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Samer Albahra edited this page Mar 8, 2014 · 19 revisions

Bug fixes/Improvements

  1. Convert preview data to array and send as JSON (instead of a string and using eval to parse)

Major Changes

  1. Redesign station layout for manual mode and run-once pages. Ideally use this redesign with a large screen optimization and show station control on the main page with the main menu on the left side occupying the 480px it needs. The stations would be tiles/cards and would show the number (large) and name (small) along with a background color indicating status. Tapping the tile/card would flip it exposing time/manual control. The time control for run-once might be an up/down arrow instead of a slider (to accommodate large inputs and manual input).
  2. Change manual mode from a page to a popup.
  3. Add split view for large screen devices (iPad+)