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Hello fellow coder :) Here you will learn how to setup HGLabors's Kitapi and FFA. First make sure that you have:

  • Java 11 or higher
  • a working IDE such as Intellij


First you'll need a test server to test your kits/ffa. For that you will need The Paper-Spigot (1.16.5)

Then you will need create a Folder on your Desktop (call it whatever you want) and drag the paper.jar into the Folder. Make sure too actually call the .jar paper.jar. Next you need to create a start.txt file in there you will paste the following text:

java -Xmx1G -jar paper.jar PAUSE

Now save the File as a .bat File -> save under -> SERVERFOLDER. Call it start.bat and Data type should be: All types). Run the start.bat: you will see that you have to accept the eula. You can find the eula.txt file in your server folder, read it and change eula=false to eula=true. Save it, stop the server and run the server again. As you can see, there should now be files generated in your Server folder. You can also join the server now: Start Minecraft, go to add server and the server address is going to be localhost You can now join the server.

NOTE: If there is any problem with running the start.bat, so you will get a paper error this COULD be the fault of your antivirus disable it to check if it works without it


Download this files from the Web and drag them into your plugin's folder located in your Server Folder.

Restart your server, and you should see that many folders have been created in your Plugins Folder.


Open these two sites:

KitAPi FFA Fork these two repos so:

Press the Fork button on the top right. Go to your GitHub Profile and locate your repositories.

You will see that you have 2 repositories: FFA and KitApi.

Clone both of them to your local machine. For that you need to have Git installed, Now: go to your Workspace and open up any kind of Cmd and type:

  • git clone
  • git clone

Make sure to actually change YOURNAME to your GitHub name.


Create a Folder on any of your drivers except for C and call it BuildTools. Download BuildTools

Drag the .jar into your BuildTools folder. Open up any kind of Cmd and Type:

java -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.16.5

This is going to take a while, do NOT close the command line while Buildtools is installing!

If buildtools is finished, check your Maven local so: C:\Users\YOURNAME.m2\repository\org\bukkit\craftbukkit If this Folder is not there, you will need to locate your BuildTools folder again open any kind of a Cmd and type:

java -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.16.5 --compile craftbukkit

Now there should be a CraftBukkit folder.


Note: You will need to do this every time you change something in the KitApi Code!

Locate your KitApi folder, go inside it and open up cmd or git bash and type:

  • ./gradlew generatePomFileForMavenPublication then
  • ./gradlew publishMavenPublicationToMavenLocal then
  • ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal


Open Your Coding Environment (Intellij recommended) And open both projects, so: KitApi & FFA. I would also recommend opening The projects in separate windows, so:

File -> Open -> Select KitApi or FFa Folder -> OK -> New Window

Now you should go into the FFA and KitApi project and reload Gradle so: open up the gradle sidebar on the right (Gradle) and click the Reload button. Now go into the FFA Project, open the sidebar and locate

Tasks -> shadow -> shadowJar

Double click shadowJar. On the left you will now see a build Folder in there, there should be a libs folder. Drag the hglabor-ffa-0.0.2.jar in your plugins Folder and run the server.

ENJOY! If there is any open question, make sure to ask in the #coding channel on the HGLabor Discord server

cheers, Maquzo


Setup HGLabor FFA and KitApi






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