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diff generation

For git users:

cd program-directory
git add # your changes
git commit  # (write a clear patch description)
git format-patch --stdout HEAD^ > toolname-patchname-YYYYMMDD-SHORTHASH.diff

For tarballs:

cd modified-program-directory/..
diff -up original-program-directory modified-program-directory > \

Don't push multiple commits patchsets. A single patch should apply all changes using patch -p1.

Pushing your changed repo history

Once you have removed your desired files, test carefully that you haven't broken anything in your repo - if you have, it is easiest to re-clone your repo to start over. To finish, optionally use git garbage collection to minimize your local .git folder size, and then force push.

git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive
git push origin --force --tags

Since you just rewrote the entire git repo history, the git push operation may be too large, and return the error “The remote end hung up unexpectedly”. If this happens, you can try increasing the git post buffer:

git config http.postBuffer 524288000
usr:~ $ git push --force

If this does not work, you will need to manually push the repo history in chunks of commits. In the command below, try increasing until the push operation succeeds.

git push -u origin HEAD~<number>:refs/head/main --force


GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=: git rebase -i HEAD~3
git -c sequence.editor=: rebase --autosquash --interactive origin/master

source for non-interactive rebase


Git Integrity


It is important to understand that the integrity of your repository guaranteed only if a hash collision cannot be created—that is, if an attacker were able to create the same SHA-1 hash with different data, then the child commit(s) would still be valid and the repository would have been successfully compromised. Vulnerabilities have been known in SHA-1 since 2005 that allow hashes to be computed faster than brute force, although they are not cheap to exploit. Given that, while your repository may be safe for now, there will come some point in the future where SHA-1 will be considered as crippled as MD5 is today. At that point in time, however, maybe Git will offer a secure migration solution to an algorithm like SHA-256 or better. Indeed, SHA-1 hashes were never intended to make Git cryptographically secure.

git log --show-signature \
  | grep 'key ID' \
  | grep -o '[A-Z0-9]\+$' \
  | sort \
  | uniq \
  | xargs gpg --keyserver --recv-keys $keys
git log --pretty="format:^%H$t%aN$t%s$t%G?" --show-signature \
| grep '^\^\|gpg: .*not certified' \
| awk ''
git log --pretty="format:^%H$t%aN$t%s$t%G?" --show-signature
# Validate signatures on only direct commits and merge commits for a particular
# branch (current branch)

# if a ref is provided, append range spec to include all children

# note: bash users may instead use $'\t'; the echo statement below is a more
# portable option (-e is unsupported with /bin/sh)
t=$( echo '\t' )

# Check every commit after chkafter (or all commits if chkafter was not
# provided) for a trusted signature, listing invalid commits. %G? will output
# "G" if the signature is trusted.
git log --pretty="format:%H$t%aN$t%s$t%G?" "${chkafter:-HEAD}" --first-parent \
  | grep -v "${t}G$"

# grep will exit with a non-zero status if no matches are found, which we
# consider a success, so invert it
[ $? -gt 0 ]

Managing Large Merges

Up to this point, our discussion consisted of apply patches or merging single commits. What shall we do, then, if we receive a pull request for a certain feature or bugfix with, say, 300 commits (which I assure you is not unusual)? In such a case, we have a few options:

  1. Request that the user squash all the commits into a single commit, thereby avoiding the problem entirely by applying the previously discussed methods. I personally dislike this option for a few reasons:

    • We can no longer follow the history of that feature/bugfix in order to learn how it was developed or see alternative solutions that were attempted but later replaced.

    • It renders git bisect useless. If we find a bug in the software that was introduced by a single patch consisting of 300 squashed commits, we are left to dig through the code and debug ourselves, rather than having Git possibly figure out the problem for us.

  2. Adopt a security policy that requires signing only the merge commit (forcing a merge commit to be created with --no-ff if needed).

    • This is certainly the quickest solution, allowing a reviewer to sign the merge after having reviewed the diff in its entirety.

    • However, it leaves individual commits open to exploitation. For example, one commit may introduce a payload that a future commit removes, thereby hiding it from the overall diff, but introducing terrible effect should the commit be checked out individually (e.g. by git bisect). Squashing all commits (option #1), signing each commit individually (option #3), or simply reviewing each commit individually before performing the merge (without signing each individual commit) would prevent this problem.

    • This also does not fully prevent the situation mentioned in the hypothetical story at the beginning of this article—others can still commit with you as the author, but the commit would not have been signed.

    • Preserves the SHA-1 hashes of each individual commit.

  3. Sign each commit to be introduced by the merge.

    • The tedium of this chore can be greatly reduced by using\_002dAGENT.html\[ gpg-agent].

    • Be sure to carefully review each commit rather than the entire diff to ensure that no malicious commits sneak into the history (see bullets for option #2). If you instead decide to script the sign of each commit without reviewing each individual diff, you may as well go with option #2.

    • Also useful if one needs to cherry-pick individual commits, since that would result in all commits having been signed.

    • One may argue that this option is unnecessarily redundant, considering that one can simply review the individual commits without signing them, then simply sign the merge commit to signify that all commits have been reviewed (option #2). The important point to note here is that this option offers proof that each commit was reviewed (unless it is automated).

    • This will create a new for each (the SHA-1 hash is not preserved).

Which of the three options you choose depends on what factors are important and feasible for your particular project. Specifically:

  • If history is not important to you, then you can avoid a lot of trouble by simply requiring the the commits be squashed (option #1).

  • If history is important to you, but you do not have the time to review individual commits:

    • Use option #2 if you understand its risks.

    • Otherwise, use option #3, but do not automate the signing process to avoid having to look at individual commits. If you wish to keep the history, do so responsibly.

Option #1 in the list above can easily be applied to the discussion in the previous section.

(Option #2)

Option #2 is as simple as passing the -S argument to git merge. If the merge is a fast-forward (that is, all commits can simply be applied atop of HEAD without any need for merging), then you would need to use the --no-ff option to force a merge commit.

Inspecting the log, we will see the following:

Notice how the merge commit contains the signature, but the two commits involved in the merge (031f6ee and ce77088) do not. Herein lies the problem—what if commit 031f6ee contained the backdoor mentioned in the story at the beginning of the article? This commit is supposedly authored by you, but because it lacks a signature, it could actually be authored by anyone. Furthermore, if ce77088 contained malicious code that was removed in 031f6ee, then it would not show up in the diff between the two branches. That, however, is an issue that needs to be addressed by your security policy. Should you be reviewing individual commits? If so, a review would catch any potential problems with the commits and wouldn’t require signing each commit individually. The merge itself could be representative of “Yes, I have reviewed each commit individually and I see no problems with these changes.”

If the commitment to reviewing each individual commit is too large, consider Option #1.

(Option #3)

Option #3 in the above list makes the review of each commit explicit and obvious; with option #2, one could simply lazily glance through the commits or not glance through them at all. That said, one could do the same with option #3 by automating the signing of each commit, so it could be argued that this option is completely unnecessary. Use your best judgment.

The only way to make this option remotely feasible, especially for a large number of commits, is to perform the audit in such a way that we do not have to re-enter our secret key passphrases for each and every commit. For this, we can use gpg-agent, which will safely store the passphrase in memory for the next time that it is requested. Using gpg-agent, we will only be prompted for the password a single time. Depending on how you start gpg-agent, be sure to kill it after you are done!

The process of signing each commit can be done in a variety of ways. Ultimately, since signing the commit will result in an entirely new commit, the method you choose is of little importance. For example, if you so desired, you could cherry-pick individual commits and then -S --amend them, but that would not be recognized as a merge and would be terribly confusing when looking through the history for a given branch (unless the merge would have been a fast-forward). Therefore, we will settle on a method that will still produce a merge commit (again, unless it is a fast-forward). One such way to do this is to interactively rebase each commit, allowing you to easily view the diff, sign it, and continue onto the next commit.

First, we create a new branch off of barbar-audit—to perform the rebase on (see bar branch created in demonstration of option #2). Then, in order to step through each commit that would be merged into master, we perform a rebase using master as the upstream branch. This will present every commit that is in bar-audit (and consequently bar) that is not in master, opening them in your preferred editor:

e ce77088 Added bar
e 031f6ee Modified bar

# Rebase 652f9ae..031f6ee onto 652f9ae
# Commands:
#  p, pick = use commit
#  r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
#  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
#  s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
#  f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
#  x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.

To modify the commits, replace each pick with e (or edit), as shown above. (In vim you can also do the following ex command: :%s/^pick/e/; adjust regex flavor for other editors). Save and close. You will then be presented with the first (oldest) commit:

Stopped at ce77088... Added bar
You can amend the commit now, with

        git commit --amend

Once you are satisfied with your changes, run

        git rebase --continue

# first, review the diff (alternatively, use tig/gitk)
$ git diff HEAD^
# if everything looks good, sign it
$ git commit -S --amend
#    GPG-sign ^      ^ amend commit, preserving author, etc

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: "Mike Gerwitz (Free Software Developer) <>"
4096-bit RSA key, ID 8EE30EAB, created 2011-06-16

[detached HEAD 5cd2d91] Added bar
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 bar

# continue with next commit
$ git rebase --continue

# repeat.
$ ...
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/bar-audit.

Looking through the log, we can see that the commits have been rewritten to include the signatures (consequently, the SHA-1 hashes do not match):

We can then continue to merge into master as we normally would. The next consideration is whether or not to sign the merge commit as we would with option #2. In the case of our example, the merge is a fast-forward, so the merge commit is unnecessary (since the commits being merged are already signed, we have no need to create a merge commit using --no-ff purely for the purpose of signing it). However, consider that you may perform the audit yourself and leave the actual merge process to someone else; perhaps the project has a system in place where project maintainers must review the code and sign off on it, and then other developers are responsible for merging and managing conflicts. In that case, you may want a clear record of who merged the changes in.

Git Absorb

You have a feature branch with a few commits. Your teammate reviewed the branch and pointed out a few bugs. You have fixes for the bugs, but you don't want to shove them all into an opaque commit that says fixes, because you believe in atomic commits. Instead of manually finding commit SHAs for git commit --fixup, or running a manual interactive rebase, do this:

git absorb
git rebase -i --autosquash master

git absorb will automatically identify which commits are safe to modify, and which indexed changes belong to each of those commits. It will then write fixup! commits for each of those changes. You can check its output manually if you don't trust it, and then fold the fixups into your feature branch with git's built-in autosquash functionality.

git filter-base

How to reword (edit the message of) multiple commits with Git interactive rebase, without the repetitive routine of manually editing the message in the configured text editor for each commit?.md

Instead of git-rebase, install and use git-filter-repo as follows:

git filter-repo --commit-callback '
new_messages = {
  b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000": b"Some commit

message", b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000001": b"Another commit message", b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000002": b"Yet another commit message", b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000003": b"Still another commit message", } try: commit.message = new_messages[commit.original_id] except KeyError: pass '

Where 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, etc. should be replaced by the commit IDs (hashes) that you want to edit, and the values corresponding to them should be replaced with the new commit messages.


Let's say that we want to edit the commit messages of multiple (previous) commits. We know the commit IDs, and we know what the new messages should be. To edit the commit messages, we can use the reword option in the "TODO list" of the interactive mode of git-rebase and replace the commit messages of those commits with their respective new values.

When it reaches a commit that declares the reword option, git-rebase opens the configured editor. As a side note, Git finds the configured editor by:

  • Using the value of the core.editor configuration of the current repository's Git config, if it is set.
  • If not set, using the value of the core.editor configuration of the global Git config.
  • If not set, using the value of the VISUAL environment variable.
  • If not set, using the value of the EDITOR environment variable.
  • If not set, using vi.

After the configured editor is opened, we need to manually edit the commit message and close the editor so that the rebase will continue. However, manually doing this for every single commit becomes a hassle. Being able to specify which commits should have which messages and providing this "commit ID to commit message" mapping to git-rebase once, so that we won't have to manually edit the message each time would have been much more convenient.

As far as I can tell, there is no way of doing this using git-rebase, but we can do this elegantly using the commit-callback of git-filter-repo:

git filter-repo --commit-callback '
new_messages = {
  b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000": b"Some commit

message", b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000001": b"Another commit message", b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000002": b"Yet another commit message", b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000003": b"Still another commit message", } try: commit.message = new_messages[commit.original_id] except KeyError: pass '

The value of the --commit-callback argument is the function body of the function that will be run for each commit. "The function that will be run for each commit" is the definition of a "commit callback". The syntax is Python 3 syntax. This callback function has a parameter named commit. What we are doing here is, we are first defining a Python dictionary that holds a mapping of the commit IDs to the new commit messages that we want:

new_messages = {
  b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000": b"Some commit message",
  b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000001": b"Another commit
  b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000002": b"Yet another commit
  b"0000000000000000000000000000000000000003": b"Still another commit

Here, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, etc. represent the commit IDs (hashes) whose messages that we want to replace. The value corresponding to a key is the new commit message that we want that commit to have.

The rest of the function:

  commit.message = new_messages[commit.original_id]
except KeyError:

checks if a commit ID exists in this dictionary and if it does, it gets the commit message, which is the value that corresponds to that key in the new_messages dictionary, and assigns it to the message property of the commit argument.

If, on the other hand, the commit ID does not exist in the dictionary, this will result in a KeyError, which will be caught by the except KeyError clause of our exception handler and will simply be ignored, since this means that we should keep the message of that commit as is (that is, we shouldn't do anything at all).

You might think, "why are all the strings in this Python program have a leading b"? In Python, a b before a string literal means that we are actually defining a byte literal, which results in creation of an array of bytes.

The reason we are defining arrays of bytes, instead of just strings is because (almost) everything in git-filter-repo are expressed as byte arrays, instead of the "regular" data structures such as strings, integers, etc. That is, for example both commit.original_id and commit.message are byte arrays, instead of strings. Hence, if we defined the keys of the new_messages dictionary (which correspond to commit IDs) as strings, new_messages[commit.original_id] would always result in a KeyError, because in Python, "some string" is not equal to b"some string".

In other words, if you don't want the leading b, you can use the following code:

git filter-repo --commit-callback '
new_messages = {
  "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "Some commit message",
  "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001": "Another commit

message", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000002": "Yet another commit message", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000003": b"Still another commit message", } try: commit.message = new_messages[commit.original_id.decode()].encode() except KeyError: pass '

As we stated above, both commit.original_id and commit.message are byte arrays (instead of strings). However both the keys and the values in our new_messages dictionary are strings. Hence, when looking up a key in new_messages, we need to convert the commit.original_id (from byte array) to string. Similarly, when assigning a value to commit.message, we need to convert the value coming from new_messages (from string) to byte array. For these purposes, we need to use the decode and encode methods respectively.

However, I believe that doing it this way results in a less robust program, because compared to forgetting to prepend a string literal with b (which makes that "string literal" actually a "byte literal"), I think forgetting to add a call to encode or decode is more likely.