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An easy way to generate id


Let me introduce a simple way to generate custom id.

installation for Node.js

npm i s-uid --save

installation for Browser

bower i s-uid --save


Sometimes there is a need to generate IDs. They may be highly specific in its format. For such cases, it is easier if they are in part - on the basis of determining the line-format, identifier scheme.

base - it's a string for creating id. Rewrite only special characters

N - Rewrite to random Number

H - Rewrite to random hex numder

S - Rewrite to random english symbol

X - Rewrite to any from "N","H","S"


var uid = require('s-uid');

// generate from default base (just random not more)
uid();                      // => "qathj9r9-na5d-1fpj-12ar-uhnh6q0ff7ov"

// generate from costom base
uid('SSSSSS');              // => "bfvuuq"
uid('NNNNNN');              // => "928890"
uid('HHHHHH');              // => "5tr8lh"
uid('XXXXXX');              // => "a3620b"
uid('XXX-4NNN-dummy-SSS');  // => "uf3-4223-dummy-qea"

// based on time
uid.guid();                 // => "iw55yhp7-4bka-fokl-9kl7-8bpuiiokgmlb"
// based on one of timestamp
var time = new Date();
uid.guid(null, null, time); // => "iw562dp7-4bka-roko-9lp7-q4l30p2v615u"
uid.guid(null, null, time); // => "iw562dp7-4bka-aoko-6lp7-le9at5kvci57"
uid.guid('M', 'N', time);   // => "iw562dp7-4bka-Moko-Nlp7-i4uc4vhk55d8"
uid.guid('M', 'N', time);   // => "iw562dp7-4bka-Moko-Nlp7-ugc0jon8i0c7"

// time hash;                   // => "iw562dp7"
// time humanize           
uid.time();                 // => "2016-10-30-18:57"
// sweet
uid('-NNNN-my-own-id-HHHH-'+uid.time()); // "iw56ht2z-8268-my-own-id-f5c9-2016-10-30-19:01"


debug state for id generation

 // wrong data type -> It will be replaced by default
uid(null);                  // => "msqr3mi0-qni5-1rea-15te-akgospni6o2m"

uid.DEBUG = true;
// wrong data type -> It throw an Error