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DVLD Project – Driving License Management System


The Driving & Vehicle License Department (DVLD) system is designed to manage the issuance and administration of driving licenses. It encompasses a range of services to ensure the provision of safe drivers on the roads.


  • Locate the "DVLD.bak" file in the "Database" folder and restore it to your preferred DBMS.
  • Download the project from the repository.
  • Extract the downloaded files to your computer and Run the Project.
  • Once the project is running, the login screen will appear.
  • Enter the username as 'admin' and the password as '1234' to log in.

Technical Details

  • Framework: WindForm (built on .Net 8)
  • C# is used as the primary programming language.
  • The system utilizes ADO.NET for data access, ensuring efficient interaction with the database.
  • The system employs secure password hashing to protect user credentials.
  • Error logging is implemented in the event viewer for better tracking and debugging of any issues.
  • Version: v1.0.0
  • Version: v1.5.1
  • Version: v2.0.0 .NET 8

Services Offered

  • Issuance of First-Time License: A service for applicants to obtain a driving license for the first time.
  • Re-examination Service: Allows applicants who have failed a test to schedule a re-examination.
  • License Renewal Service: For renewing existing driving licenses.
  • Duplicate License for Lost License: Issuance of a replacement for a lost driving license.
  • Duplicate License for Damaged License: Issuance of a replacement for a damaged driving license.
  • License Release Service: Unblocking a driving license after paying the required fines.
  • International License Issuance: Providing an international driving license to eligible applicants.

Application Information

Applicants must submit a request for the desired service and pay the associated fees. The system will require the following information:

  • Application number
  • Application date
  • Applicant's personal number (national ID)
  • Type of service requested
  • Application status (new, canceled, completed)
  • Paid fees

License Categories

The system offers various license categories, each with specific requirements:

  • Category 1: Small Motorcycles
  • Category 2: Heavy Motorcycles
  • Category 3: Regular Driving (Cars)
  • Category 4: Commercial Driving (Taxi/Limousine)
  • Category 5: Agricultural Vehicles
  • Category 6: Small and Medium Buses
  • Category 7: Trucks and Heavy Vehicles

System Management

The system provides functionalities for managing users, individuals, requests, tests, license categories, and license reservations.

Requirements for License Application

Applicants must meet the age requirement for the desired category, not possess a license of the same category, provide valid personal documents, and complete the necessary education and training.

Testing Process

Applicants must pass a series of tests in the following order:

  1. Vision Test
  2. Theoretical Test
  3. Practical Driving Test

Upon passing all tests and meeting the conditions, a driving license is issued with a validity period as defined in the license category.

Inquiry Service

The system allows for inquiries about licenses held by an individual using their national number or license number.


The DVLD system streamlines the process of managing driving licenses, ensuring that all drivers meet the necessary safety standards.