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Simplified recipes for preparing commonly used speech datasets, and a PyTorch-compatible Python data loader that can perform standard feature computations & data augmentations.



Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Motivation and Related Work
    2. Key Features
    3. Approach
  2. Getting Started
    1. Environment Setup
    2. Data Preparation Recipes
    3. High-Level Python Interface
    4. Example Training Code
    5. Debugging Notes
  3. Combining Datasets
  4. Adding Support for New Datasets
  5. Specifying Data Transformations
  6. Performance
  7. References


Motivation and Related Work

The most common approaches to preparing audio data for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text to speech (TTS) are solutions that pre-compute perturbations (speed, volume, etc.) and features (MFCCs, spectrograms, etc.) for an entire dataset, and dump the results to archive files. Kaldi is likely the best-known example of this strategy.

While this approach is straightforward, due in no small part to the preponderance of libraries which automate data loading from Kaldi-style archive files, it suffers from a number of limitations:

  1. The wide range of scripts and binaries can be overwhelming for a new user.
  2. There is a large amount of code duplication between recipes for processing different datasets.
  3. Changing the type of features computed requires a user to re-run an entire recipe end-to-end.
  4. Accessing random utterances within a dataset (e.g. for training a model) is challenging to perform without either
    1. loading the entire dataset into memory;
    2. incurring expensive disk seeks by reading each utterance from a file into memory on demand; or
    3. considerable engineering effort to write a custom caching policy that addresses this limitation.

More recently, solutions like ESPNet and TorchAudio have attempted to address issues 1-3. However, ESPNet does not support data loading that can easily be decoupled from the end-to-end solution it provides, while TorchAudio currently lacks support for standard (but not open-source) datasets like Switchboard, WSJ, and Fisher. Moreover, both solutions leave issue 4 unaddressed, and their support for online feature computation introduces a new concern: online feature computation is computationally expensive, and using it can greatly increase training times.

Key Features

  • After running a Kaldi-style data preparation script, data can be loaded directly into Python.
  • No non-trivial dependencies! Everything can be set up in a single conda environment.
  • Allows you to work with datasets too large to fit in memory.
  • Allows you to combine multiple datasets transparently.
  • Hides the latency of file I/O, online feature extraction, and data augmentation.
  • Mimics the functionality of PyTorch's DistributedSampler to allow for easy training with DistributedDataParallel.
  • Straightforward to use in conjunction with other libraries (ESPNet, Huggingface Transformers, your own PyTorch code)
  • Minimal code duplication makes it easy for you to add new functionality, as well as support for new datasets.


Our approach to issues 1-3 (large codebase, code duplication, and exclusively offline feature computation) is largely inspired by ESPNet2. In many cases, we build on their source code. However, the scope of this project is limited to dataset preparation and loading, rather than attempting to present an end-to-end solution.

More specifically, we provide a shared top-level script which handles all data preparation steps (sometimes using utility scripts adapted from Kaldi). Like ESPNet2, this script allows the user to dump either raw audio or pre-computed features to archive files (whose sizes are carefully controlled). We maintain a single workflow with minimal code duplication to not only make the code easier to understand for new users, but also minimize the amount of new code needed to add support for new datasets or new features. See Data Preparation Recipes and Adding Support for New Datasets for more details.

Once you run the data preparation script and dump the archive files, you can immediately start using speech_datasets.SpeechDataLoader to load datasets. This is as straightforward as

from speech_datasets import SpeechDataLoader as SDL

# Names of training & development datasets (these are sampled at 16kHz)
# We automatically check that the dataset name is valid, and whether it has been 
# prepared properly. Helpful error messages are logged if needed.
tr_data = ["librispeech/train-clean-100", "wsj/train_si284"]
dev_data = ["librispeech/train-other", "wsj/test_dev93"]

# Config to extract 80-dim filterbank features from raw audio sampled at 16kHz
t = [{"type": "fbank", "num_mel_bins": 80, "sample_frequency": 16000}]

# Use data loaders as context managers
with SDL(tr_data, transform_conf=t, train=True, shuffle=True, batch_size=16) as train_loader, \
        SDL(dev_data, transform_conf=t, train=False, shuffle=False, batch_size=16) as dev_loader:

    # Iterator syntax
    for epoch in range(10):
        for batch in train_loader:
            # do training...

        for batch in dev_loader:
            # do evaluation...

    # next() syntax
    for i in range(50000):
        batch =
        # do training...

        # next() increments epoch & step within epoch automatically
        # Note: current_position and epoch correspond to the the batch would be
        # yielded if we call next() again, not the batch that was just yielded!
        epoch = train_loader.epoch
        step_in_epoch = train_loader.current_position

        # do evaluation every 1000 steps
        if (i + 1) % 1000 == 0:
            for batch in dev_loader:
                # do evaluation...

Our implementation balances memory constraints with the need for random access within a dataset (issue 4), by asynchronously loading entire archive files into a cache with a user-specified maximum size (default 2048MiB). We fetch the next archive file into memory as soon as the cache has free space.

To approximate a random access pattern, we randomize (1) the order in which the archive files are loaded, and (2) the order in which utterances within each archive file are loaded. Moreover, for data splits flagged for training (e.g. train_si284 for WSJ; train-clean-100, train-clean-360, and train-other-500 for LibriSpeech), the data preparation script randomizes the way in which utterances are split between different archive files. Empirically, we see no degradation in accuracy compared to fully randomized sampling (see Performance for more details).

Finally, we hide the latency of file I/O and online feature computation & data transformation by having a pool of independent CPU processes apply the desired transformation on pre-fetched data asynchronously. This happens automatically in the background while a model trains on the GPU in the foreground. We thus address all the issues mentioned above.

Getting Started

Environment Setup

To install speech_datasets as a Python package, we provide a Makefile that sets up a conda environment with both speech_datasets and all dependencies. To set up a Python <python_ver> conda environment named <venv_name> (either new or pre-existing) with PyTorch version <torch_ver>, simply call

make clean all CONDA=<conda_path> VENV_NAME=<venv_name> PYTHON_VERSION=<python_ver> TORCH_VERSION=<torch_ver>

By default, <conda_path> is the system's installation of conda, <venv_name> is datasets, <python_ver> is 3.7.3, and <torch_ver> is 1.4.0. Note that we require torch>=1.2.0. If you don't have conda installed already, the Makefile will install it for you in tools/venv; otherwise, tools/venv will be a symbolic link to your system's conda directory.

On systems which use the apt package manager, the script tools/ will automatically install all other binaries you need. These binaries are needed to run the data preparation scripts. Run this separately from the Makefile.

If you wish to use this package in conjunction with ESPNet, run ESPNet's Makefile without specifying a Python binary (i.e. DON'T specify the PYTHON=<path> option as done here). Then, run

make clean all CONDA=<espnet_root>/tools/venv/bin/conda VENV_NAME=base TORCH_VERSION=<torch_ver>

Make sure to accept the prompts which warn you that the environment base already exists, and that this environment may contain a different version of Python from what the Makefile requests. Specifying TORCH_VERSION='' prevents the Makefile from installing a new version of PyTorch, which may be useful. However, torch>=1.2.0 is still required, so we suggest just using the default setting of 1.4.0 (the latest release still compatible with older versions of ESPNet).

  1. We provide a minimal Dockerfile which you can use to create an appropriate containerized environment to run our code. Simply use the file to create a Docker image, instantiate it, clone this repository to that environment, and follow the steps above.

  2. Our Makefile will only work on Linux systems! This is because we depend on PyKaldi, which is only compatible with Linux systems (without manual compilation).

  3. The Makefile will automatically detect your CUDA version (if any) and install the appropriate distribution of PyTorch accordingly. If the conda environment <venv_name> already exists, you will be asked for confirmation before anything is installed. Once this is done, you can simply activate the conda environment and start using the package.

  4. We use conda rather than pip because

    1. We depend on PyKaldi, which has a conda package but not a pip package
    2. conda makes it easier to set up an installation of PyTorch compatible with the installed CUDA version (if any)
  5. We install the Python package in editable mode (i.e. using pip install -e .), rather than installing it to site-packages directly (i.e. using pip install .). This is because the data loader assumes that the speech_datasets package is in the same directory as all the actual datasets, i.e. that the directory structure of this repo is maintained.

Data Preparation Recipes

Before you can use speech_datasets.SpeechDataLoader to load a dataset, you need to prepare that dataset in the desired format. Our data preparation recipes are adapted from the various scripts in Kaldi and ESPNet2. More specifically, for each dataset, we provide a top-level <dataset>/asr1/ or <dataset>/tts1/ script which proceeds in 7 stages. Note that we avoid code duplication by having each simply provide dataset-specific options to a shared TEMPLATE/asr1/ or TEMPLATE/tts1/ script!

You have the option to prepare the dataset as raw audio (--feats-type raw, default setting), pre-computed filterbank features (--feats-type fbank), or pre-computed filterbank + pitch features (--feats-type fbank_pitch). If you choose to pre-compute fbank or fbank_pitch features, you can specify how they should be computed by modifying the configuration files <dataset>/<asr1|tts1>/conf/fbank.yaml and <dataset>/<asr1|tts1>/conf/fbank_pitch.yaml, respectively. See the relevant (linked) section of for more details.

Before you can run the data preparation script for any dataset, update the paths in TEMPLATE/asr1/ or TEMPLATE/tts1/ These should be the absolute paths (on your system) to the directories and/or archive files containing the downloaded datasets. For some open source datasets, we also provide download scripts, but in general, you will need to download the data yourself and update with its actual location.

Once you have done this, navigate to <dataset>/asr1 or <dataset>/tts1 and invoke:

./ --stage <i> --stop-stage <j> --feats-type <raw|fbank|fbank_pitch> [other options]

The script proceeds in 7 stages (starting at <i> and ending at <j>). These stages are as follows:

  1. Dataset-specific preparation. This involves creating train/dev/eval splits and converting the dataset to a standard Kaldi-style file format. Note that all datasets are currently standardized to have lowercase text, where the only non-linguistic symbol is <noise>.

  2. Pre-computed speed perturbation (if desired). Specify this by providing the option --speed-perturb-factors "0.9 1.0 1.1", where you can replace "0.9 1.0 1.1" with whatever factors you want. This stage is skipped if you omit this option. Note that it is also possible to apply speed perturbation online if you use --feats-type raw.

  3. Extract pre-computed features if desired, and dump the dataset to archive files. Each archive contains at least 1000 utterances (where possible), and at most 5 hours of audio.

  4. Remove any utterances that are shorter than 100ms. If --remove-empty-transcripts true is specified (default true), all utterances with no transcript are also removed. If --remove-short-from-test is specified (default false), short utterances are removed from the test/dev sets as well as the training sets.

  5. Compute CMVN statistics for all splits if features were pre-computed in stage 3 (--feats-type fbank or --feats-type fbank_pitch). Specify CMVN type as a command line option (--cmvn-type global (default), --cmvn-type speaker, or --cmvn-type utterance). This stage is skipped if --feats-type raw is given. CMVN statistics will be dumped to <dataset>/dump/<feats_type>/<train_split>/<cmvn_type>_cmvn.ark for each split <train_split> of <dataset>. For global CMVN, CMVN statistics are also aggregated for all training splits <dataset>/dump/<feats_type>/global_cmvn.ark. For utterance and speaker CMVN, CMVN statistics are aggregated for all splits in <dataset>/dump/<feats_type>/<cmvn_type>_cmvn.ark. NOTE: STAGE 5 DOES NOT APPLY CMVN TO YOUR DATA! IT ONLY COMPUTES THE STATISTICS. In order to apply CMVN, please supply a transformation of type cmvn to the data loader (in Python) and specify the appropriate CMVN statistics file to do this. See here for more details.

  6. Concatenate all text files (for language model training) into a single file.

  7. Use the output of stage 6 to obtain a token inventory, either BPE's, characters, or words (specify --token-type bpe (default), --token-type char, or --token-type word, respectively). If --token_type bpe is given, you can further control sentencepiece's tokenization algorithm by supplying --bpemode unigram (default) or --bpemode bpe. The maximum number of tokens is controlled by --n_tokens <n_tokens> (default 2000). Finally, you can specify a set of non-linguistic symbols by specifying the option --nlsyms <nlsyms>, where <nlsyms> is a comma-separated list of all non-linguistic symbols (default <noise>). The resultant token list and sentencepiece model can be found in <dataset>/<asr1|tts1>/data/token_list.

High-Level Python Interface

As alluded to above, the core functionality of this library is in the class speech_datasets.SpeechDataLoader. Its constructor takes the following arguments:

  • datasets: a list of strings specifying which datasets to load. Each dataset should be formatted as <dataset_name>/<split_name>, e.g. wsj/train_si284, swbd/rt03, librispeech/dev-other, etc.
  • task: (default "asr"): either "asr" or "tts"
  • precomputed_feats_type: (default "raw"): "raw", "fbank", or "fbank_pitch". Tells the data loader where to look for the archive files, and what sort of pre-computed features have been dumped to those archives.
  • transform_conf: (default None): either the filename of a yaml file specifying a transformation, or a List[Dict[str, Any]] specifying that transformation. None means no data transformation.
  • batch_size: (default 1): batch size
  • train: (default False): whether the dataset's transform should be applied in training mode
  • shuffle: (default False): whether to shuffle the dataset, using the policy described above
  • max_len: the maximum average utterance length of a batch (after any data transformation is applied). The sum of utterance lengths in the batch is restricted to be at most batch_size * max_len.
  • num_replicas: (default None): the number of distributed copies of the dataset being used, e.g. for training a DistributedDataParallel model. If you are running multiple jobs in parallel, and want each job to work on a different subset of the dataset, set this parameter to the total number of jobs. You probably don't need to specify this manually if you are using torch.distributed.
  • rank: (default None): the index (amongst all distributed workers) of the current worker, e.g. for training a DistributedDataParallel model. If you are running multiple jobs in parallel, and want each job to work on a different subset of the dataset, set this parameter to the index of the current job. You probably don't need to specify this manually if you are using torch.distributed.
  • ensure_equal_parts: Whether to ensure that all parallel processes receive the same number of batches to process. This should always be enabled if you are training with DistributedDataParallel, but you may wish to disable it if you are evaluating your model and wish to have each utterance processed exactly once.
  • num_workers: (default 0): the number of parallel processes to use to apply the data transformation (specified by transform_conf) to the data being loaded. If None, the value used is math.ceil(os.n_cpu() / num_replicas) - 1. Note that there are some known issues with this feature! If you are running into hanging/deadlock with num_workers > 0, try changing num_workers to 0 before trying anything else.
  • data_cache_mb: (default 2048): the number of megabytes the cache (for pre-fetching archive files into memory, as described above) can contain.
  • spmodel: (default None): the path to a sentencepiece model to use to tokenize the text
  • token_list: (default None): the path to a list of sentencepiece tokens (BPE, character, or word) to use to tokenize the text. The indices in token_list override those in spmodel. If the token token_list prepared by Stage 7 of our script is used, tokens 0 and 1 will be <blank> and <unk> respectively, and the final token will be <sos/eos>. If token_list is not used, tokens 0, 1, and 2 will be <unk>, <s>, and </s> respectively. By default, we will search the directory containing spmodel for the file tokens.txt and use it if found.

The speech_datasets.SpeechDataLoader class inherits from, and it implements __len__ and __iter__ methods. To change the random seed used to order the data fetched, one should call loader.set_epoch(epoch), since the epoch number is the random seed. This matches the implementation of You should either

  1. Use the data loader as a context manager, i.e.
    with SDL(...) as loader:
       for batch in loader:
          # do stuff...
  2. Invoke loader.close() after you are done, i.e.
    loader = SDL(...)
    for batch in loader:
       # do stuff...

This is because the asynchronous elements of the data loader (for pre-fetching data and computing data transformations in the background) need to be shut down manually to fully terminate.

Finally, each batch is a list of dictionaries, one dictionary per utterance. The dictionary has the following keys:

  • uttid: the utterance ID (str)
  • x: the audio of the utterance (torch.FloatTensor), after any relevant data transformations have been applied
  • speaker: the speaker of this utterance (str)
  • text: a text transcription of the utterance (str)
  • labels: a sequence of token indexes (torch.IntTensor) corresponding to the text transcript (only present if spmodel is provided to the constructor)

Example Training Code

To make our proposed workflow more concrete, we provide a minimal example which uses speech_datasets.SpeechDataLoader to train a seq2seq transformer encoder-decoder model in PyTorch (this example also depends on Huggingface's transformers library, which can installed by invoking pip install transformers).

Debugging Notes

  1. If your code hangs or starts running very slowly, try the following solutions:

    1. Setting data_cache_mb (in the constructor of the SpeechDataLoader) to a lower value. If you did not specify this manually, the default is 2048.
    2. Setting num_workers (in the constructor of the SpeechDataLoader) to a lower value. This library has some known issues with ray (the backend we use for multiprocessing), so setting num_workers to 0 may solve your problem in some cases. Note that 0 is the default value.
    3. Adding additional swap memory to your system.

    These solutions can address hangs due to one or more processes triggering OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory, but (i) and (ii) can also address cases of slow training due to I/O thrashing.

Combining Datasets

Loading from Multiple Datasets

speech_datasets.SpeechDataLoader makes it transparent to load multiple datasets into memory at the same time. Simply specify a list of strings (each formatted as <dataset>/<split>), and pass it as the datasets argument to the speech_datasets.SpeechDataLoader constructor. For example,

from speech_datasets import SpeechDataLoader as SDL

datasets = ["wsj/train_si284", "librispeech/train-other-500",
with SDL(datasets, task="asr1", train=True, shuffle=True,
         precomputed_feats_type="fbank") as loader:
    # do stuff

Because the data is loaded one archive at a time, and each archive file (by default) only contains data from a single split, we suggest you follow one of these two strategies to ensure that any training data loaded from multiple splits is properly randomized:

  1. Explicitly prepare your training data as a combination of splits by navigating to COMBINE/<asr1|tts1> and running

    ./ [ or options] <dataset1>/<split1a> <dataset2>/<split2a> ...

    This script creates & registers a new sub-directory in COMBINE, which contains all the data corresponding to this particular combination of data splits. For the example above, you can navigate to COMBINE/asr1 and run

    ./ --stage 2 --stop-stage 5 --speed-perturb-factors "0.9 1.0 1.1" --feats-type fbank \
        wsj/train_si284 librispeech/train-other-500 commonvoice/valid_train_en

    before using the Python code above.

    Note that assumes that Stage 1 (dataset-specific preparation) has already been run for all the relevant datasets, and it does not support stages 6-7 (computing a token inventory), as these are handled by (described below). Mis-specifying these options will result in an error message. Additionally, if you have already computed CMVN statistics for all the datasets you wish to combine, you may simply invoke (described below).

  2. Train your model using DistributedDataParallel. Each concurrent process will be working on a different archive file at any given time. Thus, while each archive file only contains data from a single split, the fact that there are multiple concurrent processes will greatly increase the probability that each batch contains utterances from multiple different data splits.

Combining CMVN Statistics

Should you additionally wish to combine pre-computed CMVN statistics from multiple datasets, you can use the scripts COMBINE/asr1/ or COMBINE/tts1/ Simply navigate to the relevant directory and invoke

./ --cmvn_type <cmvn_type> --feats_type <feats_type> <dataset1>/<split1a> <dataset2>/<split2a> ...

where <dataset>/<split> represents the same format of specifying dataset splits used by the speech_datasets.SpeechDataLoader class. Note that assumes that stage 5 of the top-level script has already been run for all the relevant data splits, with the same <cmvn_type> and <feats_type>.

Obtaining a Token Inventory Using Multiple Datasets

Finally, if you wish to construct a token inventory from multiple datasets (character, BPE, and/or word), we provide the scripts COMBINE/asr1/ and COMBINE/tts1/ Navigate to the relevant directory and invoke

./ --token_type <token_type> --n_tokens <n_tokens> --nlsyms <nlsyms> <dataset1> <dataset2> ...

Note that unlike the other API's specified thus far, simply takes a sequence of datasets as inputs, not datasets and splits. This is because some data preparation recipes place additional text files (e.g. for language modeling) in hard-to-reach reach locations, so they manually specify them in the --srctexts option of the top-level script. WSJ is one such example. For example, you can call

./ --token_type bpe --n_tokens 2000 swbd fisher wsj

to learn a BPE inventory that covers the training text data from Switchboard, Fisher, and WSJ. You can find the dumped token lists & sentencepiece model files in COMBINE/<asr1|tts1>/data/token_list.

Adding Support for New Datasets

See the relevant (linked) section of for details.

Specifying Data Transformations

The high-level interface for data transformations is adapted from ESPNet's code and is defined in speech_datasets/transform/ See speech_datasets/transform/ for details.


To evaluate the performance of our package, we reproduce the results of the paper Wang et al., INTERSPEECH 2020, which uses ESPNet and Kaldi for its data loading. We train transformer acoustic models distributed across 8 Tesla V100 GPUs for 150 training epochs on the Switchboard dataset.

Benchmarks on ASR Tasks

In our experiments, we find that offline & online feature computation results in identical model performance. The only difference is the duration of the training. Below, we reproduce Table 4 of the paper Wang et al., INTERSPEECH 2020, which used fbank_pitch features. We report the word error rate (WER) of different settings reported in the paper The numbers obtained using this package for data loading are first, and the numbers reported in the paper are second, in parentheses.

We also report the performance for fbank features (no pitch), to show the importance of these features in helping acoustic models generalize to other datasets.

SWBD (%) CALLHM (%) RT03 (%)
fbank_pitch features
char BPE 7.0 (7.0) 14.4 (14.5) 12.8 (12.8)
phone BPE 6.7 (6.8) 14.3 (14.4) 12.5 (12.3)
joint decode 6.3 (6.3) 13.3 (13.3) 11.4 (11.4)
fbank features (no pitch)
char BPE 7.1 (--) 15.1 (--) 22.8 (--)


Here, we report the training duration for various feature computation paradigms, both offline (dumped using stage 3 of our main script) and online (computed from raw audio at runtime):

Feature Type Online/Offline Source Time (hours)
fbank offline ours 43
fbank_pitch offline ours 43
fbank_pitch offline ESPNet 43
fbank online ours 50
fbank_pitch online ours 60
fbank_pitch online ESPNet not supported

With further refinement of our multiprocessing backend, we anticipate faster computation times for our online features.



    author = {Povey, Daniel and Ghoshal, Arnab and Boulianne, Gilles and Burget, Lukas and Glembek, Ondrej and Goel, Nagendra and Hannemann, Mirko and Motlicek, Petr and Qian, Yanmin and Schwarz, Petr and Silovsky, Jan and Stemmer, Georg and Vesely, Karel},
    keywords = {ASR, Automatic Speech Recognition, GMM, HTK, SGMM},
    month = {Dec},
    title = {The Kaldi Speech Recognition Toolkit},
    booktitle = {IEEE 2011 Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding},
    year = {2011},
    publisher = {IEEE Signal Processing Society},
    location = {Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii, US},
    note = {IEEE Catalog No.: CFP11SRW-USB},


  author={Shinji Watanabe and Takaaki Hori and Shigeki Karita and Tomoki Hayashi and Jiro Nishitoba and Yuya Unno and Nelson {Enrique Yalta Soplin} and Jahn Heymann and Matthew Wiesner and Nanxin Chen and Adithya Renduchintala and Tsubasa Ochiai},
  title={{ESPnet}: End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit},
  booktitle={Proceedings of Interspeech},

  title={{Espnet-TTS}: Unified, reproducible, and integratable open source end-to-end text-to-speech toolkit},
  author={Hayashi, Tomoki and Yamamoto, Ryuichi and Inoue, Katsuki and Yoshimura, Takenori and Watanabe, Shinji and Toda, Tomoki and Takeda, Kazuya and Zhang, Yu and Tan, Xu},
  booktitle={Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},


  title = {PyKaldi: A Python Wrapper for Kaldi},
  author = {Dogan Can and Victor R. Martinez and Pavlos Papadopoulos and
            Shrikanth S. Narayanan},
  booktitle={Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
             2018 IEEE International Conference on},
  year = {2018},
  organization = {IEEE}

The baseline we reproduce:

    title = {An investigation of phone-based subword units for end-to-end speech recognition},
    author = {Weiran Wang and Guangsen Wang and Aadyot Bhatnagar and Yingbo Zhou and Caiming Xiong and Richard Socher},
    booktitle = [Proceedings of Interspeech},
    year = {2020},


Simplified recipes for preparing commonly used speech datasets, and a PyTorch-compatible Python data loader that can perform standard feature computations & data augmentations.



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