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v0.4.0-alpha03 release

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Updates in this release:

  • You can now sort either links, folders, or both using the different sorting options available in Linkora. A new, extended SortingBottomSheet has been added with this update. It will pop up in the Folders Screen to make sorting even more flexible.
  • The Top Bar UI in the Folders, Saved Links, and Important Links screens now displays a navigation icon that functions as a back button. Additionally, the text size has been decreased, and the color of the top bar will change when scrolling for separation between the actual top bar and folders or links.
  • Fixed a crash that could be triggered when sharing links from other apps and made a few other minor changes.

Note :

  • This is an alpha release; there may be a few bugs or features that do not work as expected. If you are already using Linkora, it is recommended to export data from the current version of the app in settings (Import/Export is available from v0.3.1) and then import it after installing this version.
  • If you are a new user to Linkora, all the new features should work as expected.

Thank you for using Linkora!