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PokeDex Project

PokeDex Preview


Welcome to the PokeDex project! This React-based application provides a fun and interactive way to explore information about various Pokémon. With a simple and user-friendly interface, users can easily browse through Pokémon cards, view their names, images, types, and base experience.


  • App Component: The top-level container for the PokeDex, rendering a single Pokedex component.
  • Pokecard Component: Displays individual Pokémon cards with name, image, type, and base experience.
  • Pokedex Component: Renders a sequence of Pokecards based on provided data, utilizing defaultProps for default Pokémon display.
  • Pokegame Component (Additional Feature): Assigns Pokémon into two hands, determines the winning hand based on total experience, and displays the winning message.
  • Styling: CSS enhancements for improved visual appeal, including hover effects and transitions.

Tech Stack

  • React: Front-end library for building user interfaces efficiently.
  • JavaScript (ES6+): Modern JavaScript syntax for writing clean and concise code.
  • CSS: Styling enhancements for an engaging user experience.

Get Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install dependencies with npm install or yarn install.
  3. Run the application using npm start or yarn start.
  4. Explore the PokeDex interface and enjoy discovering different Pokémon!

Feel free to customize and expand upon the project based on your preferences and learning objectives. Happy exploring!