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The definitive guide to set up your Windows machine to start PHP programming

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  1. In your browsers go to http://localhost or, you should receive no response (no response header). If you receive any response this means you may have Apache, IIS or other software that is serving your local 80 ports. So firstly uninstall or stop the corresponding services or software.

  2. Go to, download and install vc_redist_x64

  3. In your hard drive consider a whole partition or a top level folder to store all of your development related files and folders. We refer to this location as workshop and in this tutorial we use drive d: as our workshop location. In workshop, create three folders:

    • www storing your codebases, for each project create a folder in this folder
    • data contains all your databases and other storage.
    • server contains all server tools required to make you site running, apache, mysql, php, ...
  4. Download Apache 2.4.* Win64 file from and extract its content somewhere in you computer. In its extracted folder rename Apache24 folder to httpd and move it to D:\server\. 5. Download from and extract its content to D:\server\php 6. Download from or other sites if access is forbidden. and extract its content to D:/server/mysql 7. Download PathEditor utility from and run it. 8. Using PathEditor add the following paths to your system path.

    • D:\server\php
    • D:\server\mysql\bin
    • D:\server\httpd\bin
    1. Create a folder named confg in D:\server to store all of our apache configuration files.
    2. Create _php.conf file in D:\server\conf folder to register php handler to Apache HTTP server. With the following content

    LoadModule php7_module "D:\server\php\php7apache2_4.dll" PHPIniDir "D:/server/php"

    AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  5. Add Include D:/server/conf/*.conf to the end of D:/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, append a # to the beginning of ServerRoot "c:/Apache24" at line 37 and DocumentRoot "c:/Apache24/htdocs" at line 246 to comment them out and finally save the file.

  6. Open cmd and run httpd -t, you should see Syntax OK message.

  7. Open cmd ad administrator and run httpd -k install and httpd -k start to install and start apache http server.

  8. Now if you go to http://localhost you should receive some sort of response. (Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. message.)

  9. (optional) Download from and extract to D:\server\httpd\modules

  10. Download php_xdebug-*.dll file from and rename it to php_xdebug.dll and move it to D:\server\php\ext

Intl Extension

  1. uncomment extension=php_intl.dll in php.ini
  2. Copy all icu*.dll files from php home to apache's bin folder.
  3. Restart apache.


The definitive guide to set up your Windows machine to start PHP programming






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