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Samer Albahra edited this page Feb 3, 2014 · 2 revisions
  • The application works with OpenSprinkler for BeagleBone so long the BeagleBone has the interval program installed. More information is available on Ray's Blog Post.

    • This is a separate program that needs to be running on the BeagleBone.
    • In order to run both the interval program and the mobile web app on the same BeagleBone you need to specify different ports for each application. The interval program defaults to port 8080 which is perfect since the typical HTTP port, 80, is used by Apache2. When defining the IP in the web app be sure to specify the port. Example:
      • Local interval programs are automatically detected by the mobile web app. This means during the installation you will only be prompted for a new username and password. This can be changed by expanding out the IP details.
  • In order for the interval program to be 100% compatible with the web app you must be using an interval program built on or after June 22, 2013.

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