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Question Answering NLP Task:

Gaining More from Less Data in out-of-domain Question Answering Models

We propose text augmentation techniques for Question Answering task in NLP that involves using synonyms with stochasticity on out-of-domain datasets (DuoRC and RACE and RelationExtraction) that are set to be 400 times smaller than the in-domain datasets (SQuAD, NewsQA, NaturalQuestions). We address ways to improve extraction of generalized information from out-of-domain or less available datasets from large pre-trained models like BERT or its variation DistilBERT which is used here with also being able to benefit from producing QA applications across domains. It is found that augmenting less available QA datasets in ways described, indicate improvement in generalization, but not all augmentations strategies are equally good. We find that these augmentations are helpful in achieving better performance on out-of-domain data.


Starter code for robustqa track

  • Download datasets from here
  • Setup environment with conda env create -f environment.yml
  • Train a baseline MTL system with python --do-train --eval-every 2000 --run-name baseline
  • Evaluate the system on test set with python --do-eval --sub-file mtl_submission.csv --save-dir save/baseline-01
  • Upload the csv file in save/baseline-01 to the test leaderboard. For the validation leaderboard, run python --do-eval --sub-file mtl_submission_val.csv --save-dir save/baseline-01 --eval-dir datasets/oodomain_val