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Repository files navigation

This repo is used for functioning robot covid's automated navigation. Steps to use this repo:

  1. Install ROS basic
  2. Install move_base, robot_localization, robot_state_publisher and amcl sudo apt install ros-your distro-move-base ros-your distro-amcl ros-your distro-robot-state-publisher change 'your-distro' to your preferred distro. However, this package only tested in ROS noetic distro
  3. Create new workspace
  4. create a folder in your src directory on your workspace
  5. clone this repo by git clone samiframadhan/rovit_navsys
  6. Compile the program by initiating catkin_make in your workspace directory
  7. It is ready to be used!

I have not yet including how to route the circuits, maybe soon i'll create how to build the robot from scratch.