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Merge pull request #1182 from gtmanfred/2018.3
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clean up salt.utils for using 2018.3.3
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gtmanfred committed Oct 29, 2018
2 parents 9bf5580 + 7c8d004 commit 77e6aaa
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Showing 10 changed files with 392 additions and 20 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .kitchen.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<% @vagrant = system('which vagrant 2>&1 >/dev/null') %>
<% @version = '2017.7.8' %>
<% @version = '2018.3.3' %>
name: docker
use_sudo: false
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359 changes: 359 additions & 0 deletions _modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for managing locales on POSIX-like systems.
This file can be removed when the salt bootstrap version is upgraded to 2018.3.4
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

# Import python libs
import logging
import re
import os

import dbus
except ImportError:
dbus = None

# Import Salt libs
import salt.utils.locales
import salt.utils.path
import salt.utils.platform
import salt.utils.systemd
from salt.ext import six
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = 'locale'

def __virtual__():
Exclude Windows OS.
if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
return False, 'Cannot load locale module: windows platforms are unsupported'

return __virtualname__

def _parse_dbus_locale():
Get the 'System Locale' parameters from dbus
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
localed = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.locale1',
properties = dbus.Interface(localed, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
system_locale = properties.Get('org.freedesktop.locale1', 'Locale')

ret = {}
for env_var in system_locale:
env_var = six.text_type(env_var)
match = re.match(r'^([A-Z_]+)=(.*)$', env_var)
if match:
ret[] ='"', '')
log.error('Odd locale parameter "%s" detected in dbus locale '
'output. This should not happen. You should '
'probably investigate what caused this.', env_var)

return ret

def _localectl_status():
Parse localectl status into a dict.
:return: dict
if salt.utils.path.which('localectl') is None:
raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to find "localectl"')

ret = {}
locale_ctl_out = (__salt__['']('localectl status') or '').strip()
ctl_key = None
for line in locale_ctl_out.splitlines():
if ': ' in line: # Keys are separate with ":" and a space (!).
ctl_key, ctl_data = line.split(': ')
ctl_key = ctl_key.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_')
ctl_data = line.strip()
if not ctl_data:
if ctl_key:
if '=' in ctl_data:
loc_set = ctl_data.split('=')
if len(loc_set) == 2:
if ctl_key not in ret:
ret[ctl_key] = {}
ret[ctl_key][loc_set[0]] = loc_set[1]
ret[ctl_key] = {'data': None if ctl_data == 'n/a' else ctl_data}
if not ret:
log.debug("Unable to find any locale information inside the following data:\n%s", locale_ctl_out)
raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to parse result of "localectl"')

return ret

def _localectl_set(locale=''):
Use systemd's localectl command to set the LANG locale parameter, making
sure not to trample on other params that have been set.
locale_params = _parse_dbus_locale() if dbus is not None else _localectl_status().get('system_locale', {})
locale_params['LANG'] = six.text_type(locale)
args = ' '.join(['{0}="{1}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(locale_params) if v is not None])
return not __salt__['cmd.retcode']('localectl set-locale {0}'.format(args), python_shell=False)

def list_avail():
Lists available (compiled) locales
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' locale.list_avail
return __salt__['']('locale -a').split('\n')

def get_locale():
Get the current system locale
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' locale.get_locale
ret = ''
lc_ctl = salt.utils.systemd.booted(__context__)
# localectl on SLE12 is installed but the integration is still broken in latest SP3 due to
# config is rewritten by by many %post installation hooks in the older packages.
# If you use it -- you will break your config. This is not the case in SLE15 anymore.
if lc_ctl and not (__grains__['os_family'] in ['Suse'] and __grains__['osmajorrelease'] in [12]):
ret = (_parse_dbus_locale() if dbus is not None else _localectl_status()['system_locale']).get('LANG', '')
if 'Suse' in __grains__['os_family'] and __grains__['osmajorrelease'] == 12:
cmd = 'grep "^RC_LANG" /etc/sysconfig/language'
elif 'RedHat' in __grains__['os_family']:
cmd = 'grep "^LANG=" /etc/sysconfig/i18n'
elif 'Debian' in __grains__['os_family']:
# this block only applies to Debian without systemd
cmd = 'grep "^LANG=" /etc/default/locale'
elif 'Gentoo' in __grains__['os_family']:
cmd = 'eselect --brief locale show'
return __salt__[''](cmd).strip()
elif 'Solaris' in __grains__['os_family']:
cmd = 'grep "^LANG=" /etc/default/init'
else: # don't waste time on a failing
raise CommandExecutionError('Error: "{0}" is unsupported!'.format(__grains__['oscodename']))

if cmd:
ret = __salt__[''](cmd).split('=')[1].replace('"', '')
except IndexError as err:
log.error('Error occurred while running "%s": %s', cmd, err)

return ret

def set_locale(locale):
Sets the current system locale
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' locale.set_locale 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_ctl = salt.utils.systemd.booted(__context__)
# localectl on SLE12 is installed but the integration is broken -- config is rewritten by YaST2
if lc_ctl and not (__grains__['os_family'] in ['Suse'] and __grains__['osmajorrelease'] in [12]):
return _localectl_set(locale)

if 'Suse' in __grains__['os_family']:
# this block applies to all SUSE systems - also with systemd
if not __salt__['file.file_exists']('/etc/sysconfig/language'):
elif 'RedHat' in __grains__['os_family']:
if not __salt__['file.file_exists']('/etc/sysconfig/i18n'):
elif 'Debian' in __grains__['os_family']:
# this block only applies to Debian without systemd
update_locale = salt.utils.path.which('update-locale')
if update_locale is None:
raise CommandExecutionError(
'Cannot set locale: "update-locale" was not found.')
__salt__[''](update_locale) # (re)generate /etc/default/locale
elif 'Gentoo' in __grains__['os_family']:
cmd = 'eselect --brief locale set {0}'.format(locale)
return __salt__['cmd.retcode'](cmd, python_shell=False) == 0
elif 'Solaris' in __grains__['os_family']:
if locale not in __salt__['locale.list_avail']():
return False
raise CommandExecutionError('Error: Unsupported platform!')

return True

def avail(locale):
Check if a locale is available.
.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' locale.avail 'en_US.UTF-8'
normalized_locale = salt.utils.locales.normalize_locale(locale)
except IndexError:
log.error('Unable to validate locale "%s"', locale)
return False
avail_locales = __salt__['locale.list_avail']()
locale_exists = next((True for x in avail_locales
if salt.utils.locales.normalize_locale(x.strip()) == normalized_locale), False)
return locale_exists

def gen_locale(locale, **kwargs):
Generate a locale. Options:
.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0
:param locale: Any locale listed in /usr/share/i18n/locales or
/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED for Debian and Gentoo based distributions,
which require the charmap to be specified as part of the locale
when generating it.
Show extra warnings about errors that are normally ignored.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' locale.gen_locale en_US.UTF-8
salt '*' locale.gen_locale 'en_IE.UTF-8 UTF-8' # Debian/Gentoo only
on_debian = __grains__.get('os') == 'Debian'
on_ubuntu = __grains__.get('os') == 'Ubuntu'
on_gentoo = __grains__.get('os_family') == 'Gentoo'
on_suse = __grains__.get('os_family') == 'Suse'
on_solaris = __grains__.get('os_family') == 'Solaris'

if on_solaris: # all locales are pre-generated
return locale in __salt__['locale.list_avail']()

locale_info = salt.utils.locales.split_locale(locale)
locale_search_str = '{0}_{1}'.format(locale_info['language'], locale_info['territory'])

# if the charmap has not been supplied, normalize by appening it
if not locale_info['charmap'] and not on_ubuntu:
locale_info['charmap'] = locale_info['codeset']
locale = salt.utils.locales.join_locale(locale_info)

if on_debian or on_gentoo: # file-based search
search = '/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED'
valid = __salt__[''](search,
else: # directory-based search
if on_suse:
search = '/usr/share/locale'
search = '/usr/share/i18n/locales'

valid = locale_search_str in os.listdir(search)
except OSError as ex:
raise CommandExecutionError(
"Locale \"{0}\" is not available.".format(locale))

if not valid:
'The provided locale "%s" is not found in %s', locale, search)
return False

if os.path.exists('/etc/locale.gen'):
elif on_ubuntu:

if salt.utils.path.which('locale-gen'):
cmd = ['locale-gen']
if on_gentoo:
if on_ubuntu:
elif salt.utils.path.which('localedef'):
cmd = ['localedef', '--force', '-i', locale_search_str, '-f', locale_info['codeset'],
kwargs.get('verbose', False) and '--verbose' or '--quiet']
raise CommandExecutionError(
'Command "locale-gen" or "localedef" was not found on this system.')

res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
if res['retcode']:

if kwargs.get('verbose'):
return res
return res['retcode'] == 0

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