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Dependencies of PySALT Development Version

Steve Crawford edited this page May 26, 2015 · 2 revisions

PySALT depends on the following software to be installed on the computer in order to run correctly. All of the following packages are available here on the SAAO website for download. The minimum version is noted next to each package and links are provided to the homepage of each package for more information. The scipy package also includes additional software that may need to be installed.

IRAF: v2.12.2

PyRAF: Version 1.4 or higher

    * tcl: Version 8.3.5 or higher
    * tk: v8.3.5 or higher
    * python: v2.6.0 or higher
    * readline: v4.3
    * Pmw: v1.2
    * libf2c 

Additional required python packages:

    * pyfits: v3.06
    * numpy: v1.6.1
    * scipy: v0.9.0
    * matplotlib: v1.01
    * astropy: v1.0
    * pyqt4: v2.6
    * pyephem: v3.7
    * aplpy: v0.9.8
    * pyds9: v1.3 
    * pyspectrograph: 0.31

Installation of the ATLAS and LAPACK libraries is also suggested for optimal performance.