This project is configured using a Makefile, so you should be able to build it through: make
The build process has only been tested on Ubuntu. It requires a number of packages. The commands below are expected to pull in all dependencies, many of which are not explicitly listed. Basics:
apt-get install make build-essential g++ git
C++ library dependencies:
apt-get install libarmadillo-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libgflags-dev libboost-python-dev python2.7-dev
Install Java dependencies for weka bridge:
apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk-headless
The main
executable takes in json config files to decide what to run. Some basic examples are included in configs/
. An example of how to run a trial is:
bin/64/main configs/all_greedy.json
To run a trial with an ad hoc agent running a MCTS policy, knowing that its teammates are greedy:
bin/64/main configs/greedy.json configs/greedy_planner.json
To run a trial with an ad hoc agent running a MCTS policy, selecting from 4 types of teammates using Bayesian updates to its expectations:
bin/64/main configs/greedy.json configs/planner_bayesian.json
To run a trial with an ad hoc agent running a MCTS policy, selecting from 4 types of teammates using polynomial weights updates to its expectations:
bin/64/main configs/greedy.json configs/planner_poly.json
Other types of teammates include:
- gr
- ta
- gp
- pd
See src/factory/AgentFactory.cpp for more agent types.