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Mailout the PR comments
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bjori committed Jul 31, 2014
1 parent 12e6346 commit f006fcf
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 25 deletions.
84 changes: 59 additions & 25 deletions github-webhook.php
@@ -1,6 +1,42 @@
$config = array(
function verify_signature($requestBody) {
$parts = explode("=", $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE'], 2);
if (count($parts) == 2) {
return hash_hmac($parts[0], $requestBody, getenv('GITHUB_SECRET')) === $parts[1];
return false;

function get_repo_email($repos, $repoName) {
// if we somehow end up receiving a PR for a repo not matching anything send it to systems so that we can fix it
$to = '';
foreach ($repos as $repoPrefix => $email) {
if (strpos($repoName, $repoPrefix) === 0) {
$to = $email;

return $to;

function prep_title($action, $PR, $base) {
$PRNumber = $PR->number;
$title = $PR->title;

$repoName = $base->repo->name;
$targetBranch = $base->ref;

$subject = sprintf('[PR][%s][#%s][%s][%s] - %s', $repoName, $PRNumber, $targetBranch, $action, $title);

return $subject;

$CONFIG = array(
'repos' => array(
'php-langspec' => '',
'php-src' => '',
'web-' => '',
'pecl-' => '',
Expand All @@ -20,25 +56,14 @@
case 'pull_request':
$payload = json_decode($body);
$action = $payload->action;
$PRNumber = $payload->number;
$PR = $payload->pull_request;
$htmlUrl = $PR->html_url;
$title = $PR->title;
$description = $PR->body;
$repoName = $PR->base->repo->name;

$targetBranch = $PR->base->ref;
$mergeable = $PR->mergeable;
$htmlUrl = $PR->html_url;
$description = $PR->body;

// if we somehow end up receiving a PR for a repo not matching anything send it to systems so that we can fix it
$to = '';
foreach ($config['repos'] as $repoPrefix => $email) {
if (strpos($repoName, $repoPrefix) === 0) {
$to = $email;
$to = get_repo_email($CONFIG["repos"], $repoName);
$subject = prep_title($action, $PR, $PR->base);

$subject = sprintf('[PR][%s][#%s][%s][%s] - %s', $repoName, $PRNumber, $targetBranch, $action, $title);
$message = sprintf("You can view the Pull Request on github:\r\n%s", $htmlUrl);
if ($mergeable === false) {
$message .= "\r\n\r\nWarning: according to github, the Pull Request cannot be merged without manual conflict resolution!";
Expand All @@ -47,16 +72,25 @@
$headers = "From:\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n";
mail($to, '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($subject).'?=', $message, $headers, "");

case 'pull_request_review_comment':
$payload = json_decode($body);
$action = $payload->action;
$PR = $payload->pull_request;
$username = $payload->user->login;
$comment = $payload->comment->body;

$to = get_repo_email($CONFIG["repos"], $repoName);
$subject = prep_title($action, $PR, $PR->base);
$message = sprintf("You can view the Pull Request on github:\r\n%s", $htmlUrl);
$message .= sprintf("\r\n\r\nPull Request Comment:\r\n%s", $description);
$message .= sprintf("\r\nMade by: %s", $username);

$headers = "From:\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n";
mail($to, '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($subject).'?=', $message, $headers, "");

header('HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented');

function verify_signature($requestBody) {
$parts = explode("=", $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE'], 2);
if (count($parts) == 2) {
return hash_hmac($parts[0], $requestBody, getenv('GITHUB_SECRET')) === $parts[1];
return false;

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