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API Gateway -> Cloud Run Auth Helloworld

Simple tutorial to secure an API you deploy on Cloud Run behind GCP API Gateway


client --> API Gateway --> API Server

where each of the components is secure and will only allow authenticated clients through.

We will deploy each of these components from scratch and add on the IAM permissions required as well as the JWT Auth audience checks


export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value core/project`
export PROJECT_NUMBER=`gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)'`

Create Service accounts:

# Service account the API Gateway runs as
gcloud iam service-accounts create gateway-sa  --display-name "Service Account for API Gateway"

# Service account your API Server runs as
gcloud iam service-accounts create api-sa  --display-name "Service Account for API"

# Service account and key a client will use to call the gateway
gcloud iam service-accounts create api-client-sa  --display-name "Service Account for API Client"
gcloud iam service-accounts keys  create svc_client.json --iam-account=api-client-sa@$

Deploy API

# build and deploy
cd app/
gcloud builds submit --tag$PROJECT_ID/apiserver .

gcloud beta run deploy apiserver  --image$PROJECT_ID/apiserver \
   --region us-central1  --platform=managed  -q

We need to find the auto-assigned URL for this api server...we're only doing this because i'm paranoid and have a handler in the deployed API that always decodes and verifies the inbound header (even if Cloud Run would validate it!)

eg. see authMiddleware() middleware function in main.go.

	router := mux.NewRouter()

	var server *http.Server
	server = &http.Server{
		Addr:    *httpport,
		Handler: authMiddleware(router),

It is critical to use the authMiddleware check gainst the inbound Authorization if this app runs standalone without an immediate intercepting proxy (eg, if the api gateway someday allows traffic to prem apps). You can also chain the middleware handlers to decode and validate the X-Forwarded-Authorization JWT that the gateway forwards. This JWT header is sent by the client to gateway and is finally forwarded to the app. If the inbound JWT token to the API gateway is a self-signed JWT (see Using JWT to authenticate Users), it could contain custom claims to validate (eg authorization claims).

Anyway, fist find the URL

export ALLOWED_AUDIENCE_URL=`gcloud run services describe apiserver --format="value(status.url)"`/todo

Then specify that URL as the audience to check for as an argument to the API like this:

gcloud beta run deploy apiserver  --image$PROJECT_ID/apiserver \
   --region us-central1  --platform=managed \
   --service-account=api-sa@$ \
   --args="--allowedAudience=$ALLOWED_AUDIENCE_URL" -q

At this point, the API backend always doublechecks the audience and will

Now allow the Gateway's Service account permissions to access the API backend

gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding apiserver --region us-central1 \
    --platform=managed --member=serviceAccount:gateway-sa@$ \

Deploy Gateway

Edit openapi2-run.yaml, enter in the values here that you have for the backend API (remember to keep the trailing /todo)

        address: $ALLOWED_AUDIENCE_URL/todo

now Create the gateway Config

gcloud beta api-gateway api-configs create config-1 --api=api-1 --openapi-spec=openapi-run.yaml \

Create the Gateway

gcloud beta api-gateway gateways create gateway-1 \
  --api=api-1 --api-config=config-1 \

We need to "secure" the gateway with security specification which allows ANY google signed OIDC token with the right audience through. Right, we're securing it such that any google issued OIDC token is allowed through that has the audience value....

Find the hostname of the gateway

export GATEWAY_HOSTNAME=`gcloud beta api-gateway gateways describe gateway-1  --location=us-central1 --format="value(defaultHostname)"`

Then openapi2-run.yaml and enter value under the security definitions of x-google-audiences

    authorizationUrl: ""
    flow: "implicit"
    type: "oauth2"
    x-google-issuer: ""
    x-google-jwks_uri: ""
    x-google-audiences: "https://$GATEWAY_HOSTNAME"    

As mentioned, this allows any OIDC token that happens to have the right audience value through. If you wanted to make this a private API, you would use a different JWT issuer (eg, a service account you own)

Now deploy as config-2

gcloud beta api-gateway api-configs create config-2 --api=api-1 --openapi-spec=openapi-run.yaml \

gcloud beta api-gateway gateways update gateway-1 \
  --api=api-1 --api-config=config-2 \


We're ready now to call the gatway

First bootstrap gcloud with the client's service account

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=`pwd`/svc_client.json

Then get an OIDC token that has an audience that matches the gateway

export ID_TOKEN=`gcloud auth print-identity-token --audiences=https://$GATEWAY_HOSTNAME`

Note the OIDC token's issuer and audience:

  "aud": "",
  "azp": "",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "exp": 1602882463,
  "iat": 1602878863,
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "108281515051350346015"

now call the gateway with the token

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" https://$GATEWAY_HOSTNAME/todo

What you should see is the "api" backend on cloud run returning the serivce account it saw in the Authorization header it got. In our case its a token that identifies the inbound requestor (i.,e the gateway)


That is...its a simple api doing simple things....and yeah, i "secured" the gateway to allow any google OIDC token with the right reality, you'll likely want to use yoru own service account or other JWT issuer.

You can also integrate the gateway and cloud run to support users and enriched webapps....a colleague of mine is gonna write that up in a bit are the headers and decoded JWTs

Client -> Gateway

This is the JWT token issued by the client. Note the audience and issuer

gcloud auth print-identity-token --audiences=
  "aud": "",
  "azp": "",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "exp": 1602882463,
  "iat": 1602878863,
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "108281515051350346015"

I used gcloud to create this OIDC token but you can ofcourse use any other language/api see Authenticating using Google OpenID Connect Tokens


These are the header and JWTs as seen byt your API server


Gateway --> Backend

  • X-Forwarded-Authorization

The original header sent by the client

  "aud": "",
  "azp": "",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "exp": 1602882463,
  "iat": 1602878863,
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "108281515051350346015"
  • X-Apigateway-Api-Userinfo

This is the same as above except that its not a signed JWT (its just the claims part)

  "aud": "",
  "azp": "",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "exp": 1602882463,
  "iat": 1602878863,
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "108281515051350346015"
  • Authorization

This is the header that is sent by the gateway to your api server that gets validated by IAM

  "aud": "",
  "azp": "108234776417428586904",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "exp": 1602881043,
  "iat": 1602877443,
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "108234776417428586904"


API Gateway -> Cloud Run Auth Helloworld







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