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Greetd-compatible greeter for mobile phones

This is a fork of phog.

phrog uses Phosh to handle a greetd conversation




sudo dnf copr enable samcday/phrog
sudo dnf install phrog


Hopefully this makes it into Alpine repos soon. For now:

sudo apk add alpine-sdk
cd dist/alpine
abuild deps
sudo apk add ~/packages/dist/$(uname -m)/greetd-phrog-*.apk


For now, you must build from source, see the Development section below.


phrog is primarily intended to run via greetd. That is, your /etc/greetd/config.toml should look something like this:

command = "systemd-cat --identifier=phrog phoc -E phrog"
# or this if you are using postmarketOS:
command = "dbus-run-session phoc -E phrog"

You can also run it directly in a greetd-fakegreet session, assuming you have that binary installed:

FAKEGREET=1 phoc -E "fakegreet phrog"


Right now, this project depends on unversioned/WIP upstream changes. phosh and libphosh-rs are subtrees of this repo.

You must first build the libphosh fork:

(so, hey, fam. this means you need to do all the stuff over here, alright? okay cool.)

meson setup -Dbindings-lib=true _build-phosh phosh
meson install --destdir=install -C _build-phosh

Now you can build with these flags:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/_build-phosh/install/usr/local/lib64
export SYSTEM_DEPS_LIBPHOSH_0_SEARCH_NATIVE=$(pwd)/_build-phosh/install/usr/local/lib64
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(pwd)/_build-phosh/install/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig

Make sure the local project schema is installed:

mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas
cp resources/com.samcday.phrog.gschema.xml $HOME/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
glib-compile-schemas $HOME/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas/

Build the app.

cargo build

Have a fake conversation with greetd.

FAKEGREET=1 phoc -E "fakegreet ./target/debug/phrog"