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Fix #10029 - Dashlet not changing on save #10044

merged 1 commit into from
May 3, 2023

Fix #10029 - Dashlet not changing on save

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Fix #10029 - Dashlet not changing on save #10044

Fix #10029 - Dashlet not changing on save
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Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch failed May 3, 2023 in 13m 18s

Build Failed

The build failed.


This is a normal build for the fix/10029 branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.

Jobs and Stages

This build has four jobs, running in parallel.

Job PHP ENV OS State
12559.1 PHP 7.3 / MySQL 5.7 7.3 INSTANCE_URL=http://localhost DATABASE_DRIVER=MYSQL DATABASE_NAME=automated_tests DATABASE_HOST=localhost DATABASE_USER=automated_tests DATABASE_PASSWORD=automated_tests INSTANCE_ADMIN_USER=admin INSTANCE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin1 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 Linux failed
12559.2 PHP 7.4 / MySQL 5.7 7.4 INSTANCE_URL=http://localhost DATABASE_DRIVER=MYSQL DATABASE_NAME=automated_tests DATABASE_HOST=localhost DATABASE_USER=automated_tests DATABASE_PASSWORD=automated_tests INSTANCE_ADMIN_USER=admin INSTANCE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin1 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 Linux failed
12559.3 composer validate 7.3 INSTANCE_URL=http://localhost DATABASE_DRIVER=MYSQL DATABASE_NAME=automated_tests DATABASE_HOST=localhost DATABASE_USER=automated_tests DATABASE_PASSWORD=automated_tests INSTANCE_ADMIN_USER=admin INSTANCE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin1 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 Linux passed
12559.4 code coverage 7.4 INSTANCE_URL=http://localhost DATABASE_DRIVER=MYSQL DATABASE_NAME=automated_tests DATABASE_HOST=localhost DATABASE_USER=automated_tests DATABASE_PASSWORD=automated_tests INSTANCE_ADMIN_USER=admin INSTANCE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin1 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 Linux passed

Build Configuration

Build Option Setting
Language PHP
Operating System Linux (Xenial)
Build Configuration
  "language": "php",
  "os": [
  "dist": "xenial",
  "services": [
  "addons": {
    "chrome": "stable"
  "cache": {
    "directories": [
  "env": [
    "jobs={:INSTANCE_URL=>\"http://localhost\", :DATABASE_DRIVER=>\"MYSQL\", :DATABASE_NAME=>\"automated_tests\", :DATABASE_HOST=>\"localhost\", :DATABASE_USER=>\"automated_tests\", :DATABASE_PASSWORD=>\"automated_tests\", :INSTANCE_ADMIN_USER=>\"admin\", :INSTANCE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=>\"admin1\", :COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=>\"-1\"}"
  "before_install": [
    "whereis google-chrome-stable",
    "unzip -o",
    "./chromedriver --url-base=/wd/hub &",
    "for file in $(git diff --name-status HEAD~1 HEAD | egrep \"^[ACMR].*\\.php$\" | cut -c 3-); do php -l $file; done"
  "install": [
    "phpenv config-add travis.php.ini",
    "composer self-update --stable && composer --version"
  "before_script": [
    "mysql -e \"CREATE DATABASE automated_tests CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;\"",
    "mysql -u root -e \"CREATE USER 'automated_tests'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'automated_tests';\"",
    "mysql -u root -e \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON automated_tests.* TO 'automated_tests'@'localhost';\"",
    "sudo apt-get update",
    "sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-fastcgi",
    "sudo cp ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf.default ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf 2>/dev/null || true",
    "sudo cp ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php-fpm.conf.default ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php-fpm.conf",
    "sudo a2enmod rewrite actions fastcgi alias",
    "echo \"cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1\" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini",
    "sudo sed -i -e \"s,www-data,travis,g\" /etc/apache2/envvars",
    "sudo chown -R travis:travis /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi",
    "~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/sbin/php-fpm",
    "sudo cp -f build/travis-ci-apache /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf",
    "sudo sed -e \"s?%TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR%?$(pwd)?g\" --in-place /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf",
    "phpenv config-add travis.php.ini",
    "sudo service apache2 restart",
    "composer install",
    "./vendor/bin/codecept build"
  "script": [
    "echo \"using install wizard\"",
    "./vendor/bin/codecept run install --env travis-ci-hub -f --ext DotReporter",
    "sudo chmod -R 777 .",
    "./vendor/bin/phpunit --stop-on-failure --stop-on-error --colors --configuration ./tests/phpunit.xml.dist ./tests/unit/phpunit",
    "mysql -u root -D automated_tests -v -e \"source tests/_data/api_data.sql\"",
    "mysql -u root -D automated_tests -v -e \"source tests/_data/demo_users.sql\"",
    "echo \"\\$sugar_config['logger']['level'] = 'error';\" >> config_override.php",
    "sudo chmod -R 777 .",
    "openssl genrsa -out Api/V8/OAuth2/private.key 2048",
    "openssl rsa -in Api/V8/OAuth2/private.key -pubout -out Api/V8/OAuth2/public.key",
    "sudo chmod 600 Api/V8/OAuth2/p*.key",
    "./vendor/bin/codecept run tests/api/V8/ -f --ext DotReporter",
    "echo \"\\$sugar_config['imap_test'] = true;\" >> config_override.php",
    "./vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance --env travis-ci-hub -f --ext DotReporter"
  "after_script": [
    "cat search_index.log",
    "sudo cat /var/log/apache2/error.log",
  "branches": {
    "only": [
  "jobs": {
    "fast_finish": true,
    "include": [
        "name": "PHP 7.3 / MySQL 5.7",
        "php": "7.3",
        "dist": "xenial"
        "name": "PHP 7.4 / MySQL 5.7",
        "php": "7.4",
        "dist": "xenial"
        "name": "composer validate",
        "php": "7.3",
        "dist": "xenial",
        "before_script": [
          "composer install"
        "script": [
          "composer validate"
        "name": "code coverage",
        "php": "7.4",
        "dist": "xenial",
        "script": [
          "./vendor/bin/codecept run install --env travis-ci-hub -f --ext DotReporter; ./vendor/bin/robo code:coverage --ci; cat codeception.dist.yml; bash <(curl -s -f tests/_output/coverage.xml"