. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information. [default to 250]
offset int32 Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with limit to paginate through the results. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information. [default to 0]
filters string Filter results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection Parameters Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: key: eq, in medium: eq locale: eq

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]TemplateDto ListNotificationTemplates(ctx).Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Filters(filters).Execute()

List Notification Templates


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    limit := int32(250) // int32 | Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 250)
    offset := int32(0) // int32 | Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 0)
    filters := "medium eq "EMAIL"" // string | Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](  Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators:  **key**: *eq, in*  **medium**: *eq*  **locale**: *eq* (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.ListNotificationTemplates(context.Background()).Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Filters(filters).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.ListNotificationTemplates``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ListNotificationTemplates`: []TemplateDto
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.ListNotificationTemplates`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiListNotificationTemplatesRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
limit int32 Max number of results to return. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information. [default to 250]
offset int32 Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with limit to paginate through the results. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information. [default to 0]
filters string Filter results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection Parameters Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: key: eq, in medium: eq locale: eq

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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PreferencesDto PutNotificationPreference(ctx, key).PreferencesDto(preferencesDto).Execute()

Overwrite the preferences for the given notification key.


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    key := "key_example" // string | The notification key.
    preferencesDto := *openapiclient.NewPreferencesDto() // PreferencesDto | 

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.PutNotificationPreference(context.Background(), key).PreferencesDto(preferencesDto).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.PutNotificationPreference``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `PutNotificationPreference`: PreferencesDto
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.PutNotificationPreference`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
key string The notification key.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiPutNotificationPreferenceRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

preferencesDto | PreferencesDto | |

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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Send Test Notification


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    sendTestNotificationRequestDto := *openapiclient.NewSendTestNotificationRequestDto() // SendTestNotificationRequestDto | 

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.SendTestNotification(context.Background()).SendTestNotificationRequestDto(sendTestNotificationRequestDto).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.SendTestNotification``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiSendTestNotificationRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
sendTestNotificationRequestDto SendTestNotificationRequestDto

Return type

(empty response body)


oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]string VerifyDomainDkim(ctx).DomainAddressDto(domainAddressDto).Execute()

Verify domain address via DKIM


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    domainAddressDto := *openapiclient.NewDomainAddressDto() // DomainAddressDto | 

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.NotificationsApi.VerifyDomainDkim(context.Background()).DomainAddressDto(domainAddressDto).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NotificationsApi.VerifyDomainDkim``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `VerifyDomainDkim`: []string
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `NotificationsApi.VerifyDomainDkim`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiVerifyDomainDkimRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
domainAddressDto DomainAddressDto

Return type



oauth2, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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