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MySQL for NSS systems
Supported Operating Systems:
    o Linux (recently tested on CentOS 6, 7 and 8. Ubuntu 20.04. Gentoo.
    o FreeBSD (5.1+)

Supported MySQL Versions:
    o Recently tested on MySQL 5.1, 5.7 and 8.0, but should run fine on older versions.

    o Installing from source:
      o A functional compile environment (system headers, C compiler, ...)
      o MySQL client library & header files (local)
      o MySQL server (local or remote)

    o Installing from RPM:
      o MySQL server (local or remote)

    o Installing from FreeBSD Port
      o MySQL client library (local)
      o MySQL server (local or remote)

The details
    o If installing from source:
      o ./configure
      o make
      o make install
      If your MySQL installation is based in strange directory, use
      the --with-mysql=DIR option of ./configure to specify.  For example,
      "./configure --with-mysql=/usr2"

    o Edit /etc/libnss-mysql.cfg and /etc/libnss-mysql-root.cfg.

    o Add data to MySQL. The default configs will work well with the sample
      sql database in sample/*/sample_database.sql.  Read that file for more
      details on the sample database.

    o Edit (or create) /etc/nsswitch.conf such that it contains at least the
        passwd: files mysql
        shadow: files mysql
        group:  files mysql

      Do not enter the 'shadow' line on any system except Linux.
      If you don't want groups from MySQL, simply don't include 'mysql' in 
      in the 'group' line.

    See the file DEBUGGING