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A tiny password generator

tinyrg32.c is a tiny password generator. It uses cryptography to generate passwords with a user-specified level of strength, allowing the user to choose their level of security vs. convenience.

How to compile

While tinyrg32.c is quite compact, it compiles without any warnings (even with -Wall -Wpedantic flags turned on) in GCC 7.3.0, Clang 5.0.1, and TCC 0.9.25. To compile:

cc -O3 -o tinyrg32 tinyrg32.c

Once it is compiled, place it somewhere in one’s $PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin)

How to use tinyrg32

There are four modes of operation:

  • We have a version to convert strings in to 256-bit hex digests
  • We can output arbitrarily long random noise to standard output
  • We can generate a long list of 32-bit pseudo-random hexadecimal numbers
  • We can generate passwords with a user-supplied level of entropy

Generating hash digests

While tinyrg32.c can not hash strings with ASCII nulls in them, it is able to generate the 256-bit RadioGatún[32] digest for a given string. Since none of the official RadioGatún[32] test vectors have ASCII nulls, this mode of operation is useful for verifying that tinyrg32.c generates correct hashes.

To generate the 256-bit hash for the string "1234":

tinyrg32 '1234'

Note that, if no argument is supplied to tinyrg32, it will hash the name of the program; e.g. this will give us the 256-bit RadioGatún[32] digest for the string "tinyrg32".


Generating a random binary stream

To have tinyrg32 output a random binary stream on standard output, invoke it thusly:

tinyrg32 --binary '1234'

1234 here is the seed for the binary stream (the same seed will always generate the same pseudo-random binary numbers). Note that the seed is not a number; it is a string.

Note that, unless redirected or piped, the random string will probably place one’s terminal in an undefined state.

Generate a list of 32-bit hex numbers

To have tinyrg32 output a list of 32-bit hex numbers on standard output, invoke it thusly:

tinyrg32 --hex --numbers '1234'

This will generate a somewhat long (but finite) list of hexadecimal numbers. 1234 is the seed, which is a string, not a number:

tinyrg32 --hex --numbers 'Look, ma, a string'

We can also have tinyrg32 generate an infinite list of 32-bit hex numbers:

tinyrg32 --we --can --make --an --infinite --list --of --hex --numbers '1234'

Generating a secure password

These days, it is a bad idea to use the same password on multiple sites. Tinyrg32 has a mode of operation where it helps generate strong passwords:

tinyrg32 --password _Suff1x 4 '' | head -1 

Here, _Suff1x (which must start with _) is a string we place at the end of the generated password. We have the suffix to compensate for clueless site admins who thing forcing mixed case and making users have a number and punctuation mark in the password makes passwords more secure (see for why that doesn’t help); it is not intended to increase security.

The number 4 above is the security level of the password; in other words the number of bits of entropy in the password, divided by 20. A security level of "1" gives us a password with 20 bits of entropy, "2" 40 bits, "3" 60 bits, "4" 80 bits, and so on up until "9" which gives us 180 bits of entropy. Keep in mind that a password like this is only as secure as its secret.

If more than 180 bits of entropy is desired in the password, it’s possible to use letters to specify more entropy: "j" for 200 bits, "k" for 220 bits, up to "o" for 300 bits of entropy. Note that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link: In order for us to really have a large number of bits of security, we will need a passphrase which is quite long, as well as making sure the computer generating the bits is secure (ideally, offline). Also, the best public attacks out there, as of 2018, can crack about 64 bits of entropy (the famous “Shattered” attack breaking SHA-1 from 2017 took about 2 ** 64 work).

tinyrg32 will generate a somewhat long, but finite, list of passwords; it is designed to be used with the standard head and tail tools included with *NIX to pick the password we can use. These tools allow us to print only a single line from a list given to us; for example:

tinyrg32 --password _B1ah '' | head -1 | tail -1

This will print only the first line. Should the password database be hacked, forcing us to change the password, we can change the password:

tinyrg32 --password _B1ah '' | head -2 | tail -1

Should they require us to change the password again in a few months:

tinyrg32 --password _B1ah '' | head -3 | tail -1

When used with a script, it would probably be invoked like this:

SECRET="Some long secret which only we know"
tinyrg32 --password _Aa1 $LEN "${LEN}:${SECRET}:${WEBSITE}" | head -2 | tail -1

I have already written a script to generate good passwords, called This script allows BASH/Shell script programmers to update the script to compensate for clueless password rules from site admins (e.g. As I type this, does not allow a _ in a password, so we make it a : instead for that one site).

The reason why the password list is finite is because some setups, such as the msys toolkit for Windows, will not terminate if a given program sends an infinite amount of data piped in to another program (such as the head tool), even when the second program is done receiving data and closes the pipe.

We can, if desired, make an infinitely long list of passwords:

tinyrg32 --infinite --password --list _Suff1x 4 'secret:website'

Note that password strings never have the characters “0” and “1” in them; they use a custom base32 alphabet designed to minimize code size:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x

Here is a Python program which reads hex numbers on the standard input (e.g. "1234abcd321a") and converts them in to the base32 format used for passwords:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This script takes hex numbers on the standard input and outputs
# their tinyrg32 base32 form on the standard output

import sys

k = "23456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx"

for line in sys.stdin:
        while len(line) > 0:
                h = line[0:2]
                line = line[2:]
                if(len(h) > 0):
                        a = int(h,16)
                        a = -1
                    if a >= 0:
                        a &= 31
        print ""

Generating numeric PINs

(I should note here that some clueless websites incorrectly call an alphanumeric password with special characters a “PIN”, even though a PIN is a personally identifiable number; for such sites, use a random password as described above.)

Invoking tinyrg32 like this will generate a large (but finite) number of 256-bit hex numbers:

tinyrg32 --a --bunch --of --256 --bit --hex --numbers 'seed' 

Replace 'seed' with the desired string seed for the random password maker.

We can use standard UNIX tools to make that long hex number a numeric PIN.
To make six digit pins:

tinyrg32 --a --bunch --of --256 --bit --hex --numbers 'seed' | \
	tr -d '[a-f]' | awk '{print substr($0,0,6)}' 

To change the length of the numbers, replace the "6" in the AWK script with the desired quantity of numeric digits. The head and tail tools can be used if we only want to see a single PIN.

Note that a short numeric PIN does not have enough entropy to be used as a secure long-term password.

Source code

This source code (as well as this document) is donated to the public domain:

#include <stdio.h> // cc -o tinyrg32 tinyrg32.c ; ./tinyrg32 --binary '12'
#include <stdint.h> // ./tinyrg32 --hex --numbers 'Hello' // Public domain
#define b(z) for(c=0;c<(z);c++) // ./tinyrg32 --passwords _Q 3 'Xz' | head
uint32_t c,e[40],f[40],g=19,h=13,r,s,t,n[45],i,k,y,z;void m(){int c,j=0;b(
]^n[c+4];*e^=1;b(3)e[c+h]^=f[c*h]=f[c*h+h];}int main(int p,char**v){char*q
p-2)||r+2>89*p){puts("");}c=r;if(y&&!--z)puts(*x==95?x:"");}return 0;}}}}}